Quitting for a while to reduce very high tolerance


Well-Known Member
I decided to quit for a while. I did 4 weeks ago but now I'd like to write about it. It was after a party where I took a bag with some big weed-only joints. The thing is that many people got very high just with some drags of my joints, and I smoked most of them. About 5-6 grams of good weed. Then I realized my tolerance was way too high.

I was smoking about 10 grams a day of very nice weeds during the last 10 years. I am a musician and I mainly work in the evenings, so I always started the day running for some km (not much) and after that, I had breakfast, a big fatty joint (about a gram) and then another one. Some work in the garden, playing with the cats, practicing some music... Then another one while cooking.... to make it short, I was smoking all time. At the end of the day, or when going out and partying it was usual to smoke several fat joints more.

I didn't smoke mild weed, although I usually preferred sativas like Mextiza, and another rare sativas that are clone-only in Spain like Red Snake or La Bella. But when they were over (these plants don't produce much) I was smoking Taskenti, Black Domina, Jack Herer, Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, Sour Diesel or any weed I could reach. Really strong weed.

The thing is that it was very easy to quit. No bad mood, no digestive problems, no shit. I didn't became an alcoholic either. I had some trouble to sleep the two first nights but I took some benzos (just some mg) and I slept well. I didn't keep taking them after that, I hate hard drugs. I sleep well and since I quit weed I started dreaming intensely, and that was a encouraging reason to keep not taking any weed. Very nice surrealistic adventures. I didn't remember how the brain mixes all things around your life and presents it to you in such a crazy way. I hadn't dreamed for years and dreaming is nice.

I just missed my weed when I had sex or when I watch a movie or series. I don't have the patience to stay sit down. In fact, I believe I'm a little hyperactive now. I lost 4 or 5 kg in 4 weeks due to more activity I perform.

I plan to smoke again, of course, but I might wait another month. I believe I will get very stoned the first times (I hope) but I plan to make a more rational use of the weed. Smoke at nights, for example, or in summer festivals. I really enjoy sativas while partying and playing outdoors.

What do you think?
Well bro.. my opinion is that EVERY OVER-USAGE is bad.. Even in sex and in studying..I smoke all the time that i dont sleep and i obviously see some low performance in my daily grind...
My main target is to smoke 2 FAT JOINTS when i have finished all my liabilities of the day..
This is something that i cant do right now due to my limited occupations..i am trying to get a job simultanusly with my studies..the studies are not enough to cover my energy for doing things..so i smoke to be calmed..
But this is what i will do for the rest of my life..till i ll be 65 or more..when i ll start smoking all the day again :D :P
Well bro.. my opinion is that EVERY OVER-USAGE is bad.. Even in sex and in studying..I smoke all the time that i dont sleep and i obviously see some low performance in my daily grind...
My main target is to smoke 2 FAT JOINTS when i have finished all my liabilities of the day..
This is something that i cant do right now due to my limited occupations..i am trying to get a job simultanusly with my studies..the studies are not enough to cover my energy for doing things..so i smoke to be calmed..
But this is what i will do for the rest of my life..till i ll be 65 or more..when i ll start smoking all the day again :D :P

Try sport. It works very well to burn over energy.

My dad taught me growing up that if u partake of any cannabis the next day you GOTTA excercise VIGOROUSly for at least an hour to regulate the damage the combusting of the pulmonary system does. I hate smoking in the morning .....I prefer to smoke by 2-3 in the afternoon or later.
I believe that if you exercise vigorously every day (like 1 hour of mild physical work or half an hour running, like 5 km) you aren't going to feel any of the symptoms of withdrawal. Some people does fell terrible after quitting joints, but I believe it is because of a different pathology that cannabis hides out. Anxiety, for example.

I feel very well. And I'm probably sharper.

Thanks for that, I also have a very high tolerance as a medical user, but I average around 2g a day... I will take two or three days off here or there, and yeah I get really grumpy if I'm not careful, upset stomach a little, and I take 3mg melatonin for sleep at night (all the time anyway, you should try it!)

My main withdrawal is mood swings, and I get anxiety and depression, but that's also part of why I'm using in the first place. I also find that if I taper down for a few days that will help the tolerance. Wait till lunch or afternoon to use etc.. I think everyone is a little different with withdrawals. Water and exercise absolutely help...
After about three months without any weed I started again in May, if I remember well. I was increasing my intake for months. The thing is that once you start smoking in the mornings you can reach your high tolerance level in just a couple of weeks.

I remember having a more intense social life and to have the house in proper condition for the months I didn't smoke at all. I even lost some kg due to more activity I was performing.

So now I need to give it up for a while (again). I'd like to control my intake for just the evenings and the nights, so my lifestyle would be much better. I'll wait to some very nice sativas I've got there to cure properly to start smoking again. I'll tell you how it goes.

After about three months without any weed I started again in May, if I remember well. I was increasing my intake for months. The thing is that once you start smoking in the mornings you can reach your high tolerance level in just a couple of weeks.

I remember having a more intense social life and to have the house in proper condition for the months I didn't smoke at all. I even lost some kg due to more activity I was performing.

So now I need to give it up for a while (again). I'd like to control my intake for just the evenings and the nights, so my lifestyle would be much better. I'll wait to some very nice sativas I've got there to cure properly to start smoking again. I'll tell you how it goes.


I have never had a 10g/day habit, but I have had a 3-5g/day habit. I've "quit" many times after using a lot, because I ran out of bud. Never really had any withdrawals. Last winter I decided to limit my intake to half a gram per day. It was pretty good. I vaped it in like three sessions in the evening and got quite high every night for several hours without having tolerance build up. I will set such a limit for myself again when I harvest.
Dead serious. If your weed isn’t working....it’s not good weed imo.
When you smoke as much weed as I did(8 grams a day) of primo bud it doesnt matter if you smoke a blunt of primo, or take a bowl in one toke, or take a phat dab you're gonna get the initial head pounding that you crave so much but it's not gonna get you high. I smoke weed to help my anxiety, I'm much more social and productive without it but the anxiety is overwhelming.
I believe you haven't experience enough to make a serious opinion. Are you a teenager, or a mild smoker?
Once you have the chance to smoke that "good herb" you know for several years, tens of grams a day, come back and talk.
Thanks for collaborating anyway.
In my opinion, the only thing wrong with a 10g a day habit is that smoking isn't healthy. Eating the equivalent in edibles or vaping would be perfectly fine. People smoke different amounts depending on a variety of factors and not every person who uses high doses is an out of control addict.

If you can afford your 10g a day habit without sacrificing anything important you're doing fine. If you're pawning things and stealing from people to maintain a 10g a day habit that's when you have a problem.

If you smoke 6 joints at a party and socialize like normal you're doing fine. If you smoke 6 joints at party and fall asleep while everyone around you is trying to be sociable you have a problem.

Even people who take high doses and lose function are ok if it's planned out. I take a high dose to pass out and fall asleep, but if I had to suddenly wake up and save myself from a burglar I would be crippled by my intense high. I don't take a nighttime dose of weed and try to do my job like it's nothing though. That's irresponsible. If you're being responsible about your actions and you're not hurting the people or environment around you I say get as high as you possibly can.
In my opinion, the only thing wrong with a 10g a day habit is that smoking isn't healthy. Eating the equivalent in edibles or vaping would be perfectly fine. People smoke different amounts depending on a variety of factors and not every person who uses high doses is an out of control addict.

If you can afford your 10g a day habit without sacrificing anything important you're doing fine. If you're pawning things and stealing from people to maintain a 10g a day habit that's when you have a problem.

If you smoke 6 joints at a party and socialize like normal you're doing fine. If you smoke 6 joints at party and fall asleep while everyone around you is trying to be sociable you have a problem.

Even people who take high doses and lose function are ok if it's planned out. I take a high dose to pass out and fall asleep, but if I had to suddenly wake up and save myself from a burglar I would be crippled by my intense high. I don't take a nighttime dose of weed and try to do my job like it's nothing though. That's irresponsible. If you're being responsible about your actions and you're not hurting the people or environment around you I say get as high as you possibly can.

I agree. And anyway, I feel that giving it up totally for a time (weeks, months) is a good thing to do sometimes. When you come back later you start smoking less and you start smoking in special moments, not just like cigarettes like I used to do. It is good to move out of the comfort zone. I grow my own, so I've always plenty of weed. My house looks cleaner when I give it up, and this is nice, and I am thinking that it is the best reason to quit. It doesn't affect much my life, other than that.

If u smoke 10 grams a day to stay buzzed you are smoking mids. I've gotten high since 16, a total of 48 yrs........never quit, sure I will go 2-3 days off to lower my incredible tolerance. But dayum 10 grams a day? Is it Mexican seed weed? Had that shit in the early 70's......

seriously, seek better sources of cannabis.
If u smoke 10 grams a day to stay buzzed you are smoking mids. I've gotten high since 16, a total of 48 yrs........never quit, sure I will go 2-3 days off to lower my incredible tolerance. But dayum 10 grams a day? Is it Mexican seed weed? Had that shit in the early 70's......

seriously, seek better sources of cannabis.

If you train a lot, you can smoke a lot. I smoked up to 10 grams, usually less, just to stay normal. You never get stoned again once you reach that skill. Since you haven't experienced that, it is a pity you can't contribute in any way.

I smoke quite well-know powerful strains, some of them are known for being strong. Black Domina, Jack Herer, SSSDH and some others. Elite clones. But I try to avoid hybrids to enjoy separately the sativa high and the indica down. Things like OGs and other hybrids are strong, but very boring.
