Help! Seeds Germanated but dried up in clay pellets.


Excuses all the details but I want everyone to have enough information to make an informed conclusion.
I have a 4X4 grow tent. Two water farms (using clay pellets for growing medium) and a viparspectra 900W LED light.
I germanated 2 seeds in damp paper towel and tap root popped in about 3 days. Once I had about 1/4" tap root I moved seeds to my grow tent and placed (tap root down) into clay pellets in my water farms.

My seeds are auto flowers and feminized. I read that auto's are finicky about being transplanted so I thought I was doing the right thing by placing in their final growing space. I am now rethinking this step.
I placed my grow light at 24" above canopy ( mainly for warmth) and ran it and my air pumps (this bubbles up oxygenated water to drip rings) 24/7,

So here is my problem. After 7 days in water farm I did not see any seedlings. Nothing popped through... No green stem NOTHING. So I very carefully moved one pellet at a time until I could see my seeds. One had completely dried up and the other seed wasnt looking to good. Tap root was not dried up but I don't think it is going to make it.

I am new to this whole growing thing and floundering as I try to understand it all. I like the water farm system because it seemed fairly simple to maintain; however, watching it in action I felt that the seeds which were planted in the middle of the drip ring were not getting any water directed to them.
All clay pebbles underneath and near the drip rings are moist but the very middle seems to be dry on the surface. Thus I would spray water sometimes twice a day with a squirt bottle across the center where seeds were planted. No more than a squirt or two. Just enough to moisten the surface.
I have an issue trying to keep RH in ideal range. It dropped to 37% on the low side and got as high as 57%. Temps have ranged between 65F - 78F. I know I have some issues with RH and Temps that need a more stable process but felt like my problem was something else.
I am reading other post and thinking that I might have over watered. Thoughts anyone? Questions?
@rkymtnman is a water farm kinda guy...
Thanks Dog. In reading other post I see there are several Water Farm guys on here. Unfortunately none have stopped by here to offer advise. Is there a way to PM someone if you have their user name?
Jypsy Dog thanks for dropping by I was beginning to think my post was invisible.
Thanks Dog. In reading other post I see there are several Water Farm guys on here. Unfortunately none have stopped by here to offer advise. Is there a way to PM someone if you have their user name?
Jypsy Dog thanks for dropping by I was beginning to think my post was invisible.
He should be showing up... You can DM members.
Afaik you should put into some kind of moisture retaining cube like rockwool and then into your pellets if starting from seed
Afaik you should put into some kind of moisture retaining cube like rockwool and then into your pellets if starting from seed
Thanks for this tip. Once I feel that I have a better game plan I am going to start a couple more seeds and had thought I would transfer my Germanated seeds to Rock Wool and place that into my clay pebbles in my water farm.
Thanks for this tip. Once I feel that I have a better game plan I am going to start a couple more seeds and had thought I would transfer my Germanated seeds to Rock Wool and place that into my clay pebbles in my water farm.
i start my seeds in a small aero unit in rapid rooters (skip the rockwool, it sucks IMO). once they get a few sets of leaves and a decent set of roots (usually 4 to 6 inches long), i transfer the rapid rooter right into the waterfarm. they take off after that.

have you done any of the common mods to the waterfarms?
Yes I drilled many extra holes in the top pots. I have not changed out the air pumps nor have I ran another air hose with air stone down into my bottom buckets which if I understand correctly is another wf mod.
I am open to all suggestions. Thanks again. I have more seeds that I can germanate but I don't want to piss them away with some fucked procedure.
Yes I drilled many extra holes in the top pots. I have not changed out the air pumps nor have I ran another air hose with air stone down into my bottom buckets which if I understand correctly is another wf mod.
I am open to all suggestions. Thanks again. I have more seeds that I can germanate but I don't want to piss them away with some fucked procedure.
for the air pump, i just bought 2 outlet adjustable pumps (penn plax brand I think). you don't need the airstone until the roots hit the lower res but it is well worth using.

and buy a bag of rapid rooters. they work great. i even start my veggie garden seeds in them and plant directly into dirt.

like i said i have a little aeroponics unit that fits 3 rapid rooters into for starting seeds. but i have started them in a ice cube tray so there are many ways to do it.

and don't feel bad, starting a seed in hydroton is almost impossible.
Excuses all the details but I want everyone to have enough information to make an informed conclusion.
I have a 4X4 grow tent. Two water farms (using clay pellets for growing medium) and a viparspectra 900W LED light.
I germanated 2 seeds in damp paper towel and tap root popped in about 3 days. Once I had about 1/4" tap root I moved seeds to my grow tent and placed (tap root down) into clay pellets in my water farms.

My seeds are auto flowers and feminized. I read that auto's are finicky about being transplanted so I thought I was doing the right thing by placing in their final growing space. I am now rethinking this step.
I placed my grow light at 24" above canopy ( mainly for warmth) and ran it and my air pumps (this bubbles up oxygenated water to drip rings) 24/7,

So here is my problem. After 7 days in water farm I did not see any seedlings. Nothing popped through... No green stem NOTHING. So I very carefully moved one pellet at a time until I could see my seeds. One had completely dried up and the other seed wasnt looking to good. Tap root was not dried up but I don't think it is going to make it.

I am new to this whole growing thing and floundering as I try to understand it all. I like the water farm system because it seemed fairly simple to maintain; however, watching it in action I felt that the seeds which were planted in the middle of the drip ring were not getting any water directed to them.
All clay pebbles underneath and near the drip rings are moist but the very middle seems to be dry on the surface. Thus I would spray water sometimes twice a day with a squirt bottle across the center where seeds were planted. No more than a squirt or two. Just enough to moisten the surface.
I have an issue trying to keep RH in ideal range. It dropped to 37% on the low side and got as high as 57%. Temps have ranged between 65F - 78F. I know I have some issues with RH and Temps that need a more stable process but felt like my problem was something else.
I am reading other post and thinking that I might have over watered. Thoughts anyone? Questions?

Hi Guys,
I grow in waterfarms...but this is an issue for any hydro system using netcups of hydroton. I have never just stuck a seedling in with the rocks. Small rockwool cubes work perfectly. And like many hydro have to hand water till roots are big enough.
Hi Guys,
I grow in waterfarms...but this is an issue for any hydro system using netcups of hydroton. I have never just stuck a seedling in with the rocks. Small rockwool cubes work perfectly. And like many hydro have to hand water till roots are big enough.
Man this is all great information. I wished I had it in my head about a week ago. I have been staked out on the internet search engines and many forums since Oct. while I purchased my setup equipment and educated myself. I ran across many detailed step-by-step hydroponic systems very similar to mine and although I had questions I thought I had enough knowledge to go ahead and start. WRONG!
As in most things in life it is the little details that are most important. The knowledge that I have learned here today are the missing links that I needed. I guess that these tidbits were things that the author’s of the other setups did not think was necessary to mention. I guess it is common sense but this is my first grow so I guess I will learn as I go. Thanks everyone!!!
Man this is all great information. I wished I had it in my head about a week ago. I have been staked out on the internet search engines and many forums since Oct. while I purchased my setup equipment and educated myself. I ran across many detailed step-by-step hydroponic systems very similar to mine and although I had questions I thought I had enough knowledge to go ahead and start. WRONG!
As in most things in life it is the little details that are most important. The knowledge that I have learned here today are the missing links that I needed. I guess that these tidbits were things that the author’s of the other setups did not think was necessary to mention. I guess it is common sense but this is my first grow so I guess I will learn as I go. Thanks everyone!!!
I promise your going to kill a few... Good Luck.
but this is my first grow so I guess I will learn as I go
take good notes. don't make the same mistake twice. eventually you'll run out of things to go wrong.

i'd also suggest starting off with RO water until you get a few good grows. it will eliminate your water source as a potential problem.
Man this is all great information. I wished I had it in my head about a week ago. I have been staked out on the internet search engines and many forums since Oct. while I purchased my setup equipment and educated myself. I ran across many detailed step-by-step hydroponic systems very similar to mine and although I had questions I thought I had enough knowledge to go ahead and start. WRONG!
As in most things in life it is the little details that are most important. The knowledge that I have learned here today are the missing links that I needed. I guess that these tidbits were things that the author’s of the other setups did not think was necessary to mention. I guess it is common sense but this is my first grow so I guess I will learn as I go. Thanks everyone!!!

When I first started...there was no internet. No seed sellers. You had to find a magazine shop that carried High Times and then mail order books about growing.

So now you have to deal with information overload...oh well.

Good luck with your waterfarm. I have 3 WF plants just finishing. It's my first run using the GH controller and keep-full res. Really cut my workload. I have coco plants too and the waterfarm plants are finishing faster.
When I first started...there was no internet. No seed sellers. You had to find a magazine shop that carried High Times and then mail order books about growing.

So now you have to deal with information overload...oh well.

Good luck with your waterfarm. I have 3 WF plants just finishing. It's my first run using the GH controller and keep-full res. Really cut my workload. I have coco plants too and the waterfarm plants are finishing faster.
Hey JD!
Hope all is good with you and Santa brought some nice presents for ya.
All good here. Santa showed up with 2 nice Caltrain Wrecks here. Almost done drying but they look nice.
Have a good one. RKY
When I first started...there was no internet. No seed sellers. You had to find a magazine shop that carried High Times and then mail order books about growing.

So now you have to deal with information o
Good luck with your waterfarm. I have 3 WF plants just finishing. It's my first run using the GH controller and keep-full res. Really cut my workload. I have coco plants too and the waterfarm plants are finishing faster.
Thanks for three good wishes. III know I am going to kill a few seeds but did not want them to be on my first grow. I am batting 50% right now. One seeds dead and the other on life support. Three one seed left just popped is shell and three bud is green butt arched over and turned back towards the hydroponic pellets . Butt sure off it will make it or not. I plan to get some rapid rooters and try again. Thanks to everyone for your input.
Okay I had all night to sleep on as long this information and I have managed to come up with one more dumb question. Once the little girls have been started in the rapid rooters and get some growth on their side and I go to put them in my wf do I plant the whole rapid rooters into my hydroton?
Thanks again to everyone that had helped me with a nugget of information!! You guys/gals are the best!
Seed starting can be problematic. In hydro systems, you don't want lots of stray crap floating around. Can clog things up. That's why I feel rockwool works best for hydro.
Never used rapid rooters? Do they break apart into bits after awhile?

But regarding your question. Yes plant intact. Tap roots break easily.

Hey JD!
Hope all is good with you and Santa brought some nice presents for ya.
All good here. Santa showed up with 2 nice Caltrain Wrecks here. Almost done drying but they look nice.
Have a good one. RKY

Thanks RKY...things are good here. Coming up on harvest...always an exciting time. lol
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