2 weeks into aerogarden flower, Curling leaves and browning spots.


Active Member
Its exactly 2 weeks and 3 days into flowering my 4 plants. The only problem is a few days ago i noticed (seen in pictures) That my Hindu Kush's leaves at the top cola near the buds are starting to look like they are curling down and under and they are turning light green and loosing their full body and turning really jagged with razor like edges.
The other problem is that some of the leaves on my hindu have brown spots that doesn't look like nute burn.
My temp is 77 and my humidity is at 30. Heat doesn't seem to be the issue. I have a fan blowing on the canopy to keep the tops cool.
My ph is at 6.5. Im new to this, I have no clue and i keep coming up with answers that don't look right. any help or advice? thanks.



Well-Known Member
when was the last time you cleaned the res? ph should be a bit lower judging by your pic it should have a light orange tint to it. ph should stay between 5.2 and 5.8 for hydro setups. a digital meter would come in quite useful. I would clean rez, add fresh water ph'd to around 5.5 and wait a week then add nutes at a small dose. do you have a airstone in the res?


Active Member
i haven't cleaned the rez, i heard it can stunt thier growth. I usually let them drink all the water and then refill, I haven't literally taken my hand and cleaned anything. I do have a air stone in it. The weird thing is , a lot of you say you use a little nutes. Ever since they have been vegging ive been using nutes and kelp everytime i refill the rez. When i would just refill with ph balanced water they seemed like they were use to the high nute regimen, and seemed very sad, when i refill with nutes they become perky and green and the leaves seem perky. I dont know. I haven't caused them much nute burn from what i see. Its just those top leaves that curl downward and are looking razor like which worries me, thanks tho.any other advice??


Well-Known Member
you let the whole res empty? your ph is off which will cause all types of problems. your res should never empty. and should be cleaned at least every 2 weeks. salts and nutes will build up on the walls. I said to start off at 1/4th strength so you dont stress the plant after cleaning the res and adjusting the ph with the fresh water. you can up the dose of the nutes after the plant heals. adding more nutes when ph is off will cause more problems. plus plants enjoy fresh water some times


Active Member
the problem is gettin worse and the brown spots on the edges are getting darker, i cant figure whats wrong, the leaves are turning down and drying out, but theyre not totaly yellow, the tips and around the veins, anyone please, im scared my crop is dying.


Active Member
heres the newest pics, cant anyone figure it out from the pics. Ive ruled in some guess's but dont know for sure.


Well-Known Member
heres the newest pics, cant anyone figure it out from the pics. Ive ruled in some guess's but dont know for sure.
Serious nute burn!!
your plant is going crazy right now I say u flush for right now and you can try to give the 1/4 tspn molasses after a week thats what I did. It will help repair some damage and add weight to the buds just a suggestion!!!

This coming from the nute burn king I learned though and still am!!!


Well-Known Member
what part of Kaosowner di you not understand? you will take into consideration, do nothing about it, and than cry for more help. man his advise is spont on. why did you post for help if you aint gonna listen? your res is toxic


Active Member
what part of Kaosowner di you not understand? you will take into consideration, do nothing about it, and than cry for more help. man his advise is spont on. why did you post for help if you aint gonna listen? your res is toxic
I don't understand what your saying man. I did flush it . I did do what he said. Because out of thousands only him and another replied. I did both thief advice. So I dont understand why your angry. Im just worried, shoot me


Well-Known Member
I don't understand what your saying man. I did flush it . I did do what he said. Because out of thousands only him and another replied. I did both thief advice. So I dont understand why your angry. Im just worried, shoot me
cover your ears for a sec
now say in your mind I wont let anyone bring me and my plants down


Active Member
hey vandals i hope all is going well, i think i have a page for you that you can use to reference some of the issues you will run into in your future farming endeavors.

check it out, bookmark it !!!! it is a great read. International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - The Complete guide to Sick Plants,pH, and Pest troubles!
Hey kaosowner, thanks a bunch I took what you said and cleaned it out. They look better but are still slowly dying. But I think no other leaves are infected. Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
I c lol because they yours but i think everyone trys to look out for everyones best intrest on here its one big family