I created an account on here just so I could spread the wealth of knowledge that I have obtained through passing my own drug tests using someone else’s pee...
without further ado
At Spencer’s there are tampon flasks, get them, they’re like 7 dollars and you get 5 of them. Screw the fake tampon wrapper, throw that away.
have someone pee for you (in my case it’s my sister), I always have her pee the day off just an hour or two before my drug test. I have her pee in a cup and then I fill the tampon tubes leaving about half an inch of space at the top.Cap them up, place them inside a zip loc bag horizontally so that the caps have pressure on them and will stay sealed. (I’ve tried tape around the top and it doesn’t work as good as the baG) I then put them right up against my vagina and I wear one pair of underwear with a pad and then one pair of underwear with a hand warmer and then one tighter (spandex type) underwear to keep it all packaged nicely, it feels safer that way.
The tubes are long (maybe 6”) but if you put them in right, preferably closer to the front so you can sit down, you should be okay. 3 tubes filled half an inch away from the top equals just below 60 ml so I always take the extra two Because it’s better to be safe than sorry. When you get into the unsupervised bathroom just pull down your pants and grab the tubes then quietly rip through the bag and pull the caps off. They aren’t loud. Pour them in and voila.
Some things worth noting. Practice!!! Practice, practice, practice!!! Do this in the week prior to your test and then on the night before your test. I test with and without the heat pad to see how long it takes to reach optimal temp, how long it holds temp, etc. I feel the hand warmer just adds some extra warmth on the other side of the tubes. Use a regular thermometer submersed in the tube. Practice being quiet, practice opening the tubes, practice pulling your pants down with the tubes in your underwear (pull them down one at a time so you don’t risk dropping the tubes). If you have boobs tuck two extra on either side that way there is no way that you don’t have enough and if one ever leaked (has not happened yet) you have back up, use hand warmers there too and wear a sports bra over the top of your regular bra). Any thing to make sure that this is fool proof. If you have a quiet spot to pull over before your test and run another temperature check I would suggest doing so. Slightly above 100 you can take the heat pad out, you just want to make sure you range 90-100 f.