Ed Rosenthal Super Bud; White Russian; AK47, Serious Sensi Grow


Well-Known Member
threres not even scwag here ,its reaI terribIe. but in the Iast 4 or 5 years i onIy smoke wat i grow. this shit here wouId not get a fIy high if it was here. bongsmilie puff puff....pass

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
i know a mexican who knows who he needs to know if you know what i mean. they were getting busted left and right at the border. prices went up where I just laid off the elbows and just get it from friends until i harvest my first crop. most of the smoke wll be mine, but i do need to pay off a few buddies for favors done in the service.


Well-Known Member
rite, went from 50.00 oz. to 200. aImost overnite.yea. harvesting your own is better by far. its gonna be most of the time the best you wiII ever smoke, indoor growing.:blsmoke:on the BM most ppI i know couIdnt even smoke it , so potent............weII going into town now wiII return Iater.

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
rite, went from 50.00 oz. to 200. aImost overnite.yea. harvesting your own is better by far. its gonna be most of the time the best you wiII ever smoke, indoor growing.:blsmoke:on the BM most ppI i know couIdnt even smoke it , so potent............weII going into town now wiII return Iater.
ima get atcha tomorrow


Well-Known Member
are you around today updating ? i had to order some cIean urine from the makers of the whizzinator,hahaha. aint that the shit.

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
are you around today updating ? i had to order some cIean urine from the makers of the whizzinator,hahaha. aint that the shit.

damn, u got balls.

i am contemplating buying another light for my room as i think my 400 is too small now. should I order another 400 or a 600? i sm thinking 600 as it is only 75 more dollars, but will the plants grow weird with a 400 & a 600?

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
all seedlings are doing well, except 1. i picked it up to check the bottom and it was not attatched to the rockwool yet. i think it will make it though.

misted them and poured some more water with a ph of 6.3 and ppm of 21 of superthrive.


when would be a good time to transplant them to 1 gallon grow bags?

then i am going to put them in the 3 gallon ones i am currently using when they are done.



Well-Known Member
a week to ten days mostly... if your seedling is having problems rooting,,, close the top hole a little better if theres any hole there outside the plant..

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
the little ones are poking their roots through and one even has a very nice root mass coming out the bottom. still on the 2nd set of leaves. going to transplant them tomorrow.

the room is getting crowded with the 3 supergirls that are as bushy as well, a bush. going to get a new room set up, hopefully by thursday and put the 4 supergirls in it. then there will be enough room for the 12 seedlings in the T5 room.


Well-Known Member
sounds great. did you ever plant the NL BB? i remember i think you ordered some . did you start them yet?

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
sounds great. did you ever plant the NL BB? i remember i think you ordered some . did you start them yet?

white russian, AK47, Blue Cheese, g13 power skunk, g13 thai super skunk, freebies, white widow, supergirl fems, top rt is my bagseed grow:joint:

i got barney's blue cheese. haven't started them. they are next. 5 fems, so, gonna pick a mother and flower the rest. i like your idea of flowering the mother after picking another mother from the clones. i hate bush...hahaha, no bushy plants, i mean. keep em small.



Well-Known Member
no i didnt mean flower the mother. its kind of difficult writing it in meaning,, see if you get clones from the the plants going into flowering you would have to veg them 56 days till those fini. before puting them in for flower, so wat you do while those are flowering take the clones you got and make a mother,just let it grow for 6 to 7 weex, . a couple of weex before those are through flowering start clones off the mother and veg them,chunk out the mother, veg the clones , right before they go into flowering take clones from them, to find another good mother plant and redo it allover a gain.do you see wat i'm sayin.it can be complicated expl it.lol.

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
no i didnt mean flower the mother. its kind of difficult writing it in meaning,, see if you get clones from the the plants going into flowering you would have to veg them 56 days till those fini. before puting them in for flower, so wat you do while those are flowering take the clones you got and make a mother,just let it grow for 6 to 7 weex, . a couple of weex before those are through flowering start clones off the mother and veg them,chunk out the mother, veg the clones , right before they go into flowering take clones from them, to find another good mother plant and redo it allover a gain.do you see wat i'm sayin.it can be complicated expl it.lol.

i think i get it. i wrote it wrong up there.


Well-Known Member
but i saw a post where the were taking clones while they were 20 days in to flowering. that would be easier.

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
I fawken dumped all the babies out of the tray and onto the grow room flooor!



So they all made it, the one that was having trouble rooting fell out and I pulled apart the rockwool and put it inside it. no one else was injured in the fall.

but I now only know what one is, ak47, the rest are mixed up now. that pisses me off as i just ordered some plant tags.

sum bitch.


Well-Known Member
drinkin and drivin huh, jus jokin, good deal you didnt do no damage. i'm a pro at that kind of shit. i saw where seed botique is selling chem dog double deisel. may order a couple and some wite russian. the w.r. is 80.00 . thier shippin is 4.50. i have seen nuthin but good reviews about them. also londoner said he grows herme seeds all the time, he said jus pull the balls off as the come up. said he dont get seeds, jus gotta keep an eye on them.