DIY, SIP POT sub irrigated planter

Thank you do you use 1/3 aeration in your soil mix or does it have to be less to hold the moisture in?

I’m not getting reply emails for some reason so my apologies for the late reply. I generally start with less, 1/4 or so. It depends on what else you are using too such as peat, bark, etc. You will get a feel for it as you go.
I’m not getting reply emails for some reason so my apologies for the late reply. I generally start with less, 1/4 or so. It depends on what else you are using too such as peat, bark, etc. You will get a feel for it as you go.
Ok thanks for the info cant wait to get started
Just remember that perlite absorbs water. I try a lot of stuff and after a bit you will get the feel of too wet/too dry.
Yes I have ffof right now which I believe has perlite in it just trying to decide if I should add some aeration to it it will be on its second run back to back I plan to use some 4-4-4 and 2-8-4 from gaia green I experimented with some ammendments on the first run they seemed to do ok I just harvested the first of 3 got about 122g off it. I'm worried if I play with the ammendments to much I may throw the soil off balance. I started experiencing deficiencies or what I believe to be deficiencies at mid flower on two of them here's some pics of them before chop. This is my second grow ever and first using organic growing methods. The reason I've decided to go with sip pots is primarily because I just got a 315cmh and dont want to sit under the light for an hour or so twice a week while I water them. It's hard on the eyes and figure the sip pots should help stabilize moisture levels.
Gelato 20191231_085304.jpg
Zkittles glue 20200102_180619.jpg
And triple cheese 20200102_181309.jpg
@Brandon137, you’ll get different opinions but I’ve seen plants have that yellowing when it’s this late in flowering. I think they look good and I’m not going to argue with anybody that responds with anything different as happens so much here. It’s just my opinion.
@Brandon137, you’ll get different opinions but I’ve seen plants have that yellowing when it’s this late in flowering. I think they look good and I’m not going to argue with anybody that responds with anything different as happens so much here. It’s just my opinion.
Thanks man I know what you mean I appreciate your opinion and help I'll hopefully be building the pots this weekend
Thanks man I know what you mean I appreciate your opinion and help I'll hopefully be building the pots this weekend

Ive never used FF, is it pre amended with ferts? At any rate, you could mix in some new ff. I grow outdoors but I don’t think that makes a difference here but just saying) I’ve got containers sitting now and that’s my plan, some fresh with the old.
Ive never used FF, is it pre amended with ferts? At any rate, you could mix in some new ff. I grow outdoors but I don’t think that makes a difference here but just saying) I’ve got containers sitting now and that’s my plan, some fresh with the old.
Yes it's got a bunch of stuff in it I'd have to look at the bag again to double check I think I will reamend after this grow just in a bit of a time church I've already started two new seedings which I suspect will be ready for the sip pots in the next two weeks I've read so manny forms on amending soil I think what I need to do is start with something basic and go from there not one of the 600 different ammendments at this rate per cuft and that rate per cuft I have a few ammendments to choose from in my stock pile just need to figure out which ones I want to use and at what rates that will be a project for next grow I'd buy more soil but my issue is I'm out of cash and I grow in my basement which has stupid high RH in the summer so i take advantage of the winter to grow
I’m organic so I use a lot of locally sourced things like bark and such with peat that I buy. I use an organic fert that I buy pretty reasonable IE. Dr Earth, jobes, etc. Small, clean aged wood chips will aerate ok but you need the peat for wicking.
I’m organic so I use a lot of locally sourced things like bark and such with peat that I buy. I use an organic fert that I buy pretty reasonable IE. Dr Earth, jobes, etc. Small, clean aged wood chips will aerate ok but you need the peat for wicking.
Ffof is peat based so that's perfect have you tried coco by any chance? I'll probably use cover crop instead of the trash bag I believe that the companion crops can be quite beneficial
I’ve never tried coco as I’ve heard different things about it related to SIPs. I need to look into it further. I’ve got some cover crop clover growing in a few containers that I plant outdoors, bottomless type.
I’ve never tried coco as I’ve heard different things about it related to SIPs. I need to look into it further. I’ve got some cover crop clover growing in a few containers that I plant outdoors, bottomless type.
I have a 7 seed blend I bought from black swallow living soils. I use a bit of coco in my worm bins along side with some peat and ofcourse shredded paper/cardboard