Help me !


Well-Known Member
Too long in a jiffy. Why isn't this in a pot? It's starving, it's stretched, it's stressed. Pot up immediately


Well-Known Member
Bertrand we are all still learning,no matter how long weve been growing.i agree with Blent pot up now the lil lady is stressed,good luck bro.another week or so think about 1/4 strength nuits to get her up n runnin


Well-Known Member
your in good hands here bro,thats why I joined,i really had no one to talk to bout this kind of stuff.theres a lot of great growers in this forum just scroll around and look up stuff that relates or you can relate too


Well-Known Member
If its floppy I always use cocktail sticks in each corner then tie string around to stop it flopping. Don't over water and it will be fine


Well-Known Member
Is it worth it is what I'm wondering
It depends, you really get what you pay for. Also even though it says 600w it really isn't just an advertising thing. Look on Amazon how much actual watts it pulls from the wall. Maybe good for 1 small plant