Sativa strains, landrace genetics and where to obtain..

Hey Yesum..
I noticed some of the interesting beans you were going to pop..I googled Snowhigh in an attempt to find possible sources...No luck.
Any idea of anyone selling Snowhigh beans?

Snowhigh is sick much of the time. email is sketchy. He did not respond to my last one or the one I did a month or so ago. I am used to it by now. He is day by day now. Oregon Elite carries some of his lines. Best is to contact him direct to get discounts. He always gives me freebies but I order quite a lot. A few packs at a time. The link above is the one I use genetixgenius.
Grown Ace Seeds for a few years now in SoCal. Without fail they are hardy plants outdoors, and bred for effect. I've grown Kali China, Panama, Panama x Bangi Haze, Zamaldelica, Guawi, Killer A5 Haze, Honduras x Panama, Bubba Hash.
Also recommend Original Delicatessen stuff if you can find it. OD plants showed mutations and have grown less vigorously as compared to Ace genetics, but the flowers and effect were top notch. I've grown Queen Mother and Lilly.
SnowHigh is a good friend of ours. Together w/ the help and support of his friends and our partners, Kagyu - Coastal Seed Co. and Bodhi - Bodhi Seeds, we are managing the collective seed bank for the community - representing and spreading the beans to our home growers in California and others. If you need any info, just email us at [email protected] or go to