Elizabeth Warren

... and that is exactly what any reasonable person would do. Right or left.

We look at the total person. Nobody is perfect. Nobody will fit exactly with the beliefs of a person. We gotta take the good with the bad.

I don't think that it will be Biden.
Unless its a Bernie/Biden ticket ... he could be VP again.
No one on the democrat side praised neo nazis as very fine people or bragged about creeping in on unsuspecting naked underage children

and none of them “hereby ordered” privately owned American businesses to stop doing business with China, which is the exact definition of the communism you’re constantly crying about

two faced rat
Trump's supporters in this thread have degraded their arguments from "MAGA", which is no longer useful because it has become a racist joke, to, "nobody is perfect".

Trump is so far below being merely adequate that the word "perfect" should be attached to "awful" as in "perfectly awful". In this regard, Trump is perfect.
She's the 6th most disliked representative in the Senate, Bernie Sanders is the most liked by his constituents in the entirety of the Senate.

Everyone I predicted who would shift to Warren already has . This forum is so fucking predictable.
Trump's supporters in this thread have degraded their arguments from "MAGA", which is no longer useful because it has become a racist joke, to, "nobody is perfect".

Trump is so far below being merely adequate that the word "perfect" should be attached to "awful" as in "perfectly awful". In this regard, Trump is perfect.
'MAGA' was always a racist dogwhistle, just like the chants of "build the wall", it just means they also want to fuck their sister.
Look my opinion is Biden is a compromiser to a fucking fault. wrong is fucking wrong . Harris said it best when she blasted on him on how he was able to work with two of the most racist congress members in congress on busing. How soon we forget...or I guess it is not that important if you are not on the receiving end of racism.
Biden said he'd pick a republican running mate. He's a fascist collaborator like many of the Democratic establishment.

Amy klobuchar is literally confirming Donald Trump's unqualified supreme Court picks, that matters more than the fucking presidency because they're lifetime appointments. Fuck neoliberals, they do nothing but drag the overton window towards the far right and compromise any standing they had. They lack any virtues behind closed doors.
I love how you trumplovers try to throw people off the scent but your klan robes always shine through eventually
You're fucking insane if you think I'm a trump lover, I'm a card carrying Democratic Socialists of America member.

You insult people this way because you project your own neuroses onto everyone you disagree with. Your a fucking imbecile of the most embarrassing category - angry Hillary Stan's.

I'm further left than 90% of the Democratic voting base, and I wrote in Bernie Sanders in 2016 as I live in NYC, which means my vote means next to nothing when my candidate isn't in contention.

You really skipped the context of why I flippantly said "says the homosexual".

Still mad about that right

"Oh no he stated the fact I was a homosexual, I'm such a victim!!!!"
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A homosexual quotes me saying I'm a trump supporter, then quotes me saying "says the homosexual"

Yes, you did say *as a homosexual'* that I'm a trump supporter, so fucking what, who cares? You're wrong like you've been over the last 4+ years, but you're comfortable the way you are, I get it.
A homosexual quotes me saying I'm a trump supporter, then quotes me saying "says the homosexual"

Yes, you did say *as a homosexual'* that I'm a trump supporter, so fucking what, who cares? You're wrong like you've been over the last 4+ years, but you're comfortable the way you are, I get it.
I said Bernie sanders sucks

that waswhat made you drop your mask for a second, nazi boi

anyone can click the arrow on the quote and verify this, nazi boi
Ad hominems don't work.

But I'm sure your mental neuroses keep you from this fact. I'm also Jewish, hence my name yeshua or 'shua'

It must feel nice calling Jews Nazis. It must be nice calling Bernie Sanders supporters who are Jewish, anti semites.
Biden said he'd pick a republican running mate. He's a fascist collaborator like many of the Democratic establishment.

Amy klobuchar is literally confirming Donald Trump's unqualified supreme Court picks, that matters more than the fucking presidency because they're lifetime appointments. Fuck neoliberals, they do nothing but drag the overton window towards the far right and compromise any standing they had. They lack any virtues behind closed doors.
Wow. Such an interesting POV. Me need moare!!!

What about plasma beings? I want to know about plasma beings.
I'm bisexual, I've sucked a dick or two before. Don't be so upset. You've sucked a cock right? Admit it.

I was making fun of you using 'sucks' as a derogatory term. Because that originated as a way to say someone was a cocksucker, and you're a homosexual.

So saying Bernie sucks, and me responding to a man that literally sucks is very funny.
no you aren’t, nazi boi
Actually, you don't get to decide this either, but I am. Try to deny it all you want, I was in Monsey last week for Hanukkah when the machete attack occured, about a mile away. I can prove it. My parents are ultra orthodox, but I'm an atheist/humanist.