The Impeachment Of Donald Trump

Why do you want him out so bad? Hes said and done things no other presidents have done in 40yrs. The economy is good ( allthough i hear from dems its tanking) . Why is reality so hard for some people. Every politic has used their power to benefit, and also the rich do this. Now you will tell me about how he walked into a teen locker room and how hes a smartass on stage?
You don’t find pedophilia disqualifying?

sick fuck
What makes you say hes not competent in war? You dont agree with what he did in Iran? Explain
Bernie wants everyone to pay for everyones healthcare and then their will be no private ins companies( thats millions of jobs lost?)Also we will be payng to the tune of 35trillion.
@tangerinegreen555 ( sorry my cursor is jumping all over lol)
He’s letting iran go nuclear, take over Iraq, bomb our soldiers and he did nothing

what a pussy
He’s letting iran go nuclear, take over Iraq, bomb our soldiers and he did nothing

what a pussy
He has constructed a fiction that feeds the ignorance of his supporters and makes them feel good about themselves despite their woeful stupidity.

So that's something. No President has made the stupid (white people) feel that good in forty years
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Trump Admits to Withholding Evidence From Impeachment Inquiry

President Trump appeared to admit Wednesday that he is comfortable with how his impeachment trial is playing out in the Senate—because the White House is withholding evidence about his dealings with Ukraine. “Honestly, we have all the material. They don’t have the material,” the president told reporters in Davos, Switzerland, where he is attending the World Economic Forum, regarding the documents the White House has refused to turn over. “When we released that conversation, all hell broke out with the Democrats because they say, wait a minute, this is much different than shifty Schiff told us, so we’re doing very well. I got to watch enough, I thought our team did a very good job,” Trump said, referencing House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA), who has spearheaded the House impeachment inquiry against the president.

Rep. Val Demings (D-FL), one of the seven congressional impeachment managers, blasted Trump’s admission on Twitter, writing, “The second article of impeachment was for obstruction of Congress: covering up witnesses and documents from the American people. This morning the President not only confessed to it, he bragged about it.”
Trump Admits to Withholding Evidence From Impeachment Inquiry

President Trump appeared to admit Wednesday that he is comfortable with how his impeachment trial is playing out in the Senate—because the White House is withholding evidence about his dealings with Ukraine. “Honestly, we have all the material. They don’t have the material,” the president told reporters in Davos, Switzerland, where he is attending the World Economic Forum, regarding the documents the White House has refused to turn over. “When we released that conversation, all hell broke out with the Democrats because they say, wait a minute, this is much different than shifty Schiff told us, so we’re doing very well. I got to watch enough, I thought our team did a very good job,” Trump said, referencing House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA), who has spearheaded the House impeachment inquiry against the president.

Rep. Val Demings (D-FL), one of the seven congressional impeachment managers, blasted Trump’s admission on Twitter, writing, “The second article of impeachment was for obstruction of Congress: covering up witnesses and documents from the American people. This morning the President not only confessed to it, he bragged about it.”
I live in a community of white mostly rednecks and I hear many of the same sentiments as I have heard here. "Trump made me a conservative" and "He's said and done things no other presidents have done in 40yrs." They are right. But I think the thing that really mattered is when he said: "Very fine people on both sides" and made thinly veiled racism ok again. It isn't something that most of them are willing to brag about, but they feel it in their rotten little hearts. The same people I have heard say these things betray their feelings when the topic isn't Trump. I see it every day. Trump knows how they feel and has shown them that he is of a similar mind for most of his life. It's the only thing that explains their worship of him despite the facts being so horribly out of whack. The fact that matters most to them isn't out of whack - it's right on target.

"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." LBJ.
Here is what Kellyann's husband, a noted lawyer, has to say. George is a smart guy and cares about the constitution and law. He really should lock his wife in the basement though, for the sake of the children! Great interview.
George Conway talks about Trump's impeachment with Jake Tapper (part 1)

George Conway told CNN's Jake Tapper he was impressed with the House managers' performance on the first day of President Donald Trump's impeachment trial in the Senate, and said he was "distressed" by the behavior of Trump's counsel.

George Conway talks about Trump's impeachment with Jake Tapper (part 2)

George Conway talks about Trump's impeachment with Jake Tapper (part 3)

George Conway talks about Trump's impeachment with Jake Tapper (part 4)
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Here is what Kellyann's husband, a noted lawyer, has to say.
George Conway talks about Trump's impeachment with Jake Tapper (part 1)

George Conway told CNN's Jake Tapper he was impressed with the House managers' performance on the first day of President Donald Trump's impeachment trial in the Senate, and said he was "distressed" by the behavior of Trump's counsel.

George Conway talks about Trump's impeachment with Jake Tapper (part 2)

George Conway talks about Trump's impeachment with Jake Tapper (part 3)

George Conway talks about Trump's impeachment with Jake Tapper (part 4)
I say we do a shot every time the Trump counsel says "basement".

Just kidding. Alcohol toxicity is no joke.
He's a liar and a cheat. He's trying to bankrupt the government. And doing a wonderful job. He's a military coward. I could go on but why?

The one thing that a narcissistic, egotistical sociopath like Trump hates is a blight on his record/legacy. Focus on that...

Trump... Impeached more than Obama! Trump... shit-stained legacy forever!

He doesn't care about anyone but himself, and he never will. In fact, he's incapable of it. What drives people like that mad is picking at their scabs.
Coincidentally, George Wallace became a born again Christian and turned his back on "Segragation today, segragation tomorrow, segragation forever!" just about 40yrs ago.
The one thing that a narcissistic, egotistical sociopath like Trump hates is a blight on his record/legacy. Focus on that...

Trump... Impeached more than Obama! Trump... shit-stained legacy forever!

He doesn't care about anyone but himself, and he never will. In fact, he's incapable of it. What drives people like that mad is picking at their scabs.
He fears a court trial(s) and an orange jumpsuit even more and when he's out of office that is what he will quickly get. GOP senators and congressmen would be (secretly) delighted if he were indicted and muzzled by a judge like Roger Stone, no tweeting. I believe Donald has ether secret indictments or the paperwork assembled for them on a number of charges already and would be quickly charged, if not arrested. Donald might go down very quickly, if he's removed by the senate on a secret ballot with short notice. Maybe he won't have time to sign many pardons or would even care to do so, once he's removed Pence is sworn in and he could tell the secret service to give Donald the bum's rush before the FBI showed up to purp walk him out the front door of the WH while the TV cameras and history watched.
There isn't enough bandwidth to explain the Trump crime family to someone that hasnt been following along. (though they SHOULD BE anyway)
This didnt just start in 2016 either. It goes all the way back to the 80s but to keep this short, I'll leave this here for some perspective. Its not "fake news" or the media attacking Trump. Trump is a sleazebag con whose entire family is barred for life from running another charity because they funneled money meant for vets and children with cancer into their pockets. Same shit he's doing now with tax dollars except on a larger scale. So even if you want to overlook his homophobic minions (who removed the LGBTQ page the day after Trump was sworn in) or overlook his low IQ, creepiness with young girls or refusing to disavow the KKK and white supremacy, you cant overlook his thieving criminal history. To do so, is to deny reality.
Our own Intelligence agencies (many republican or appointed by Trump) confirmed Russia interfered in the 2016 election by targeting low information voters. They're doing it right now as I type this. That's a fact. Its not opinion.
And now Trump has tried to bribe a foreign leader to interfere in our election. That's also a fact. Not opinion. When the president of the united states is desperate to push a disinformation campaign against Americans to further line his own pockets, it SHOULD alarm any logical thinking person.
Trump investigation .jpg

@Diabolical666, this doesn't even touch on the things @tangerinegreen555 pointed out with regard to foreign defense. He's a raving lunatic and his inability to understand even the most basic aspects of foreign affairs puts our men and women in uniform in danger. Dont take anyone's word for it. Just find some bipartisan news sources. This stuff goes waaay back.
There isn't enough bandwidth to explain the Trump crime family to someone that hasnt been following along. (though they SHOULD BE anyway)
This didnt just start in 2016 either. It goes all the way back to the 80s but to keep this short, I'll leave this here for some perspective. Its not "fake news" or the media attacking Trump. Trump is a sleazebag con whose entire family is barred for life from running another charity because they funneled money meant for vets and children with cancer into their pockets. Same shit he's doing now with tax dollars except on a larger scale. So even if you want to overlook his homophobic minions (who removed the LGBTQ page the day after Trump was sworn in) or overlook his low IQ, creepiness with young girls or refusing to disavow the KKK and white supremacy, you cant overlook his thieving criminal history. To do so, is to deny reality.
Our own Intelligence agencies (many republican or appointed by Trump) confirmed Russia interfered in the 2016 election by targeting low information voters. They're doing it right now as I type this. That's a fact. Its not opinion.
And now Trump has tried to bribe a foreign leader to interfere in our election. That's also a fact. Not opinion. When the president of the united states is desperate to push a disinformation campaign against Americans to further line his own pockets, it SHOULD alarm any logical thinking person.
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And this doesn't even touch on the things @tangerinegreen555 pointed out with regard to foreign defense. He's a raving lunatic and his inability to understand even the most basic aspects of foreign affairs puts our men and women in uniform in danger.
but what about that unprecedented 1.2% gdp growth!?!?!

you just hate trump no matter what good stuff he does, which is everything