Mason Jars


Active Member
Can somebody tell me which brand, which size, & the best place to buy the mason jars I need? I have 14 outdoor plants so Im guessing Im gonna need a decent amount of them. Id like to get less of the bigger jars than lots of the smaller jars if its OK to cure that way. Thanx.
yes its ok to cure in large jars, i get mine at walmart, i got 12 pint sized for 10 dollors, i think the biggest they make is 1/2 gallon. also better hurry and get some cuz alot of places only carry for the 1 season of canning fruits and veggies.
well if im curing my buds i want a lil room left in the jar so they can have movement so about 1/2-3/4 of an once when curing. but when im storing it in the jars for a long period i can fit at least 2 ounces jammed in theri mabye more.
No doubt, thanx again bro. 1 more question if you dont mind. This is my 1st grow, I have 14 plants containing 5 strains & it looks like im gonna get a good yeild. Im praying for at least 14lbs. Like I said I would like to put as much bud possible in each jar. If its not to expensive I would like to get the 1/2 gallon jugs. Is there a max amount of bud I should put in a jar reguardless of the size of the jar or doesnt it matter as long as theres some room on the top for some air?
If you will excuse me mixing my units - I could get 3 ounces dried in a 1 litre Mason jar. When my yield hit 72 ounces I switched to ziploc bags.

If you get the 14 pounds you want you will need 75 jars of that size.

half a (US presumably) gallon is 1.9 litres, so you will still need about 40 of them.
No doubt, thanx again bro. 1 more question if you dont mind. This is my 1st grow, I have 14 plants containing 5 strains & it looks like im gonna get a good yeild. Im praying for at least 14lbs. Like I said I would like to put as much bud possible in each jar. If its not to expensive I would like to get the 1/2 gallon jugs. Is there a max amount of bud I should put in a jar reguardless of the size of the jar or doesnt it matter as long as theres some room on the top for some air?

yes you can put more in if the jas are bigger but leave some extra room for movement dont jam them in while curring for the first few weeks. after the unitail cure you can jam them in and fit as much as possible.

If you will excuse me mixing my units - I could get 3 ounces dried in a 1 litre Mason jar. When my yield hit 72 ounces I switched to ziploc bags.

If you get the 14 pounds you want you will need 75 jars of that size.

half a (US presumably) gallon is 1.9 litres, so you will still need about 40 of them.

no reason to be excused my friend. i could probably get at least 6 ounces in a 1/2 gal jar just pack it down. and ziploc bags work but only to an extent they dont really cure because they are not as air proof as a jar light and air degrades thc. if you really want to store it correctly for a long time i think vacuum sealing is the best. but i have 2 1/2 pounds that will be mason jarred up and then wont be smoked till next year. ive stored weed inthese jars longer then this as well wiht no probs. just gotta make sure its all dry, its ina dark cool place and it will be fine
Thanx fellas. I dont know what Im gonna get off the 14 plants but Im praying its a pound per plant. 72 jars is alot, if I can find the 1/2 gallon jugs & theyre not crazy expensive I think Im gonna go that route instead of having almost 100 smaller jars. Damn Mcpurple, thats a long time to store it but its great that you can keep it fresh for that long. I took a couple small branches off a plant that should be ready to chop this weekend. I let it dry/cure for 1 1/2 weeks and gave alittle to a few people to try for when the rest is done. My brother told me last night I could get $20 a gram if I sell it. Like I said, its my 1st grow & I cant believe how good the plants look to be coming along & how good the quality of them is, especially for outdoor bud.
a pound a plant is alot unless outdoors or you have a really goo indoor setup. also i know its along time but i cant smoke it do to being on probation and i wont sell any more.
I buy my mason jars from my local Ace Hardware store. If they don't have them in stock another store will drive them over to your store. If you are going to buy some jars choose the wide-mouth type, much easier to work with. I use all sizes, smaller pint sizes are for gifts, quart for curing and larger for storing.

jar (2).png
a pound a plant is alot unless outdoors or you have a really goo indoor setup. also i know its along time but i cant smoke it do to being on probation and i wont sell any more.

Auto Pounder by AUTO SEEDS (an Autoflowering variety - xRuderalis) is expected to produce 1 lb in an outdoor setting. Being in the Tropical (near Equatorial) Caribbean, I hope that the constant year-round Sun here might encourage 50% more than even that.

Question: Autos are claimed to be able to repeat harvests in my neck of the woods, I've read. That means I probably won't be encouraged to defoliate the plant. I'm curious about the procedure to facilitate repeat harvests. How many repeats?
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I think you can’t like things because your new, it doesn’t last long though.

I thank you for the speedy clarification. I'm only gonna be new for a spell.

It's weird that I have not received a response (or even a like) to my latest question above on Schedule and multiple Autoflowering Harvests. From the bit I've seen, growers on here appear quite frugal on the matter of dispensing 'likes'. Wait a minute... it may be a matter of etiquette, in that My last two questions are not specifically about 'Mason Jars'. Silly me - I profusely apologise. Apparently, the ability to edit or delete sublimates to the ether after a short spell. I can't move them now. Actually, this is my first time ever using a blog, would you believe; 51 and still learning. Thanks for your patience, mates.

Anywho... One way or the other, I'll get all this right.
It's weird that I have not received a response (or even a like)

Actually, if you have a question or otherwise want to talk about your own situation etiquette suggests you create your own thread and not take over the OP or original poster's thread which they created to talk about mason jars.