Exploring Cannabis


Active Member
Hi all,

My family got me a grow tent and a light for Christmas and I'm in my first grow. I'm also doing a lot of reading and watching videos. It's a little frustrating sorting the good information from the myths. But I feel like I'm starting to understand while knowing that I still have a lot to learn. Especially with respect to growing, breeding and cultivars.
it *is* quite frustrating and a lot of the information will contradict.

What type of grow are you going for, soil, coco, hydro?

Hardest part for me is leaving them alone and not babying them.

I'm using soil. Foxfarm ocean in 3 gal cloth pots. I'd like to keep things simple for my first grow. (Although l guess I should have used something with less nutrients for the sprouted seeds.)

Oh God, it's so hard to just leave them alone so they can just grow. And I'm pretty sure I'm over watering them. :D
I think the best way to sort through all of it is to think of what your own purpose for growing is. Are you trying to get started quickly and cheaply to see if you like growing and if it works with your lifestyle? Are you looking to replace your current supplier with top quality bud at a fraction of the price and have the initial funds to buy equipment that's going to last a decade or more? How much effort and time are you willing to commit to this? Will you be vigilant enough to prevent problems that can destroy your crop in a day?

Some people are tinkerers at heart and can work a complex hydroponic system with a system of valves, timers, and various diagnostic tools for an extremely precise result that is great for patients with compromised immunity systems that need medical grade cannabis. Other people, myself included, want the easiest methods that are forgiving and allow you to make mistakes and slowly adjust. That's why I like growing in soil. I don't need the best pot the world has ever seen. For me it's about getting the best stuff I can with the least amount of money and hassle.

You'll do good finding a medium and adjusting your grow to your own needs. Don't think that any one way is the only way but rather find opportunities to use all of the methods that people have contributed to growing so that you can get better results in a variety of situations. These plants tell you a lot more than people can once you've learned their language.
I'm using soil. Foxfarm ocean in 3 gal cloth pots. I'd like to keep things simple for my first grow. (Although l guess I should have used something with less nutrients for the sprouted seeds.)

Oh God, it's so hard to just leave them alone so they can just grow. And I'm pretty sure I'm over watering them. :D

Nice choice, only thing to watch out for is low PH out of the bag, I should've added some dolomite lime to mine to supplement some calcium and raise the ph a tad. Let em dry out longer than you would think initially, go by the weight of the fabric pot for saturated/dry.
@xtraLRG420 I think I'm growing for a few different reasons. But the main one is the satisfaction of being able to smoke something I grew myself. :D

@sandman83 thanks, that's good info on the soil. I've been lifting the bag at you suggest and sticking my finger in the soil to see if it seems dry. So far they seem to be doing fine.

@323cheezy I'm growing an auto flower so I put them directly in the 3gal pots. One plant got stuck in the seed and I killed it fussing with it so I started another in a solo cup. I used two clear solo cups that I drilled holes in. I stacked them rim to rim. The bottom one got soil, the top one got misted with water. A cheap humidity dome. I just used a 60 watt florescent bulb for a light. I got some stretching because the light wasn't close enough, but the plant is doing fine.

Thanks for the advice and help!
it *is* quite frustrating and a lot of the information will contradict.

What type of grow are you going for, soil, coco, hydro?

Hardest part for me is leaving them alone and not babying them.
I think if we love the hobby and the plant we all have the same issue. I have to tell myself to stop checking on them. My journal at CP is up to date more than my one here is but if you look there you can see i get a bit neurotic.

So @baldmountain welcome to the hobby and your new addiction. I've found it to be extremely rewarding. I've not finished my first grow and I'm already in my second. Be prepared to spend a bit of money though. I've been buying odds and ends since September.