OK. Are you a racist?

Are you the Eric Striker Alpha Nazi or the Jared Taylor optics cuck "white advocate"?

At least the honest alt right are interesting and can talk about Nietzsche and Evola and discuss the frankfurt school having read Adorno, rather than just screeching cultural marxism like sargon liberalist civic nats.

Jews in your ethnostate or nah?
Say what?
Lol, a trumptard accusing others of racism and rape

sweet precious moments

The actual Nazis consider trump a civic nat cuck and tool of the jews. Trumpers are just low IQ brainlets who believe in less evil but more inanely boring shit. But they are mostly just a bit thick. The nazis are actually pretty smart, which makes them more dangerous and also more interesting to talk to lol.

My Grandfather In Calabria had the local Fascist organiser shot because he refused to pay the honoured society tribute haha.
The actual Nazis consider trump a civic nat cuck and tool of the jews. Trumpers are just low IQ brainlets who believe in less evil but more inanely boring shit. But they are mostly just a bit thick. The nazis are actually pretty smart, which makes them more dangerous and also more interesting to talk to lol.

My Grandfather In Calabria had the local Fascist organiser shot because he refused to pay the honoured society tribute haha.
There are still nazis around to talk to? I thought that was just something buck made up
You russian retards haven’t figured out a new schtick in 4 years?

The "Russians hacked our election" shit is neoliberal garbage. Israel affects the US elections 1000x what Russia has, buying adds on facebook lol. Also funny because the US literally meddles in everyones elections as it is the only world imperialist superpower. Chomsky put it best:

The "Russians hacked our election" shit is neoliberal garbage. Israel affects the US elections 1000x what Russia has, buying adds on facebook lol. Also funny because the US literally meddles in everyones elections as it is the only world imperialist superpower. Chomsky put it best:

This is a rare flavor of Kool-aid. Unfortunately, the Russians really did hack that shit and most of those "Israelis" are actually US citizens. Also, China meddles and is a super-power. Welcome new shut the fuck up.
The "Russians hacked our election" shit is neoliberal garbage. Israel affects the US elections 1000x what Russia has, buying adds on facebook lol. Also funny because the US literally meddles in everyones elections as it is the only world imperialist superpower. Chomsky put it best:

Noam Chomsky is a Russian foreign troll!
This is a rare flavor of Kool-aid. Unfortunately, the Russians really did hack that shit and most of those "Israelis" are actually US citizens. Also, China meddles and is a super-power. Welcome new shut the fuck up.

How did Russia interfere ? The 20k they spent in adds on facebook? The US controls the entire fucking globe as the only world superpower and most dominant military power in human history.

They overthrow democratic nations, they overthrow secular dictators, they fund coups, they use their corporate organs to demonise any side in any election they choose.

I already know you know this and are doing shit bantz, but still, normie takes can give you brainworms.
lol yeah the libs really do sound that pathetic lol. Obviously as a communist you oppose such shitty neoliberal nonsense from the corporate wing of the democratic party, mainly from the hillary camp, you know that sick imperielast bitch who turned libya into a failed state and supported the iraq war and pushed for invasion of syria and who dedicated her book to henry kissenger.

Obviously as a communist you want to have that evil cunt up against the wall along with obama, trump and all the CIA hierachy and have bullets riddled though them. If not, you are a lib and libs get the bullet too :)

I'm keep trying to tell them that I'm not a lib, and sure as hell not a part of the tea baggers either. Both sides play each other against the middle for the same goal. If you vote for either side you're voting to perpetuate the continuous cycle they planned.

I agree with a lot of what Chomsky says, but his whole voting for Democrats will get us closer to his philosophical ideals, baffles me. It's either he's getting dementia in his old age, or is an agent provocateur.

A true communist is the same as an anarchist, but I don't go that far. Because although it might sound cool not to have state interference, how do you prevent the formation of virtual states you have no control over? Groups will form syndicates which is similar if not identical to an official public state, except even more of the dragon is hidden from view than we already have.

I try to figure out a solution, but those currently in power have their ways of doing sleight of hand to corrupt the best of plans we can come up with.
How come you dont use a vpn?
What was the name on your previous account?
How did Russia interfere ? The 20k they spent in adds on facebook?
Guccifer 2.0, wikileaks, free propaganda airtime for shitstains like Bernie Sanders on RT, I mean that one alone has been of monumental use to Putin, then there are all those dudes named for indictment by Mueller. The rest of the shit you said is overblown exaggerations of an edgelord who gets his news from such dumpster fires as those funded by the Chinese Communist Party and the Russian government. Travel for even a day outside of the US and you might actually learn something.

"I know you know this...", lol it won't take long for us to figure out which previously banned dumbass you are.
Why do the mods allow this? ^^^
I actually don't care if trolls are removed (as destructive to society as I find you) but I think they should have a notification about being a foreign disinformation troll tag so people can see what your saying, because even if you are banned, there are always a couple sock puppets right behind you that fill the void.
I actually don't care if trolls are removed (as destructive to society as I find you) but I think they should have a notification about being a foreign disinformation troll tag so people can see what your saying, because even if you are banned, there are always a couple sock puppets right behind you that fill the void.
Hitler put marks on people that weren't allowed to express there opinions. There is no limit to the way you think. Snuff out everyone's opinions. Call them racist even though they have never said one racist thing. Establish a universal rule everyone must follow and socialize health care and make government bigger. Take away the 2nd amendment rights of the people. Anyone who dont fall in line with your order call them a racist and bigot till they cave in. Am I close?
rather than just screeching cultural marxism like sargon liberalist civic nats.
The actual Nazis consider trump a civic nat cuck
it used to be enough to call someone an asshole, a cocksucker, a motherfucker....
can you put a link in to the"enlightened, woke asshole insult page" to explain all of this to a poor old reformed neanderthal who can't keep up with all the new terminology?