Seeds didn't come in?


Well-Known Member
My friend ordered seeds from Nirvana and its been 2 in a half weeks and he still hasn't gotten them and he sent them an email but no reply. Any suggestions on where I should go to get a few very nice Fem. Snow White seeds?


Well-Known Member
I think you are out of luck sorry bro. I get my seeds from amsterdam and they arrive to the sates within like 5 days, so it sounds like they screwed you.


Well-Known Member
It seems to me that these seed banks are dependent on sites like this, and rely on them for a great deal of business. Negative feed back on these forums can seriously affect their bottom line.
I really doubt that they are trying to screw you, sometimes shit just happens. I'd bet that they are 1 or 2 man operations, maybe 4 tops. Seed inventory doesn't take a warehouse. They might be overtaxed, and might take some time to respond to email. Not that that justifies bad service, but there IS a difference between bad service and an outright "screw you".
I dunno how much you paid, but I'm guessing alot, and it would be a shame to write that off and go somewhere else. But then, you'd have more seed if and when you finally DO get your order.
It could also be that you're gonna get a "you've been a bad boy" letter from our good friends at Customs, and it just hasn't gotten to ya yet. I hope not, but it's always a possibility.


Well-Known Member
Just be patient, it took over a month for me to get some HK and BB from them...

I hope they come for you, have you opened a support ticket?
Talked to funkopath(if he still works there.)?

well you may want to wait a little longer on the seeds yo come in, or you can check out attitude. i have been reading alot of good things about them. Also mane2008 wrote up a good post about buying seeds based on his experiences. i'll try to find the link.....

here you go
good look on that;)


Active Member
i just got some NL#5 from HGS took almost a month thay are like jack and the beanstalk
germed 10 9of10 popped in less then 24hrs put in the soil lastnite :)


Well-Known Member
Dont worry man, nirvana are known for long delivery times. even for me in ireland they took about 3 weeks to come. im sure youll be ok


Well-Known Member
yes they do, but who else is gonna send us good strains ? ... YOU ?:hug:
im first in line!, you do offer free discrete shipping correct ???

not gonna say a word. other than, it's not very discrete when you post it on a public forum. oops. :weed:

if the people at the seed banks cared one bit about marijuana they would be sending EVERYONE free seeds. OVERGROW THE WORLD!!!!! right? a 10 pack at a time? they want your dollar. period. :peace:

it's just pot. it's all good. every seed is a diamond in the rough. quit falling for the hype. i've grown more sh*tty seed bank seeds than i have bagseeds. i prefer bagseed at this point. i don't even like the clones from the clubs anymore. they all suck as well.


Well-Known Member
not gonna say a word. other than, it's not very discrete when you post it on a public forum. oops. :weed:

if the people at the seed banks cared one bit about marijuana they would be sending EVERYONE free seeds. OVERGROW THE WORLD!!!!! right? a 10 pack at a time? they want your dollar. period. :peace:

it's just pot. it's all good. every seed is a diamond in the rough. quit falling for the hype. i've grown more sh*tty seed bank seeds than i have bagseeds. i prefer bagseed at this point. i don't even like the clones from the clubs anymore. they all suck as well.
ive been growing bag seed for 8 years and im quite happy, its all about selection grow some seeds pick out the best plant clone it make that clone a mother :peace:


Well-Known Member
yeah nirvana is slow with deliverys. its been a month today and i still didnt get my ppp fem's. they also arent too good with emails either i sent 5 and only got one responce