Pissed on my Plant


Well-Known Member
anyone care to see recovery pics? I ripped off all the dying leaves and its starting to regrow right where it left off


Well-Known Member
lmao @ pissing ON the plant

but, your own piss, does help the plant
you just didn't do it, the correct way

you only use your 'piss' for your 'plant'
ONLY, when you get that fuzzy, fungus on your soil
(1 squirt per gallon) use it to water your 'plant'
the acid, gets rid of the white fuzz, on your soil

lets see the 'recovery pictures' though


Well-Known Member
Urea is bad for your plants, it is the substance that carries excess nitrogen out of our bodies and fresh piss is WAY too hot for plants. This is why you must compost chicken manure because they piss and shit together, so you must compost it for the urea to break down into useable nitrogen, also the reason horse manure from stables must be composted, but horse manure from the field is good to go.

As far as human shit, DO NOT DO THIS, untreated human shit is full of all kinds of nasty stuff, as far as that goes do not use manure from any meat eating animal. Ever heard of e colli and salmonella, we catch these things because we eat food grown in 3rd world countries that fert with human shit, doesnt affect them because all the vulnerable ones have died off and the ones left have immunities.

Now with that being said treated human waste from your local sewage plant will not look like shit at all it is sort of sandy, and it will absolutley grow some good plants, but dont use much it, is strong stuff. I know a guy who works at a sewage treatment plant and he used it on some tomatoes that he had not intended to mess with. By the end of the season they were about 15 foot tall with trunks about 4-5 inches in diameter.


Well-Known Member
Urea is bad for your plants, it is the substance that carries excess nitrogen out of our bodies and fresh piss is WAY too hot for plants. This is why you must compost chicken manure because they piss and shit together, so you must compost it for the urea to break down into useable nitrogen, also the reason horse manure from stables must be composted, but horse manure from the field is good to go.

As far as human shit, DO NOT DO THIS, untreated human shit is full of all kinds of nasty stuff, as far as that goes do not use manure from any meat eating animal. Ever heard of e colli and salmonella, we catch these things because we eat food grown in 3rd world countries that fert with human shit, doesnt affect them because all the vulnerable ones have died off and the ones left have immunities.

Now with that being said treated human waste from your local sewage plant will not look like shit at all it is sort of sandy, and it will absolutley grow some good plants, but dont use much it, is strong stuff. I know a guy who works at a sewage treatment plant and he used it on some tomatoes that he had not intended to mess with. By the end of the season they were about 15 foot tall with trunks about 4-5 inches in diameter.
false on the fresh horse shit it will burn a plant it needs to be well aged (rotted)


Well-Known Member
Only if the horse pissed on it, I mixed my top soil with half horse shit from my back yard during my summer out door grow and it didn't burn my plants at all.


Well-Known Member
yea its def recovering. I wonder if urine burn makes the plant more likely 2 b a female or male


Well-Known Member
nuttin like piss weed lol ... so ur the guy that i got the 1/4 of and it all smelled like piss lol...never heard of pissing on ur plant... but they deff piss on there weed in mexicio... my mexican friend said dog can no sniff ... im like great piss weed


Well-Known Member
Water only for a while maybe you can save it ! You can use pee but i tbs with a quart of water diluted but for now a flush-out is needed



Well-Known Member
yea its legit healed up now. thanks a lot for the help guys. I'll post another pic in a few days for anyone who cares to see


Well-Known Member
Sorry, lmao... :lol:

I read this more than a week ago and thought it was a joke.

Seriously, read some basic information before you start to bloom.

At least someone finally told you to rinse it out with a bunch of water.

Are you planning on smoking said piss pot...?



Well-Known Member
I heard that a foliar spray of 1 part urine, 1 part water, and 1 part bleach is a great way to cure your plants while drying.

Oh, don't forget to step on the buds before you hang them to dry, it'll squeeze out a lot of the water...
You pissed on your plant, usually you piss on stuff you don't like it it's not a tree or a toilet...


Well-Known Member
lol google it man. pissing on plants

Figured I'd just weigh in, since I've demonstrated this to many students in my classes.

Untreated, "neat" (that's the actual term,) urine is HARMFUL TO PLANTS. You must do many treatments to get it usable (pH correction, removal of excess calcium, magnesium, etc salts that your body flushes out into urine, and more fun stuff) if you're going to use it for marijuana growing.

Google may help out quite often but it is not a totally reliable source for information on the net. And please note most people's websites don't cite sources for their information. My source is actual class demonstrations, back when I was a student teacher.


Well-Known Member
the point of this forum is to help answer questions i think not comment on decision making. thanks for handing out life lessons though howard