Mayor Pete!

You have far more to learn, but at least he's capable.

Cool, the vast majority of your comments are vapid and boring and quite a few of them are racist as fuck.

Ms. Silly string can be a bit loony at times, but she's not racist. But your comments using every slur against white people covering the complete alphabet are, my lovely Carnal.
Yeah I see what you mean now. The way he handled that case was very likely a contributing factor to the department's increased homicide rate. He should have taken Boykins's side in order to get that department under control. Darryl Boykins should have been the guy to get all those racist officers under control.

It was a mistake on that young mayor's part. It underscores all of those efforts I did actually read about in regard to his efforts to fix the problem. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
As a black man in America certain things affect me more than you. Pete is not ready for the job as POTUS. He will bend to money and pressure. He di absolutely nothing to help certain people of south bend. I have done my home work on Pete. Did you know 2 in 5 African Americans in the city live below the poverty line, which is almost double the national poverty rate for African American households. Crazy but true. Pete has yet to be put under the microscope. When he does it wont be pretty and he will never get the black vote
As a black man in America certain things affect me more than you. Pete is not ready for the job as POTUS. He will bend to money and pressure. He di absolutely nothing to help certain people of south bend. I have done my home work on Pete. Did you know 2 in 5 African Americans in the city live below the poverty line, which is almost double the national poverty rate for African American households. Crazy but true. Pete has yet to be put under the microscope. When he does it wont be pretty and he will never get the black vote
Fair enough. And you can't possibly be more right about how you're perspective gives you an insight that I can't have without a great effort and self criticism. It's hard to see, and maybe impossible.
and with that being said...I will still cast my vote for him if he is up against Trump. I pray I wont have to
I don't have any specific loyalty to any politician. I just thought he was the least flawed of the current lineup. I'm still not convinced he isn't, but that is not praise toward him, that's how bad I think the entire field is.

What you just said about him is how I see Bernard.
I don't have any specific loyalty to any politician. I just thought he was the least flawed of the current lineup. I'm still not convinced he isn't, but that is not praise toward him, that's how bad I think the entire field is.

What you just said about him is how I see Bernard.
I would even vote for Bernie against Trump, but my primary vote looks like it will be going to Warren
I would even vote for Bernie against Trump, but my primary vote looks like it will be going to Warren
I was getting a little worried about her after she came out for M4A, but it looks like Obama said she is legit, good enough for me. I will still vote Biden in the primary, but would be proud to vote Warren if she pulls off the nominee.

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Do you really think that this place rates 'foreign trolls'?
A bunch of constantly stoned hippies with dirty fingernails?
To what end?

I can see Boris Badenoff and Natasha planning:
Boris: So, what is our mission?
Natasha: We go to Roll It Up and talk to pot heads about politics.
Boris: Who thought of this?
Natasha: Some orange guy.
Boris: Only in cartoons.

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You have thoroughly underestimated the company you're in here. clearly the best choice in this primary.

He's a gay combat vet and he's just a bit to the left of Obama. This alone qualifies him to eviscerate Trump, just put them on a stage together. He has the humility to own his shortcomings and improve, as he showed on the debate stage when asked about police brutality under his watch as mayor.

His plans are concise and coherent, unlike the populist candidates promising the world with no plan on how to pay.

These are just two of the issues but as you can see, he has highly developed plans that are clearly articulated in his platform.
But hes white so that either cancels out combat vet or gay, you choose.
If old bone-spurs the impeached coward who is Putin's bitch ever gets on a debate stage against a gay combat vet who graduated MCL from fucking Harvard it will be terrible for him. This guy speaks as well as Obama. Trump wouldn't stand a chance.