Bodhi Testers Loompa's Headband x Strawberry Milk & Mothers Milk x PU F3

8/10 MM31 x PU F3 are above soil. One broke through the soil and died right away. The one that didn't crack in the towels is still planted and I will give it a few more days before writing off.

I also just threw 4 Loompa's Headband x Strawberry Milk males into the woodstove. I just simply do not have the space to flower out males atm so I will not be f2ing these testers as I had hoped.
I am left with 2 females and one still not showing yet.

Cheers :)
hah, I had the same, 10/10 on one tester, 8/10 on my other. damn, i need to journalize everything again like this. so lazy! lol. bummer on the 7/10 boys. you plan to make any f2's?

Keeping track online is much easier then writing it down like I use to. Plus now the pictures are there with each post instead of trying to cross reference what I had written down to pictures on my lap top.
It might even be 8/10 males but I have a feeling the last holdout is a female. I had been planning on f2ing these to preserve them, but I simply do not have the room to. I am planning on doing an open pollination of both Synergy and Wolfpack ( Individually ) in my main flowering tent once I have a stockpile of full jars again.

Cheers :)
Even though the remaining 5 Mother's Milk #31 x PU F3 are still not showing sex, I have decided to tranplant and put them into the flowering tent anyway. I also will not be taking cuts.
Mother's Milk #31 x PU F3 #1 along with a shot of its mini branch

Cheers :)