Humidity issues please help!

My humidity has spiked and I can't get it to go down I'm having severe issues in my grow it is in a cooler garage and I ended up last night having to insulate underneath my grow tent because it was building condensation up inside from the cold concrete and the warm light so now my plants are seriously still struggling and I still can't get my humidity under control my plants are starting to wilt I need help before they die I don't have the money to buy a dehumidifier is there anything quick and easy that will help so that I don't lose my crop I am not using co2 grow is opened every day and plants turned .using Alaska fish fert! On a 400 watt mh at 18&6



Well-Known Member
My humidity has spiked and I can't get it to go down I'm having severe issues in my grow it is in a cooler garage and I ended up last night having to insulate underneath my grow tent because it was building condensation up inside from the cold concrete and the warm light so now my plants are seriously still struggling and I still can't get my humidity under control my plants are starting to wilt I need help before they die I don't have the money to buy a dehumidifier is there anything quick and easy that will help so that I don't lose my crop I am not using co2 grow is opened every day and plants turned .using Alaska fish fert! On a 400 watt mh at 18&6
Electric heater will warm it up an help dry it out.


Well-Known Member
If you can't run down the RH, run up your temps. It's not the best solution, but it will help. At the end of the day, a dehumidifier is in order. Good luck friend.

Sfrigon 1

Well-Known Member
Set up a fan outside the tent pulling the air out or one on the inside blowing air out . That's one of the benefits of all those ports on your grow tent

Sfrigon 1

Well-Known Member
Another issue is the outside air being so dif and causing condensation on the inside of the tent. Try putting a heater near the intake so it's sucking in warm low humidity air . Just a couple ideas . Good luck!