Trump, Donald J.

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Manipulate the stock market
Waste tax payer money golfing over and over
Sit watching TV and belittling Americans who don't vow loyalty to a New York realtor
Break all trade deals then return to same deals with Trumps name on them
Wasting more tax dollars for tax breaks for the wealthy
Wasting more taxpayer funds on a vanity wall that won't work
Made a mockery of the Presidency in the eyes of our foes and allies alike
Does everyone actually look at the overall success of our country before bashing this president? This man has taken so much grief from the opposition and their followers, I am shocked he wants to even run again. He is the most successful president this county has ever seen. He has gotten more done in his 3 short years than other presidents have accomplished in 8 years. That is with the opposition biting at his heals. Could you imagine if there was bipartisan support. Those Democrats want to see America fall apart. I for one love the economy and living large after not having jobs coming to this country. His foreign policy is unmatched. THANK YOU MR. PRESIDENT FOR SAVING OUR COUNTRY
Did I miss anything, new sock puppet?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like there is a whole lot of people that need to stop watching CNN and MSNBC in mommy’s basement and get upstairs and listen your mommy cuz she voted for Trump.

Sounds like you don't understand that your "best president" has been impeached by the House!

Apparently that is too difficult for you, so you start a new thread in this forum to prove to everyone that you're too stupid to pay attention.

Good job! :roll:



Well-Known Member
Sounds like you don't understand that your "best president" has been impeached by the House!

Apparently that is too difficult for you, so you start a new thread in this forum to prove to everyone that you're too stupid to pay attention.

Good job! :roll:

I think he was tryin to troll here, lol. Who knows tho?
Sounds like you don't understand that your "best president" has been impeached by the House!

Apparently that is too difficult for you, so you start a new thread in this forum to prove to everyone that you're too stupid to pay attention.

Good job! :roll:

Oh I completely understand he was impeached by a corrupt house . The problem is he was impeached because he has lived up to his promise of draining the sickening swamp of filth In our government. He lacks support because of the mindless drones who are too ignorant to even look at facts. The facts will come out in the senate, and all the mindless drones can start crying how unfair it is that the fact have surfaced and aren’t true. The good thing about this whole impeachment is this is going the exploit even more corruption that has been in our government. The downside to this president exposing the corruption is it has created a divide within our citizens of this county. Mostly due to the media platform.


Well-Known Member
Oh I completely understand he was impeached by a corrupt house . The problem is he was impeached because he has lived up to his promise of draining the sickening swamp of filth In our government. He lacks support because of the mindless drones who are too ignorant to even look at facts. The facts will come out in the senate, and all the mindless drones can start crying how unfair it is that the fact have surfaced and aren’t true. The good thing about this whole impeachment is this is going the exploit even more corruption that has been in our government. The downside to this president exposing the corruption is it has created a divide within our citizens of this county. Mostly due to the media platform.
Just think, you could be wrong. Would it be the first time?


Well-Known Member
Oh I completely understand he was impeached by a corrupt house . The problem is he was impeached because he has lived up to his promise of draining the sickening swamp of filth In our government. He lacks support because of the mindless drones who are too ignorant to even look at facts. The facts will come out in the senate, and all the mindless drones can start crying how unfair it is that the fact have surfaced and aren’t true. The good thing about this whole impeachment is this is going the exploit even more corruption that has been in our government. The downside to this president exposing the corruption is it has created a divide within our citizens of this county. Mostly due to the media platform.
May I ask what you mean by 'media platform'?

I do think he has actually done a lot of swamp draining however:

And all the ruined careers too.

The big question will be if he plugs the drain on his way out.


Well-Known Member
Oh I completely understand he was impeached by a corrupt house . The problem is he was impeached because he has lived up to his promise of draining the sickening swamp of filth In our government. He lacks support because of the mindless drones who are too ignorant to even look at facts. The facts will come out in the senate, and all the mindless drones can start crying how unfair it is that the fact have surfaced and aren’t true. The good thing about this whole impeachment is this is going the exploit even more corruption that has been in our government. The downside to this president exposing the corruption is it has created a divide within our citizens of this county. Mostly due to the media platform.
Funny how many of the appointees he has made after draining the swamp have ended up in jail or have resigned, isn't it?

Please tell us some of these "facts" that you speak of. A lot of us don't listen to Alex Jones.

How does the term "extra cheese" make you feel? Are you familiar with "spirit cooking" or "plasma beings"?


Well-Known Member
Oh I completely understand he was impeached by a corrupt house . The problem is he was impeached because he has lived up to his promise of draining the sickening swamp of filth In our government. He lacks support because of the mindless drones who are too ignorant to even look at facts. The facts will come out in the senate, and all the mindless drones can start crying how unfair it is that the fact have surfaced and aren’t true. The good thing about this whole impeachment is this is going the exploit even more corruption that has been in our government. The downside to this president exposing the corruption is it has created a divide within our citizens of this county. Mostly due to the media platform.
ummmmm, projection?


be a dear and pick-up a copy..
