Elizabeth Warren


Well-Known Member
I want to start by saying that I have made incorrect assumptions about her because I learned about her by reading criticism designed verily to guide me to such conclusions. Against the two assumptions I have made which drove me to find her repellent, I'm making this post in hope that the thread will actually be about her. I'm interested in such a discussion.

1) She has not tried to claim tribal membership.

2) She is not dishonest.

I enjoyed the 1/16th Cherokee memes but that was all bullshit. Nothing much more to say about it than that. As to her integrity, It's her avoidance of the issue of middle class tax hikes in regard to her healthcare agenda. At first I found this dishonest but with closer inspection I no longer believe this. I think she avoids it because she doesn't believe that middle class taxes will increase significantly but she still can't prove it. I think she's an extremely honest woman who just doesn't want to humor what she sees as a dishonestly loaded query. I think she's wrong and it is a costly error but she genuinely does not intend to give me big tax hikes for coverage I don't want.

She's not my first choice and I will not vote for her in the primary but a Warren presidency would be so much better than the current peach colored impeached shit stain.

scumrot derelict

Well-Known Member
I want to start by saying that I have made incorrect assumptions about her because I learned about her by reading criticism designed verily to guide me to such conclusions. Against the two assumptions I have made which drove me to find her repellent, I'm making this post in hope that the thread will actually be about her. I'm interested in such a discussion.

1) She has not tried to claim tribal membership.

2) She is not dishonest.

I enjoyed the 1/16th Cherokee memes but that was all bullshit. Nothing much more to say about it than that. As to her integrity, It's her avoidance of the issue of middle class tax hikes in regard to her healthcare agenda. At first I found this dishonest but with closer inspection I no longer believe this. I think she avoids it because she doesn't believe that middle class taxes will increase significantly but she still can't prove it. I think she's an extremely honest woman who just doesn't want to humor what she sees as a dishonestly loaded query. I think she's wrong and it is a costly error but she genuinely does not intend to give me big tax hikes for coverage I don't want.

She's not my first choice and I will not vote for her in the primary but a Warren presidency would be so much better than the current peach colored impeached shit stain.
Yes, please.

More of this.


Well-Known Member
Medicare for all in the form that Warren proposed can't pass through the Senate. Same goes with her tax proposals. Not today and not in the 2020 congress regardless of election results. I'd like to see Warren speak more realistically about healthcare reform. Still, though, I give her great respect for stating how her healthcare reforms could be paid for. More important to me is her demonstrated ability to work well with others and do the work her electorate sent her to the Senate to do (unlike Sanders and Gabbard). It is this characteristic along with her clearly stated values that I find makes her the best choice among the field of Democratic Party candidates.

I can't get on the Biden bus. He's simply not up to date. Sanders is an idle clown and not going to get my vote. Gabbard is some sort of Manchurian candidate. Harris took herself out of the race. So, which remaining candidate is better than Warren?

scumrot derelict

Well-Known Member
you can almost gauge the neo-christian-nationalist outrage when she opens her mouth

that's pretty impressive, and she hasn't spent anything close to what the 80 year old billionaires have in messaging so far


Well-Known Member
Medicare for all in the form that Warren proposed can't pass through the Senate. Same goes with her tax proposals. Not today and not in the 2020 congress regardless of election results. I'd like to see Warren speak more realistically about healthcare reform. Still, though, I give her great respect for stating how her healthcare reforms could be paid for. More important to me is her demonstrated ability to work well with others and do the work her electorate sent her to the Senate to do (unlike Sanders and Gabbard). It is this characteristic along with her clearly stated values that I find makes her the best choice among the field of Democratic Party candidates.

I can't get on the Biden bus. He's simply not up to date. Sanders is an idle clown and not going to get my vote. Gabbard is some sort of Manchurian candidate. Harris took herself out of the race. So, which remaining candidate is better than Warren?
I still prefer Buttigieg, even with his mistakes. Warren isn't so bad though. Mainly because I agree with you that her tax hikes don't have a chance of passing, so I have no reason to worry about them.

scumrot derelict

Well-Known Member
I still prefer Buttigieg, even with his mistakes. Warren isn't so bad though. Mainly because I agree with you that her tax hikes don't have a chance of passing, so I have no reason to worry about them.
So, mayor pete > warren. Why though? I think they are both talented, and regarding your last post abt 10% of promises made, wouldn't the more centrist actually try and expend capital making those things happen?


Well-Known Member
So, mayor pete > warren. Why though? I think they are both talented, and regarding your last post abt 10% of promises made, wouldn't the more centrist actually try and expend capital making those things happen?
Foreign policy cred. He was an intelligence officer and he's a combat vet. He's to the left of Obama and well spoken.

The 10% of promises thing wasn't so much about what I think he'd accomplish but kind of tongue in cheek. He made a mistake as mayor and he admits it. His proposals seem good to me and feasible.

scumrot derelict

Well-Known Member
Foreign policy cred. He was an intelligence officer and he's a combat vet. He's to the left of Obama and well spoken.

The 10% of promises thing wasn't so much about what I think he'd accomplish but kind of tongue in cheek. He made a mistake as mayor and he admits it. His proposals seem good to me and feasible.
hard to argue any of that. it would sure as shit be nice to have an actual veteran representing for a change.