Leaves rippling, Mg deficiency?


Well-Known Member
Didn't get to my plants for a few days and two of them have gotten a lot larger in that time and are showing signs of issues... They are under hlg 132's in a 2x4 tent and are just past the 1 week into flower mark.
At first I was thinking light burn which seems kind of odd because my lights areroughly 18" above the canopy so I did a little digging and mg is where I'm at.


My phones camera kinda sucks and idk if the flash is adequate for what I am needing but the rippled looking area is a little lighter than it appears in the picture... Do I just up my cal mag if that is the case?

This is my second time flowering under these 132s and I didnt run into this last time
Doesn't look like Mg deficiency to me, but I am still kinda a newbie. Have you checked your ph? Could be root or bug related though too. I'm curious to hear from some pros.
Doesn't look like Mg deficiency to me, but I am still kinda a newbie. Have you checked your ph? Could be root or bug related though too. I'm curious to hear from some pros.
I havent checked my runoff water in a while but I always check the solution before watering, get it to about 6.3
Pretty sure its not bug related, never had a problem through the warm months at least... Idk about root issues
To me, they look overwatered with the wrinkled surfaces. What does the rest of the plant look like? Do you let them dry out before watering? Not wilted dry but dry.

If I am not mistaken, Mg deficiency start from the bottom and middle leaves.
To me, they look overwatered with the wrinkled surfaces. What does the rest of the plant look like? Do you let them dry out before watering? Not wilted dry but dry.

If I am not mistaken, Mg deficiency start from the bottom and middle leaves.
They dry out for 2-3 days between watering usually, I have a moisture meter and wait til its at 1 out of 4 not sure what that equates to as a percentage of water


Its only the biggest 2 plants showing it on new growth
It's a very basic analog meter but has seemed to do well for me so far


Im using a mix of 50/50 happy frog / ocean forest im using the general hydroponics drain to waste schedule 1/4 str only


calmag micro gro and bloom into RO water.
You're going to say those are hydro nutes but they say soil right on them and I know a couple other people using this same exact mix with great results.
I came to mg deficiency first off other people with similar issues getting told it was mg then I googled mg deficiency some of the pics looked right but if its supposes to be lower growth I guess it can't be.

I thought that the specific way the plant is being affected would narrow things down a lot...
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Re: I can't comment on moisture meters but most will say they are useless.

Hydro or not makes no difference. I've used General Hydroponics too. But isn't Happy Frog and Ocean Forest already loaded with nutes? And why are you feeding at 1/4 when they are flowering? To supplement nutrients in your medium?

Leaf issues can be a product of multiple issues with the plant. For instance, a leaf that looks like it's magnesium deficient may be PH range, nute lockout (which may be due to PH) and so on. It's not isolated to one specific reason. I grow no-till and have never used your "soil" so I can only go by what I've read about those products. Perhaps someone that uses the same medium can chime in.
Re: I can't comment on moisture meters but most will say they are useless.

Hydro or not makes no difference. I've used General Hydroponics too. But isn't Happy Frog and Ocean Forest already loaded with nutes? And why are you feeding at 1/4 when they are flowering? To supplement nutrients in your medium?

Leaf issues can be a product of multiple issues with the plant. For instance, a leaf that looks like it's magnesium deficient may be PH range, nute lockout (which may be due to PH) and so on. It's not isolated to one specific reason. I grow no-till and have never used your "soil" so I can only go by what I've read about those products. Perhaps someone that uses the same medium can chime in.

Im only adding these nutes because a couple friends of mine grow this same exact soil\ nute setup with great results. Its going to be a couple days before I can test runoff water. Again my last grow using this same exact setup didnt run into this issue, I also vegged much longer though.

It was people on here that suggested I get a meter
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I am thinking you are growing autos in which case it was my mistake. Please disregard all I've said as I know nothing about them.
Cheers and good luck.
I am thinking you are growing autos in which case it was my mistake. Please disregard all I've said as I know nothing about them.
Cheers and good luck.
No these are photoperiod, they have been on 12 hours on/12 off about a week and a half now. I've already harvested the plant these were all cloned off of.. It just vegged longer last time because I had less plants to work with, I figured more plants less veg time faster turn around now... I should have bought smaller pots but I was in a rush and these 5 gal ones are just what I have... My local grow shop is horribly over priced I'm going to order some 3 gal ones for my next grow.
They are related LOL

I realize that. I don't know the growing characteristics of auto-flowering plants.

TravisG13, if all you are using are 5G pots, chances are they are starved for more food and your soil's is nearing depletion. If those were my plants, I would dry them out just until they begin to wilt (very slightly), then feed them full strength and well. By well, I mean making sure all your soil is saturated with no air pockets (water slow, very slow). Five gallon pots can take about 3 liters to saturate.

They were wilting last time, I haven't had time to water them every day if I wanted to... I'll do it again and check the runoff ph but I'm pretty sure I haven't been watering too often.

Also seems odd it would only be the largest plants if it was over watering since they should need more than the small ones but theyre not getting much more if any.

I have them in a tote that I made a drain into to auto drain em, I'm able to see when each pot starts draining... They are fabric pots also
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Are you trolling me? First it sounds like you think I shouldn't be adding any nutes now you say full str lol. Hope you aren't trying to get me to burn the shit outta my plants.

Not at all. First I mentioned that they looked over-watered. Now that you have given more info, i.e. 5G pots, the chances of your medium nearing nutrient depletion is greater.

On my last grow using a 7G fabric pot, I had two plants flowering. I had Punch Pie into 2 weeks of flowering when I flipped the Platinum Valley. The PP exhibited drastic lightening of new growth because they were starved for nutrients. After feeding them fully, they were back to normal.

And you are using 5Gs. I believe you mentioned the issue was limited to the top. Other than the wrinkled surface, the new growth seems otherwise fine, on the surface. They need nitrogen to get their color back but beware of adding too much since you are now into flower.

It's fine to have doubts. I was just giving you an opinion on your issues. By all means, if you feel that feeding full strength would burn them, then give them 1/2 as obviously the 1/4 is not enough. Oh, and it has never been in me to purposely ruin another's pleasure.

Not at all. First I mentioned that they looked over-watered. Now that you have given more info, i.e. 5G pots, the chances of your medium nearing nutrient depletion is greater.

On my last grow using a 7G fabric pot, I had two plants flowering. I had Punch Pie into 2 weeks of flowering when I flipped the Platinum Valley. The PP exhibited drastic lightening of new growth because they were starved for nutrients. After feeding them fully, they were back to normal.

And you are using 5Gs. I believe you mentioned the issue was limited to the top. Other than the wrinkled surface, the new growth seems otherwise fine, on the surface. They need nitrogen to get their color back but beware of adding too much since you are now into flower.

It's fine to have doubts. I was just giving you an opinion on your issues. By all means, if you feel that feeding full strength would burn them, then give them 1/2 as obviously the 1/4 is not enough. Oh, and it has never been in me to purposely ruin another's pleasure.


Sorry I didn't mean to come off hostile, there are plenty of trolls on this site though. A couple weeks ago there was a guy going ape shit on anyone who chooses to cure in jars rather than hang dry for 2 weeks

Thank you for the help
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What you're seeing is a pH issue...and while you probably could use a little more Mg, I wouldn't add it until you know for sure where your pH is. Good luck friend.