Mayor Pete!

It’s true. Just look
Since you of all people are broaching this subject, I will lay it out. I don't think you love him either.

I can't stand him, but if he wins the DNC nomination, I just don't see him getting very far without making some compromises with the party. If he can do that, he might have a chance of having some effect as president. I doubt that it is possible. I don't think he will get anything done. I actually don't think he will be able to get anything passed that will increase taxes by a whole lot. He won't be able to pass M4A.

Therefore, he's not actually such a threat. Why should I worry about huge tax hikes, if he really has very little chance of getting them passed?

As for you, I can admire your willingness to pay much more tax for something that will probably show you very little benefit. What I have a problem with in general, is that people are following this Bernard shitstain with such enthusiasm and so very little understanding of the economics of his proposals. He's just a terrible candidate. But blue no matter who, in 2020, is pragmatically sound, as long as sweeping economic changes are not too sweeping.

To be certain of what I am suggesting, it's that his terrible single-payer bill will actually make the goal of single-payer unobtainable because he's trying to force it down everyone's throat with huge tax hikes or massive debt. Some things take time. The system is too broken for immediate nationalization.
I work with the public. A good deal of my trade is with black folks. The real black food is oven baked mac and cheese. I have black folks in the building tonight. I bet you if I was to walk down to the kitchen, there will be some mac and cheese cooking.

with slices of melted american cheese on friend Buddy used to invite me to his family's holiday meal when we hung- i was 17, we used to get high together..he had some of the best crippy. He's no longer with us..passed from diabetes.
Just speculating over here atm. Personally I think a ticket with Biden/Warren would be great. Not sure if it's a winning ticket or not, but I'd like to see them in office for a term or two. I'm not a Biden fan, but at this point anyone's better than Trump. You know I'm not a ma'am, so please lets keep gender based insults out of the equation. Try to be civil for a moment, and you might find that it feels good. biden..might as well have hillary back and everything we went through with trump* was for nothing. this is about paradigm shift and breaking free from 1% rule..this was our dabble with monarchy/dictatorship- it's not a nice look or feel is it? sanders wants to cover everyone with health, school and make a living wage (this bill sits on mcconnell's desk currently). it's the right thing to do for everyone. this will put all citizens (regardless of age, color or creed) on a level playing field with 'the basics'. a healthy, educated and fed populace can do wonders for it's country.

@too larry @schuylaar

Trying to get some clarification here.

Do you believe that it's a specific social group that determines who someone votes for, or what they eat?
Or is it the colour of their skin that determines it?

Imho your statements are convoluted.
With all due respect it already was.

Have a good day.
No need to be so civil. She's actually the most racist person on RIU, which is saying quite a lot. It's typical Bernie-supporter bigotry. It's one of the things that turned me off to him in the first place. They just can't help but spew bigoted bullshit. Her posting history is a great example of this. That core group always has 3-5 little racist right-wingers who swear they're progressive. This was the first inkling of it I saw from Too Larry, but Sky-tard has been making racist posts here for years.
Notice he said 'appearance' of a conflict, not that there was actually one.
"Very early on in this campaign I made a decision that I wasn't going to accept any money from a bank that could be doing business with the state treasuries office. I think it creates a conflict of interest, it creates an appearance at the very least that can smell like 'pay to play', it's not good for the state, and I don't think it's good for the banks either."

Accepting money from special interests creates a conflict of interest
"Very early on in this campaign I made a decision that I wasn't going to accept any money from a bank that could be doing business with the state treasuries office. I think it creates a conflict of interest, it creates an appearance at the very least that can smell like 'pay to play', it's not good for the state, and I don't think it's good for the banks either."

Accepting money from special interests creates a conflict of interest
At least he doesn't promise a world of free shit with no way to pay for it while quietly proposing an increase of the top statutory federal income tax rate to 77% and at least isn't a senile old fool. He is a 39 year old combat vet who graduated MCL from fucking Harvard. THEN he joined the fucking military because he felt it was unfair that there was so much disparity in enlistment numbers between rich and poor. He earned some medals for being the "military uber" driving around hotzones.

You bitch about money in politics but have no problem selling your vote for free shit.