Whats going to happen tomorrow?

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
I honestly dont care! Trump is our president and that's that! It does not matter how many times you click your heels together, he is our president and that is it, end of story! If people like you keep acting the way you do then he will be president for 4 more years! The funniest shit would be if he wins again and signs a law that says he is president for the rest of his life. That would be some funny stuff! What will you do if he wins again? Especially with so many Democrat voters leaving the party?
I’m not sure what I’ll do? Probably lose what little respect I had left for your country and it’s dumb uneducated Trump supporters. Then drink my coffee and watch the dumb rejoice in their dumbness. Then off to work.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
The US political system is screwed up. It doesn't use proper terminology, and makes up its own definitions. Maybe then people wouldn't be so confused. Because this is the definition of impeached. Is this what happened to Trump? No, it didn't.

Impeached: to charge with a crime or misdemeanor -- specifically : to charge (a public official) before a competent tribunal with misconduct in office.

Where was the trial? A trial needs a judge. All that happened was the equivalent of a lynch mob. That's not how the supposedly "greatest nation on Earth" which is currently the only hegemon should act.

People on your side, along with those on Trump's are why the world laughs at us. It's not just Trump, no matter what those voices in your head say. Don't listen to them!

From day one this is what you wanted. You then spoke loud enough and your Democratic spokesmen cheerleader politicians took bat for your cause. There's threads here from right after the election about how you wanted to impeach Trump. Therefore is it a surprise once the Democrats took control of the House they did it?

Trump is the last type of person I'd support, but you knew what you were getting into by voting in the first place. You agreed to what is happening right now with how he acts, because your voting system allows baffoons like him from both sides to get elected.

If you don't like it, your option is to completely dismantle the system and have a replacement which you personally feel is better than democracy.

Here's what we should be doing, not what we're currently doing.

So impeached is not impeached ........... got it.


Well-Known Member
I dont support anyone. I just find it funny that so many people get their shoe ties all knotted up over Donald J Trump! It's the funniest thing ever. The funny thing is you all think something was accomplished by impeachment. If he is not removed from office then what good was the whole process? He will still be the president unless removed from office! Let that sink in. Also if he is removed from office, Mike Pence becomes president! You can say whatever you want but fact of it is impeached or not Trump is president still and if removed from office Pence becomes president. By the time it's all said and done it will be November 2020 and Trump will still run for reelection!
Because the information was not getting brought out into the light without it. Trump's entire cabinet is filled with trolls whose whole purpose is to be obstructive douches in the legally mandated hearings.

That was one of the big takeaways from the impeachment hearings, the professionalism and intelligence of the witnesses against Trump answering questions fully, immediately, and not just acting unprofessionally like these clowns.

Only the best...


Well-Known Member
It's so funny how Republicans, Democrats & independents get triggered! Hahahaha this has
Because the information was not getting brought out into the light without it. Trump's entire cabinet is filled with trolls whose whole purpose is to be obstructive douches in the legally mandated hearings.

That was one of the big takeaways from the impeachment hearings, the professionalism and intelligence of the witnesses against Trump answering questions fully, immediately, and not just acting unprofessionally like these clowns.

Only the best...
Does not matter, he is still president! When they actually strip him of his presidential powers and remove him from the White House then we will talk! Until that day comes, he is still the president of the UNITED STATES! It does not matter how much we dont like him, fact is, he is still president and still in the white house! You can cry about it all you want the next person can cry about it all they want but the truth is none of us has any control over it and he is and still will be president of the UNITED STATES!
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Well-Known Member
It's so funny how both Republicans, Democrats & independents get triggered! Hahahaha this has
Yes funny, Both of those 3 groups...
Does not matter, he is still president! When they actually strip him of his presidential powers and remove him from the White House then we will talk! Until that day comes, he is still the president of the UNITED STATES! It does not matter how much we dont like him, fact is, he is still president and still in the white house! You can cry about it all you want the next person can cry about it all they want but the truth is none of us has any control over it and he is and still will be president of the UNITED STATES!
Way to ignore the entirety of my post to regurgitate your troll for Dear Leader.

So when you sign up for Fulon Gong do you need to do anything special, or do they just take anyone into your cult?


Well-Known Member
Yes funny, Both of those 3 groups...

Way to ignore the entirety of my post to regurgitate your troll for Dear Leader.

So when you sign up for Fulon Gong do you need to do anything special, or do they just take anyone into your cult?
So sorry, but I dont support anyone, just my self :).
The only cult I belong is the clut of cannabis! Have a wonderful day!

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
Yea I didn't listen or watch that thing
I would be interested in what YOU think, but I don't watch that chit.
What you think is more important to me that what he has to say ... speak.
I agree with what he said.
It was a natural progression from "he didin't do it" to "I don't care".

Donald Trump is racist, sexist, semi-literate, and mentally ill.
I can provide examples for all of those things but would it really matter?
You are dug in... :dunce:


Well-Known Member
I agree with what he said.
It was a natural progression from "he didin't do it" to "I don't care".
Those two impressions can exist at the same time.
I have said it before ... "I didn't do it. But, if I did, what are you going to do about it?"
It's a fair question.


Well-Known Member
It's so funny how Republicans, Democrats & independents get triggered! Hahahaha this has

Does not matter, he is still president! When they actually strip him of his presidential powers and remove him from the White House then we will talk! Until that day comes, he is still the president of the UNITED STATES! It does not matter how much we dont like him, fact is, he is still president and still in the white house! You can cry about it all you want the next person can cry about it all they want but the truth is none of us has any control over it and he is and still will be president of the UNITED STATES!
Stage 2 - anger