What the fuck is going on


Active Member
Hi. I've just gone to feed my plants. When I lifted the pot of the drip tray to see if it was light I noticed a load of tiny little white flickers running about. Any clues on what these are and are they gona destroy my plant. thankss
Even these...
If you have several houseplants, you may be putting yourself at risk of these tiny white bugs. Mealybugs are most commonly found outdoors, where they infest perennial plants like fuchsia, gardenia and hibiscus, as well as citrus trees and grapes. These insects are very small, oval-shaped and white in color. They are known for excreting a sticky, wax-like substance. In nature, mealybugs have a number of natural predators that help control their colonies and reduce populations. Be sure to inspect any greenhouse plants before bringing them home or planting them in your garden.
Do they move quick when you pour water on them?

Could just be springtails which do no harm.
I used to always get them when I used to use autopots ,
Yes mate. There really fast and tiny. I've just watered the coco with a good run off to try flush them out. I've not seen them before and keep a good eye on my girls. The plants are in perfect condition. No sign of any sort of damage or bugs
Yes mate. There really fast and tiny. I've just watered the coco with a good run off to try flush them out. I've not seen them before and keep a good eye on my girls. The plants are in perfect condition. No sign of any sort of damage or bugs

Very likely that's what they are then. I went mental when I first found them and poured h202 in the little trays but they shouldn't cause a problem.

Its because you have trays so that area and bottom of pot will be moister for longer which is what they like.
If you want to reduce the numbers (not that I would be ) you can put a little baking rack over your trays under your pots so air gets between the two.
Very likely that's what they are then. I went mental when I first found them and poured h202 in the little trays but they shouldn't cause a problem.

Its because you have trays so that area and bottom of pot will be moister for longer which is what they like.
If you want to reduce the numbers (not that I would be ) you can put a little baking rack over your trays under your pots so air gets between the two.
Thanks mate. I've just done abit of googling and some people like them hahaha. They dont seem to be a problem. Hopefully nothing to worry to much about
I've not noticed them before today. The one difference was I let the plants coco completely dry out before feeding this time. I was a day late feeding
I've not noticed them before today. The one difference was I let the plants coco completely dry out before feeding this time. I was a day late feeding

Yeah they were probably living unseen in the moist coco and worked there way to the lowest point where it was more moist.
I have my trays upside down so they probably get washed out onto the tent floor and dry out, never see them these days.