Two Flower Rooms.

I have 2 8x28 flower rooms. I want to use one 5 ton AC to cool them on a flip. Does anyone know of a damper system that can be connected to the air handler.
Wouldn’t you just use a 5 ton Split ac with two of the indoor units and let them run with no mods?

The one in the room with lights on will kick in when lights are on due to the heat build up and the one in the room with lights off with kick off due to the heat dropping?
I didn't know you could have two handlers on one unit. What would happen if its warm in both rooms at the same time
The power would be split between the two as far as I’m aware and if your ac unit can’t keep up the rooms will overheat.

But if your flipping 0.00 - 12.00 and 12.00 to 0.00 then you shouldn’t have that issue?


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You want a zone system. It is a motorized damper system controlled by a zone control board. Each space has a thermostat. When either or both tstats call for cooling, the signals go to the zone board, which controls the 2 ductwork dampers to your rooms and the outdoor condensing unit.
The thing is, a 5 ton air handler has a fan designed to move 2250 cfm of air. So you would need ductwork to supply that much air out and return that much in. Which return would be two 16" ducts handling around 2000cfm (close enough.) And that is each room.
You have a lot of ac for not much space. 8×28 is 224 sq ft. Ac tonnage is about 450 sq ft per 1 ton. Your 5 ton is designed for a 2000+ sq ft house. So if heat is the deal, you may be best suited with venting heat out rather than try to move it out with ac.
If you're using a regular split system condenser and an air handler (fan and evaporator coil combo,) then you can't attach two air handlers to the single condenser.
If you have a mini split, then you could get one with 2 evaporator attached to 1 condenser. But they suck sometimes. IMO.
Don't forget to spec an AC unit that will "Auto Restart after power outage" and "Low Ambient Operation" if you ever intend to run it when it's cool or cold outside.
I have two rooms on a flip, I have two 4 ton minisplits, one in each room. The power for the mini's is on a flip with the lights.
A zoned system will split the 5 tons if both thermostats call at the same time for cooling. If you only need to mainly combat heat produced by lights, then the room with lights off won't call for cooling. And the motorized damper on the duct for that zone won't open, so all of the airflow will be to one room.
But if the lights on room is calling for cooling, and the lights off room calls for cooling, it will open the damper until the lights off room gets cooled, then it will close again, and all air back to lights on room.
Treating each space separately is best, but costly.
I have another 4 ton in veg. I dont have enough power to have 3 big ac's. So this will need to work. Hey Ren, my ac guy was saying if you have the ac's on a flip the compressor doesnt last longer than a year how has your compressor been holding up