Elizabeth Warren


Well-Known Member
are you saying Biden is correct when he says black mother don't talk to their kids from birth ? That we don't have books in our homes ? WTF These are his fucking words guy.

Biden was against bussing. then he changed his mine and was for bussing in the south but not in Delaware. FACTS YOU CAN GOOGLE.

If we want to shake things up we need to do something new...or we get the same old tired shit. Biden had some old Good Old boys way of fucking thinking
We don't need to shake things up, Obama got a lot done his two years he actually had the Senate and House, that is what the Democrats need, is to win, not to scare the shit out of half the country.

I really never heard about busing being a issue until Kamala brought it up, and even she kind of backtracked on it being such a bad thing. I went from a school in the city where we walked to school to having to be on the bus for an hour each way when we moved to the country.

If you got a link to what/when Biden said something shitty I am happy to listen/read it.

I like you man but I’m thinking you may be a little bit snowblind when it comes to Biden
Why's that? Because he is white? I would love for you to pick through my posts and find one that I am 'snow-blind'. I am not looking for a savior, I am looking for a Democratic candidate that is most likely to help win the Senate and House so shit can actually get done after 4 years of going backwards.

There’s less than 1 percent of the population of Iowa that is African American. There is probably less than 4 or 5 percent that are minorities. What is in Washington? So look, it goes back to what you start off with, what you’re dealing with. . . . When you have children coming from dysfunctional homes, when you have children coming from homes where there’s no books, where the mother from the time they’re born doesn’t talk to them — as opposed to the mother in Iowa who’s sitting out there and talks to them, the kid starts out with a 300-word larger vocabulary at age three. Half this education gap exists before the kid steps foot in the classroom. :o

does he really think this way about the African American community. I guess that why we black folks need to play the record player according to Biden. And please don't get upset with me for exposing Biden. Truth hurts but blame the person who thinks this way.
When you have children coming from dysfunctional homes, I agree it is a lot harder for those kids to get to school and not be like a bee all pissed off because it got shook up in a jar and released in a room full of people. I know this from experience.

Growing up I also remember struggling with school and staying eligible for sports, and went to the library with my little brothers so they could check out a couple books for them to read so they wouldn't have the same problems I did. My dad got home and told them reading anything but the bible was bullshit. So yeah I agree growing up with illiterate parents also makes it harder to be as ready for success in school.

I didn't have a mom, but understand what it is like to get up at 4am when my dad would go to his job and him coming home at 7pm, bone tired and pissed off at the world, making it hard to talk about anything. So that too I can understand what he means. Especially when talking to suburban white nuclear families with a mother (or father if thats what they do) who gets to stay home and be there fully for their kids.

So yeah I can see how Biden saying that as a white guy may seem callaus as shit when taken out of context, but my experiences also let me understand what he is saying, even if he is not the best person by a mile to be the one saying it. Fortunately the President doesn't have to understand every single issue as long as he cares and has the ability to listen to the people who are the best people.


Well-Known Member
Biden said he'd pick a republican running mate. He's a fascist collaborator like many of the Democratic establishment.

Amy klobuchar is literally confirming Donald Trump's unqualified supreme Court picks, that matters more than the fucking presidency because they're lifetime appointments. Fuck neoliberals, they do nothing but drag the overton window towards the far right and compromise any standing they had. They lack any virtues behind closed doors.
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She didn't vote for Kavanaugh. So not sure what your talking about.


Well-Known Member
Lying about what? You continue to lie calling by me a Nazi, that makes you a known liar. You smear people and contribute nothing.

Warren will lose.
Biden will lose
Booker will lose
Klobuchar will lose
Buttchug will lose

Crystal ball tell you this?


Well-Known Member
We don't need to shake things up, Obama got a lot done his two years he actually had the Senate and House, that is what the Democrats need, is to win, not to scare the shit out of half the country.

I really never heard about busing being a issue until Kamala brought it up, and even she kind of backtracked on it being such a bad thing. I went from a school in the city where we walked to school to having to be on the bus for an hour each way when we moved to the country.

If you got a link to what/when Biden said something shitty I am happy to listen/read it.

Why's that? Because he is white? I would love for you to pick through my posts and find one that I am 'snow-blind'. I am not looking for a savior, I am looking for a Democratic candidate that is most likely to help win the Senate and House so shit can actually get done after 4 years of going backwards.

When you have children coming from dysfunctional homes, I agree it is a lot harder for those kids to get to school and not be like a bee all pissed off because it got shook up in a jar and released in a room full of people. I know this from experience.

Growing up I also remember struggling with school and staying eligible for sports, and went to the library with my little brothers so they could check out a couple books for them to read so they wouldn't have the same problems I did. My dad got home and told them reading anything but the bible was bullshit. So yeah I agree growing up with illiterate parents also makes it harder to be as ready for success in school.

I didn't have a mom, but understand what it is like to get up at 4am when my dad would go to his job and him coming home at 7pm, bone tired and pissed off at the world, making it hard to talk about anything. So that too I can understand what he means. Especially when talking to suburban white nuclear families with a mother (or father if thats what they do) who gets to stay home and be there fully for their kids.

So yeah I can see how Biden saying that as a white guy may seem callaus as shit when taken out of context, but my experiences also let me understand what he is saying, even if he is not the best person by a mile to be the one saying it. Fortunately the President doesn't have to understand every single issue as long as he cares and has the ability to listen to the people who are the best people.
since you so intense on defending Biden please explain why he felt punishment for crack should be 100 times worst then cocaine. Does it have anything to do with the type of people who uses crack versus cocaine. FYI whats the fucking main ingredient in crack. ?
Also you are on a weed site cheerleading for a man who increased punishment for cultivating a fucking plant WTF...and while we at it please explain what old fucking senile Biden meant by poor kids are just as smart as white kids :o are white kids not poor as well or is someone letting that good ol boy thinking sneaking out. Oh do we not remember when dumb ass Biden said " You cannot go to 7 eleven or a Dunkin unless you have a slight Indian accent. I guess thats like a fried chicken joke that you people think is funny Ha ha not.
Biden was very proud to commend himself on working with Eastland stating he never called me "boy". Why is he so proud to be friend with a segregationist ?
Let us discuss his comment about Obama. " I mean you got the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice looking guy. I mean thats a storybook man...again WTF. I guess we should be happy some racist fuck did not kill him
FYI my mom and dad always talked to me and encourage me to go to the library. We also had a set of encyclopedias in our home with many books. I have meant many ignorant white folks in my life time...very reason we have Trump He loves the uneducated.

I will now turn it over to you for you response, but be warned dont come for me if you cant handle truths and facts.
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Well-Known Member
since you so intense on defending Biden please explain why he felt punishment for crack should be 100 times worst then cocaine. Does it have anything to do with the type of people who uses crack versus cocaine. FYI whats the fucking main ingredient in crack. ?
Also you are on a weed site cheerleading for a man who increased punishment for cultivating a fucking plant WTF...and while we at it please explain what old fucking senile Biden meant by poor kids are just as smart as white kids :o are white kids not poor as well or is someone letting that good old boy thinking sneaking out. Oh do we not remember when dumb ass Biden said " You cannot go to 7 eleven or a Dunkin donout unless you have a slight Indian accent. I guess that like a fried chicken joke that you people think is funny Ha ha not.
Biden was very proud to commend himsefl on working with Eastland stating he never called me "boy". Why is he so proud to be friend with a segregationist ?
Let us discuss his comment about Obama. " I mean you got the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice looking guy. I mean thats a storybook man...again WTF.

I will now turn it over to you for you response, but be wanred dont come for me if uyou cant handle truths and facts
I don't think it should be, and I actually think we would be better off decriminalizing all drugs and use all the money we waste on trying to tell people what they stick in their bodies on treatment clinics. I would say the 80's/90's when this was going through people didn't really know how it was going to be used to destroy communities.

And you are incorrect about his stance on weed:
Screen Shot 2020-01-13 at 9.33.13 PM.png

And for the white/black kid thing, ill dig it up, but next time mind posting it when you just randomly say shit please. It is pain enough in the ass to try to post a good response to you to have you ignore it and just toss out more random shit I need to have to go dig up and then respond to whatever it is you were saying. I know I have looked at all those things you have posted and they all were taken out of context of what he was talking about.

You ignore that he has a stutter, sometime he will screw up his word order/switch to something that sounds bad out of context. So instead of just buying into the propaganda watch a full townhall/speech he does.

Like your last sentence, instead of just looking for him to be some old white racist, if you think of it as someone with a stutter, it could have been he was going to studded on the word 'president' and skipped over it, making it sound shitty if you want to see it that way.

You do understand that we are under attack by a foreign nation that is using everything they can to sell agianst Biden right? I don't care how you vote, and you will not find me saying anything close to Biden being some kind of hero or whatever you want to believe.

Edit: I guess it wasn't your last sentence, that was dedicated to trolling me yet again.
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Well-Known Member
Oh do we not remember when dumb ass Biden said " You cannot go to 7 eleven or a Dunkin unless you have a slight Indian accent. I guess thats like a fried chicken joke that you people think is funny Ha ha not.
It was a stupid shit thing to say, even 13 years ago. I don't think he meant it in a bad way, but he is an old white guy, they will say some racist shit from time to time, they are still learning.


Well-Known Member
What I notice is people failing to say why not Warren...except for the one comment from the guy who beats his wife and hates his mother
I like Warren a lot, and if she is the Democratic nominee I will happily vote for her. I am worried that the trolling of her though will turn off too many chauvinist males (like happened to Clinton), when combined with the M4A trolling to scare enough of the people in the key battleground states that Trump squeeks out another win.

I think that she is more likely to win the Senate/House and lose the Presidency to Trump (than Biden), is the main thing for my voting for Biden in the primary. I think Bernie is the opposite, more likely to win the Presidency and lose the House/Senate, which is worse IMO. Everyone else is so green (except Klobachar) that I worry about how they would handle the world stage with Russia attacking us.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it should be, and I actually think we would be better off decriminalizing all drugs and use all the money we waste on trying to tell people what they stick in their bodies on treatment clinics. I would say the 80's/90's when this was going through people didn't really know how it was going to be used to destroy communities.

And you are incorrect about his stance on weed:
View attachment 4455978

And for the white/black kid thing, ill dig it up, but next time mind posting it when you just randomly say shit please. It is pain enough in the ass to try to post a good response to you to have you ignore it and just toss out more random shit I need to have to go dig up and then respond to whatever it is you were saying. I know I have looked at all those things you have posted and they all were taken out of context of what he was talking about.

You ignore that he has a stutter, sometime he will screw up his word order/switch to something that sounds bad out of context. So instead of just buying into the propaganda watch a full townhall/speech he does.

Like your last sentence, instead of just looking for him to be some old white racist, if you think of it as someone with a stutter, it could have been he was going to studded on the word 'president' and skipped over it, making it sound shitty if you want to see it that way.

You do understand that we are under attack by a foreign nation that is using everything they can to sell agianst Biden right? I don't care how you vote, and you will not find me saying anything close to Biden being some kind of hero or whatever you want to believe.

Edit: I guess it wasn't your last sentence, that was dedicated to trolling me yet again.
you too damn blinded and out of touch. Biden was the co sponsor of the 1984 crime bill. The same bill that raised the time of incarceration for weed. Now he just saying what ever the fuck he needs to in an attempt to win.
Stop blaming stupid comments he makes on stuttering, make you look like a sucker and a fool. You're not a sucker or a fool are you ?
I don't troll I come with facts and truth. Do you even know what a troll is ? You also didn't address half the shit I said about Biden. Wait how old are you ? over or under 35


Well-Known Member
you too damn blinded and out of touch. Biden was the co sponsor of the 1984 crime bill. The same bill that raised the time of incarceration for weed. Now he just saying what ever the fuck he needs to in an attempt to win.
Stop blaming stupid comments he makes on stuttering, make you look like a sucker and a fool. You're not a sucker or a fool are you ?
I don't troll I come with facts and truth. Do you even know what a troll is ? You also didn't address half the shit I said about Biden. Wait how old are you ? over or under 35
Yeah I know what a troll is, and you are trolling me pretty hard because what I support Biden as the nominee?

What part of this do you think is me blaming his stutter?

And wasn't that crime bill the one that dealt with sexual assault tracking and banning assault weapons 35 years ago? I am sure if we go through line by line with it (I did somewhere else for some Bernie progressive) there are good and bad things that 35 years later we can pick out. We can probably do that with almost everything. And yeah, I am over 35.

Do you still fall for the lie that Biden is not for decriminalizing and expunging weed records? If so that shit is on you. Same with everything else I have now written for you to ignore. But your just trolling me at this point so whats the point.

You should quit falling for the populist bullhsit propaganda and wake up to the time we are in. Because you are a sucker and a fool if you are this fired up about Biden.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know what a troll is, and you are trolling me pretty hard because what I support Biden as the nominee?

What part of this do you think is me blaming his stutter?

And wasn't that crime bill the one that dealt with sexual assault tracking and banning assault weapons 35 years ago? I am sure if we go through line by line with it (I did somewhere else for some Bernie progressive) there are good and bad things that 35 years later we can pick out. We can probably do that with almost everything. And yeah, I am over 35.

Do you still fall for the lie that Biden is not for decriminalizing and expunging weed records? If so that shit is on you. Same with everything else I have now written for you to ignore. But your just trolling me at this point so whats the point.

You should quit falling for the populist bullhsit propaganda and wake up to the time we are in. Because you are a sucker and a fool if you are this fired up about Biden.
Biden should be held accountable for all the harm his crime bill did. He wrote it and introduced it. It IS his bill. It was written in a way that caused most harm to black communties. So what if some of it was good? No reason why we should smile and say that shit sandwich was good just because part of the shit sandwich included great bread.

The dude is still pushing schedule 1 listing for MJ.

We have better alternatives. I'll vote for him if he wins the nomination.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know what a troll is, and you are trolling me pretty hard because what I support Biden as the nominee?

What part of this do you think is me blaming his stutter?

And wasn't that crime bill the one that dealt with sexual assault tracking and banning assault weapons 35 years ago? I am sure if we go through line by line with it (I did somewhere else for some Bernie progressive) there are good and bad things that 35 years later we can pick out. We can probably do that with almost everything. And yeah, I am over 35.

Do you still fall for the lie that Biden is not for decriminalizing and expunging weed records? If so that shit is on you. Same with everything else I have now written for you to ignore. But your just trolling me at this point so whats the point.

You should quit falling for the populist bullhsit propaganda and wake up to the time we are in. Because you are a sucker and a fool if you are this fired up about Biden.
Dude Google the 1994 crime bill who was the co-sponsor ? Fucking learn something instead of just typing shit. the bill was originally written by Senator Joe Biden of Delaware and then was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Bill Clinton.
Once you Google the crime bill explain to me why crack got you more time then cocaine ? Biden has done more to lock up the African American community that any other senator. Oh wait I guess it was because he stutters GTFO.
I don't fall for bullshit like yourself lil guy. I'm old enough to know history and not forget it.


Well-Known Member
Biden should be held accountable for all the harm his crime bill did. He wrote it and introduced it. It IS his bill. It was written in a way that caused most harm to black communties. So what if some of it was good? No reason why we should smile and say that shit sandwich was good just because part of the shit sandwich included great bread.

The dude is still pushing schedule 1 listing for MJ.

We have better alternatives. I'll vote for him if he wins the nomination
thank you . but could you explain to me what part of it was good ? I could be wrong but me thinks not


Well-Known Member
ok ok Enough about why I don't want Biden to win, Someone please tell me what the hell is wrong with Warren. Don't come with no poll shit. Give me facts on some really fuck up shit she has done.


Well-Known Member
Biden should be held accountable for all the harm his crime bill did. He wrote it and introduced it. It IS his bill. It was written in a way that caused most harm to black communties. So what if some of it was good? No reason why we should smile and say that shit sandwich was good just because part of the shit sandwich included great bread.

The dude is still pushing schedule 1 listing for MJ.

We have better alternatives. I'll vote for him if he wins the nomination.
No he is not man, Screen Shot 2020-01-13 at 9.33.13 PM.png

As for the crime bill, at the time it had a lot of support form the different communities


I don't know much about it other than shit that reading about it when people troll Biden with it, because at the time I was too busy being one of the kids that this bill was aimed at stopping the rest of America from being afraid of. I just got lucky and never got caught doing stupid shit.