Trump starts a war with Iran

Trump did nothing to the current healthcare. Your delusional.
He stripped Obamacare if its funding mechanism you dumbass. Hence the massive rise in premiums and millions who have lost insurance

but you’re still not telling me what happened to his promise that”everyone will be covered for a fraction of the cost and it will be so easy”

why hasn’t he gone that?
He stripped Obamacare if its funding mechanism you dumbass. Hence the massive rise in premiums and millions who have lost insurance

but you’re still not telling me what happened to his promise that”everyone will be covered for a fraction of the cost and it will be so easy”

why hasn’t he gone that?

I remember early on when they began the destruction of Obamacare, numerous supporters were saying things like "Fuck you, we have ACA, we don't need Obamacare!", completely failing to see that they are the exact same thing.

This type of thing has become so pervasive, it's literally appalling.
'We're going to war, bro': Fort Bragg's 82nd Airborne deploys to the Middle East

...and the troops are not allowed to take cell phones or personal electronic devices, "for security reasons".

This rule has never been put into place before. Troops have been able to bring their own devices, and even purchase new ones in the countries they are deployed.

I smell an attempt to ensure that all dissent is censored by any military service member being deployed. This is an observation and an estimation only.
Well, if I tried to go to Tel Aviv, or Israel in general, they would refuse my entry due to my support for BDS, just like they did to the US Congress people last year, because like Trump, they're terrified of facing the results of their actions.
So no, I wouldn't go to Israel, that POS apartheid nation that has brought NOTHING but hardship & death to/for the USA, like 9/11 for example which was carried out for the Palestinian people according to Osama bin Laden's own words.
So yea, I would go to Tehran personally, but I doubt I would survive long anymore being an American as a result of Trumps actions against Iran.
And as far as being fake Irish, I'm 100% Irish & if you read Irish newspapers & polls you might understand the majority of Irish people feel the same way I do, and that is that Trump is an idiot and Israel is wrong in it's treatment of the Palestinians, which seemly is cool with you
So Zedd, where are you actually from?
Why do I really doubt that?
Have a nice New Year :)
You’re as Irish as bourbon. I doubt you have a passport so whether you would smoke pot and drink hooch in Tehran is moot. So from the above you are blaming Israel for making Saudis do 911? Did they also conspire with an iceberg to sink the Titanic?
You’re as Irish as bourbon.
Bourbon is piss in my mind, I drink only Jameson.
Do a fucking Google on James Coyne in Galway, Connemara, Ireland you piss ant, because that's my real name
Don't fuck with my heritage, or disparage it.
Read fucking bin Laden's letter to America, and maybe you might get my point.
Oh, while I'm at it, your a dick (a mod deleted my previous comment about you, I guess your luv'd on RIU, but I think you'll get the idea)
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That's from Obamacare. If you remember right they tried to fix it but there was a few trump hating Republicans that killed the bill. John McCain was one of them before he died



Notice how it increases under Republican control at a far higher rate? It is because they could give a shit less about anyone not in the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only demographic.
Trump did nothing to the current healthcare. Your delusional.
lol yeah because he is entirely ineffective as a leader. He couldn't even repeal it after the entire Republicans party running on it for 6 years and having full control over the House, Senate, and President.
Bourbon is piss in my mind, I drink only Jameson.
Do a fucking Google on James Coyne in Galway, Connemara, Ireland you piss ant, because that's my real name
Don't fuck with my heritage, or disparage it.
Read fucking bin Laden's letter to America, and maybe you might get my point.
Oh, while I'm at it, your a dick (a mod deleted my previous comment about you, I guess your luv'd on RIU, but I think you'll get the idea)
Fuck with your heritage? because I don’t think the Israeli’s colluded with the 911 perpetrators? Or that you pretend to be something you’re not whilst spewing hatred by supporting terrorists? Insulated American piss head with a boner for Hamas is why I’m joshing you. Jameson’s is the shite they give to American tourists, real Irish drink Paddy or black Bush, sorry I made you cry though.
Lol good luck with that. They dog our president on how he wants to secure the border and create more security, but canada has the toughest immigration laws in north America. You are not just gonna move there and go on about your business. You will be deported. You won't get free health care and education or money.

I don't need FREE anything, also have family in Canada. Can move there if I want. Wrong again.