OK. Are you a racist?

The OK sign troll was from 4chan. The idea is to make "dumb libs" take the bair and declare an innocuous hand sign racist. Then they actual coopt is as a racist sign for those in the know and to convolute the issue more. I remember the initial posts on 4chan.

They also started "freebleeding" which some feminists started doing. They did the "its ok to be white" one and most recently "islam is right about women" one. And of course pepe was turned into something to make normies ree.

Its kinda funny because about 6 years ago everyone on 4chan ironically posting nazi stuff was being ironic, then they got irony poisoning and now are all alt right edgelords. Kek is a cruel god and he can reek meme magic for the shaytan pbuh. Shadilay.
I wouldn't call it funny, I would call it effective propaganda that worked like it was designed to.
The "Russians hacked our election" shit is neoliberal garbage. Israel affects the US elections 1000x what Russia has, buying adds on facebook lol. Also funny because the US literally meddles in everyones elections as it is the only world imperialist superpower. Chomsky put it best:

Welcome to the website, I am sure this is likely to be a waste of time since the latest foreign sock puppets are discredited for being what they are.

You seemed to have a deeper knowledge of what was happening, then post this weak shit.

Putin used his military to attack our democracy. This office was set up to house an internet troll farm that has been attacking the worlds democracies since 2014. This is not just about Facebook analytics that were weaponized, nor just the many websites they designed to carry their propaganda news looking media websites, it was especially effective when they got the voting data from Trump (via Manafort) to know who to attack and how to move their votes.

Are you an American? If you are this should piss you off too.
How did Russia interfere ? The 20k they spent in adds on facebook? The US controls the entire fucking globe as the only world superpower and most dominant military power in human history.

They overthrow democratic nations, they overthrow secular dictators, they fund coups, they use their corporate organs to demonise any side in any election they choose.

I already know you know this and are doing shit bantz, but still, normie takes can give you brainworms.
It is going to be really hard to take you seriously saying shit like this.

So before I continue to bang my head on the wall again, let me ask, why do you think that was all there was that Russia had done? Where do you get your information besides 4chan?
Hitler put marks on people that weren't allowed to express there opinions. There is no limit to the way you think. Snuff out everyone's opinions. Call them racist even though they have never said one racist thing. Establish a universal rule everyone must follow and socialize health care and make government bigger. Take away the 2nd amendment rights of the people. Anyone who dont fall in line with your order call them a racist and bigot till they cave in. Am I close?
Snowflake, what rights are being taken away form you? You are a troll spreading lies and stirring up hate for Dear Leader, and you are not close at all, you just say nonsense and act like your pious (today, usually you are a unintelligible asshat that doesn't say anything... makes me wonder who is posting on your account now).
Snowflake, what rights are being taken away form you? You are a troll spreading lies and stirring up hate for Dear Leader, and you are not close at all, you just say nonsense and act like your pious (today, usually you are a unintelligible asshat that doesn't say anything... makes me wonder who is posting on your account now).
Damn I hit a soft nerve. Breaking out the name calling. I suppose you also think the louder you talk and bigger scene you make, that means everything you say is right. It's gotta suck to be so helpless and tired from all that losing your doing.
Damn I hit a soft nerve. Breaking out the name calling. I suppose you also think the louder you talk and bigger scene you make, that means everything you say is right. It's gotta suck to be so helpless and tired from all that losing your doing.
lmao. You got no credibility. Email your handlers and ask for better trolls to attack this site please, you and the other handful of puppet accounts from dictatorship countries really suck at this if you have to resort to this latest act of self righteousness in your spreading of hate.
How did Russia interfere ? The 20k they spent in adds on facebook? The US controls the entire fucking globe as the only world superpower and most dominant military power in human history.

They overthrow democratic nations, they overthrow secular dictators, they fund coups, they use their corporate organs to demonise any side in any election they choose.

I already know you know this and are doing shit bantz, but still, normie takes can give you brainworms.
@The Gram Reaper

here’s your dog dick sucking expert

ask away
Hitler put marks on people that weren't allowed to express there opinions. There is no limit to the way you think. Snuff out everyone's opinions. Call them racist even though they have never said one racist thing. Establish a universal rule everyone must follow and socialize health care and make government bigger. Take away the 2nd amendment rights of the people. Anyone who dont fall in line with your order call them a racist and bigot till they cave in. Am I close?

1. it's medicare for all, if you don't want it don't use it.

2. bigger gubermint?:lol: you're buddy Trump* is doing everything possible to make you get a job for your SNAP next certify starting February..better line a friend up with a business who can vouch you got a job or you can kiss those bennies uhhhh-buh-bye! he's actually got everyone working in 'acting' roles in his cabinet, so he is the ultimate decision maker..pretty small government if you ask me.

3. no one wants to take your gunz away..it's a GOP, NRA and alt right talking point- the truth is over 90% of ALL americans (left and right) want stronger background checks..make it a skosh harder to get- just a skosh because do we really want to start going here:

4. as for racism and bigotry? you have quoted 4chan which is a known enemy combatant, undermining the rule of law by spreading hate and fear.

Am I close?

Damn I hit a soft nerve. Breaking out the name calling. I suppose you also think the louder you talk and bigger scene you make, that means everything you say is right. It's gotta suck to be so helpless and tired from all that losing your doing.
The last few days I've noticed a shift in the knee-jerk reaction default.

When I first got here a month or so ago, whenever a socialist got painted into a corner they'd scream ''RACIST!".
The last couple of days its been "SOCK PUPPET" or "TROLL!"

Think a general order went out from Clinton Headquarters?
Naw cause you and him are the only two left. Like I said it's about 4 or 5 of ya that do all the name calling and insults. Anyone that doesnt agree is a racist bigot end of story and you tear them down like you know them or something. Shameful behavior from grown men.
LOL @ the irony.

The last few days I've noticed a shift in the knee-jerk reaction default.

When I first got here a month or so ago, whenever a socialist got painted into a corner they'd scream ''RACIST!".
The last couple of days its been "SOCK PUPPET" or "TROLL!"

Think a general order went out from Clinton Headquarters?
Hitler put marks on people that weren't allowed to express there opinions. There is no limit to the way you think. Snuff out everyone's opinions. Call them racist even though they have never said one racist thing. Establish a universal rule everyone must follow and socialize health care and make government bigger. Take away the 2nd amendment rights of the people. Anyone who dont fall in line with your order call them a racist and bigot till they cave in. Am I close?