The Impeachment Of Donald Trump


Well-Known Member
With a statement like this
(If you support Trump you are a racist traitor, there are no other reasons and no excuses. American patriots oppose Trump and the GOP. Trump is a corrupt fool and a traitor who puts Putin first!

Only prove you are a anti-AMERICAN doing the bidding of your elite leaders. You may divide some AMERICANS for a short time . In the end AMERICANS WILL UNITE against you and your kind.
Ok, I will pretend your an American, are you from a battle ground state? Mind posting some links to websites that you get your information from when you have something to say, otherwise it is just bullshitting something you think you heard with no context or way to look at it deeper to get full quotes/etc.

Everyone supporting Trump is not necessarily a racist, but it doesn't mean that they are not falling for fear mongering that is being created by racists to make their agenda seem reasonable.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I will pretend your an American, are you from a battle ground state? Mind posting some links to websites that you get your information from when you have something to say, otherwise it is just bullshitting something you think you heard with no context or way to look at it deeper to get full quotes/etc.

Everyone supporting Trump is not necessarily a racist, but it doesn't mean that they are not falling for fear mongering that is being created by racists to make their agenda seem reasonable.
No, they aren't all racists - some are paid trolls.

Serious Weeds

Well-Known Member
Oh oh, The GAO has released that Trump violated federal law by withholding aid to Ukraine. Imagine if Hillary had done something like that - but Trump supporters don't care! Trump accused the GAO of wanting publicity... because the GAO is really needy like he is.

Where has the gao been? How convenient they choose now of all times to release such a statement.


Well-Known Member
With a statement like this
(If you support Trump you are a racist traitor, there are no other reasons and no excuses. American patriots oppose Trump and the GOP. Trump is a corrupt fool and a traitor who puts Putin first!

Only prove you are a anti-AMERICAN doing the bidding of your elite leaders. You may divide some AMERICANS for a short time . In the end AMERICANS WILL UNITE against you and your kind.
You’re russian


Well-Known Member
Where has the gao been? How convenient they choose now of all times to release such a statement.
Actually, they were asked to make a ruling on it and did so.

Do you think it is strange that Trump attacked Iran at the time he did despite no specific reason or threat against Americans?


I love him because he is so dumb. As dumb as his supporters like you.


Well-Known Member
Where has the gao been? How convenient they choose now of all times to release such a statement.
Do you really call this an argument? "Where have they been"? This question just a complaint about timeliness. The charges are serious. Shouldn't you at least explain why you think they are wrong?

I want to know where the honest Republicans are? You know, the law and order types who believe in a strong legal system and people should be punished for their crimes especially if they are black. How can honest Republican Senators now vote to acquit Trump, when this kind of report comes from a well regarded and bi-partisan office that is the largest office in Trump's administration and headed by Trump's own chief of staff?

White House violated the law by freezing Ukraine aid, GAO says

President Donald Trump ordered the hold on the critical security assistance in July, a slew of senior White House officials testified to House impeachment investigators late last year. It was a move that coincided with an effort by the president and his allies to pressure Ukraine to investigate Trump’s Democratic rivals.

Trump's Chief of Staff's own office reported:

“Faithful execution of the law does not permit the president to substitute his own policy priorities for those that Congress has enacted into law,” the GAO wrote in an eight-page report released on Thursday.


Well-Known Member