GR's 5 Plant Vertical Grow Winter 19/20'


Well-Known Member
Eight day since repotted from the Solo's into the 2 gallon Smart Pots.
Roots establishing, and beginning to grow through the sides of the fabric pots.

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I had put the CLW SS400 on them for a few days in veg mode, worked well but put them under the 315W yesterday and raised the lamp to get them to stretch some so we can begin training them to the screens.
One day after transplant 11/23.
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And today, 12/1, can tell the roots have taken off well. Moved a couple of the plants around but numbered them so you can tell each one.
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Need to get the irrigation system back up and running. Did some modifications, built a stand for the pump and manifold to ride on, that will allow a cover to be placed over the rez. Going to place a small pump in the rez this grow and run it for about 15 seconds just prior to each irrigation cycle for a lite mixing.

No, had someone send me some "CBD" seeds, grew a couple out, not sure how much CBD, but was low in THC. No way to have them tested.
I have located a good source for CBD oil and since I really don't have room to grow some CBD plants I will just by it for now.
You done some nice grows GR. I apologize if this has been asked..but
How are you finding the emitters? Are they pressure compensating ones? Are they clogging?

I am getting my autowatering design in order and you seem to have a good setup.
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You done some nice grows GR. I apologize if this has been asked..but
How are you finding the emitters? Are they pressure compensating ones? Are they clogging?

I am getting my autowatering design in order and you seem to have a good setup.

I have changed my auto watering design a number of times since I started growing and this is my current setup.
With this grow I separated the pumping system from the rez so I could put a lid on the rez.
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And here is the pump and manifold system I had set up on the rez.
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This is the in tent manifold, up to 8 stations, I am using 5 on this grow. No longer have the cut off valves on each feed line.
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The emitter I am using now is a Rainbird stream rotor. I have a filter on the rez manifold, a filter in the pressure reducer and each line has a filter on the in tent manifold. I have had no issues with emitter plugging. I can run these emitters because I am using a 12V 3 gallon/min @ 60 psi that give me the pressure I need for the 5 plants.

When I ran the 24 plants SOG I had to use these emitter as I did not have the volume needed to run the Rainbird emitters. They are two gallon/min drippers. they worked ok, did not have a plugging issue, but the distribution is not nearly as good as I get with the Rainbird emitters.
This was for the 24 plant SOG grow.
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And the emitter w/ a tee at the end to help distribution.
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I hope this helps there Buddy, it has worked well for me.
Today I put them on the screens. They are small yet but did not want them to get away before I had them on the screen.
As stated they are not that large yet but they are on the screens now.
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Shots from the back of a screen.
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The group.
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Here they are back in the tent, do not have them in the vertical mode light wise but this will be the placement around the bare bulb vertical lamps.
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Let the training begin!
I have changed my auto watering design a number of times since I started growing and this is my current setup.
With this grow I separated the pumping system from the rez so I could put a lid on the rez.
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And here is the pump and manifold system I had set up on the rez.
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This is the in tent manifold, up to 8 stations, I am using 5 on this grow. No longer have the cut off valves on each feed line.
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The emitter I am using now is a Rainbird stream rotor. I have a filter on the rez manifold, a filter in the pressure reducer and each line has a filter on the in tent manifold. I have had no issues with emitter plugging. I can run these emitters because I am using a 12V 3 gallon/min @ 60 psi that give me the pressure I need for the 5 plants.
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When I ran the 24 plants SOG I had to use these emitter as I did not have the volume needed to run the Rainbird emitters. They are two gallon/min drippers. they worked ok, did not have a plugging issue, but the distribution is not nearly as good as I get with the Rainbird emitters.
This was for the 24 plant SOG grow.
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And the emitter w/ a tee at the end to help distribution.
View attachment 4435203

I hope this helps there Buddy, it has worked well for me.

Thank you very much. There are so many different ways to setup autowatering. Your setup is pretty straight forward.. it is the last piece of the puzzle..

I will be watching your grow..good luck..happy holidays.
Just a bit of an update:
Day 21 veg,
All is going well, one plant Triple Cheese #2 showing a touch of Cal/Mag issues, will be pulling them out of the tent on Monday or Tuesday to do some work on them.

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Day 24 Veg.
Things are going well. After topping I am unsure if I will get the upright growth needed for a vertical grow. According to the breeder the plants should be 90 to 100 cm, that ain't gonna happen.
C2 is showing a touch of Calcium issues so increased the CaliMagic and Epsom just a bit.
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In response to a private message I received, the little white thingy in the middle of the red feed lines is a quick disconnect so I can remove the plants from the tent to work on them.
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Con't in next post!
Week 4 day 28 of veg.
Pulled the ladies from the tent and did more work on them than I planned. That's ok it is just a weed it will grow back, :)
Did some trimming and some Super Cropping.
Ayashauasca Purple
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Triple Cheese's
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Trying something a bit different than normal. This is one of the Triple Cheese that I Super Cropped all branches near the main stem.
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Here they are back in the tent.
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Good veg growth, three irrigation cycles per day, 1:40 each cycles, about 1.5 to 2 gallons DTW.
Going to give them a week or so to recover and see what growth I get, would like to do a pre flower trim in about two weeks and begin flower a week or so after trim.
i have found training for vert early really slows down the growth rate height wise.some strains slam to a stop.
everything looks great as usual!
are these supposed to be stretchy strains?
i have found training for vert early really slows down the growth rate height wise.some strains slam to a stop.
everything looks great as usual!
are these supposed to be stretchy strains?

Am not sure if they are suppose to be stretchy, both strains say 90 to 100 cm, but it ain't going there.
Yes training may slow down you height growth, I have topped a number of times so I expect them to stay a bit low. I have in the past not topped, gave them two extra weeks of growth and they they totally away from me.
I expect them to be in the 40 to 50 cm height when I flip, if not they are what they are.
Day 36 of 24/7

First trim this last week and retie.
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Added second vertical lamp this week.
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Had some issues with one of the lamps, was dim, replaced with others I had till I found one that was good.
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Started some clones, first batch did not take well, this is the second batch plus a couple of clones from my assistant.
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They are plenty healthy and should go into flower within the next couple of weeks.
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My 12" fan crashed yesterday, started scretching and then just stopped altogether. Here I put a little 6 inch under the lamps and going into town today to replace the 12" one.
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View from above.
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Trying something on one of the Triple Cheeses.
This plant got Super Cropped on 12/21, next to the main stem. Have SC'ed before but never like this and the whole plant.
Prior to SC, plant at around 14"
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The dirty deed, another vertical grower did a radical SC, so thought I would give it a shot.
His was much more radical than what I did.
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And after tying back to the screen.
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Today, 8 days since that SC
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Taken loose from the screen, minor trim and re-tied to the screen.
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This is a side view of C3 after trim and re-tie.

Back in the tent with the new fan I had to replace this weekend.
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Will be flipping to 12/12 within the next week or so.

My friend who did the radical SC, use monster pliers to brake the plant. He grows his plants vertical in a contraption that he made to grow them in. The last pic show the container he built for his grows. He has four plants growing vertical and two below them growing horizontal.
Laid it out horizontal and started tying down the branches
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And here that same plant in veg mode, after 10 days.8.JPGJust ask him for a final pic. Not sure what he turned on this.
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