Trump leads Biden, Warren & Sanders

sounds like someones been reading esquire. do you really believe the shit you say? hes a rapist cause he said grab em by the pussy? pretty sure everyone and there mom has said worse then that. grow the fuck up. Hes DESTROYING YOU FUCKING PLEBS. millions off food stamps,The unemployment rate for African Americans in May fell to 5.9 percent, which is the lowest rate on record. Asian and Hispanic-American unemployment rates have reached record lows this year ,Under President Trump, job openings outnumber the unemployed for the first time on record ,In recent months, workers have seen their largest nominal year over year wage growth in nearly a decade ,Manufacturing added 284,000 jobs in 2018 ,The NFIB’s Small Business Optimism Index broke a 35-year record in August ,President Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act into law, ushering in the largest package of tax cuts and reforms in American history ,More than 6 million workers received tax cut bonuses and benefits ,More than 100 utility companies have announced lower rates and i could literally go on and on with more accomplishments hes made in literally a few years! heres the link to the whitehouse website . read some real facts

I dont know where half you fucks get your facts from. What i wrote above are considered fact. Not opinion or fucking delusion like the russia and Ukraine BS . You literally have Biden on camera saying " fire the prosecutor in the next 7 hours and get the billion dollars or Dont fire the prosecutor,Dont get the billion dollars" and you have democrats and every news organization but fox ignoring this like its all good but then you have people like Adam Schiff literally reading a FAKE MADE UP transcript to the american people not knowing trump was gonna make him look like a fool and liar releasing the real transcript days later and everyone eats it up like it was literally what was said. do some fucking basic ass research people. if you dont know what im talking about, that just shows you havent been following shit.
Fox news is not really news you dip shit! That's why they had to go to court.Taking credit for the Economy that took hard work and sacrifice under Obama to build, is all you assholes have to run on. A stinking 2 trillion dollar rip off of the American people to give a permanent tax cut to the rich,when everyone else's is temporary is also a crime. You fucking greedy idiot's and you corporate welfare scheme kick decent people off food stamps, and health insurance! You dimwits stand up for a corrupt prosecutor after your hand gets stuck in the cookie jar. Why? Because Russia told you to. You fucking simp!
so you, and the millions of others that are all screaming online, all stayed home and thought "gee she's the most logical, of COURSE everyone will vote my way"

So you want to break the entire system and throw it away. And in response, you tell me the only alternative you will accept is "anyone but him." That's not a policy or substance or any sort of ideals. That's not a conversation, just more insults and diatribe. Still over here waiting to hear what YOUR opinion is on what the alternatives are, not just something copied from another talking head.

All i asked was you turn that mirror around just a tad.
I think a lot of people either felt that way or figured at the time there really was no “better” choice. That has IMO changed drastically given what’s happened since he became POTUS. And yes it was a huge mistake (in hindsight) not to have voted for what is now, the obvious better choice. The issue now it seems, half the US has become blinded and lied to so much they have almost become brainwashed through anger.
in a broader sense, this is just the natural political tidal system working. i've seen it my whole life. the republicans are greedy fucks who don't care about people, they get into power and some people make money, but most people get fucked over. after those people get tired of getting fucked over, they vote the republicans out, and the democrats in. the democrats for the most part are more socially aware, but they suck at fiscal management. they tax the shit out of businesses, while ignoring the top 1 percent who should be paying a lot more. business starts to slow down, and people start to make less money, which is when the republicans start to look better and better.....rinse and repeat....this is just the first time the republicans have been led by a clone of benito mussolini mixed with john wayne gacy...and throw in a good slug ofcharles ponzi...
so what's going to happen? he won't get tried in this impeachment, he will run and fail in 2020, and then his ass will fry in federal courts for the next 4 years, along with his whole cabinet. and the whole time, he'll get to watch on the news as every thing he "accomplished" is undone
read some real facts

You could of done a better job.

Global Unemployment Has Reached Lowest Level in a Decade › archive › global-unemployment-has-reached-l...

Feb 13, 2019 - Slightly more than 172 million people globally were unemployed in 2018. That is about 2 million less than the previous year. The International Labor Organization expects the global unemployment rate of five percent to remain essentially unchanged over the next few years.

It's only USA you need Three of those jobs to buy water filters to remove the results of fracking.

The bill that passed its third and final reading in the State Duma on Friday is set to raise the minimum wage to 11,163 rubles ($198) by May 1, 2018. The Duma's Twitter account said Russia's lowest-earning income bracket would earn 43 percent more after the changes than what they earned last year.Feb 16, 2018
Russia Raises Minimum Wage 43% Ahead of Presidential ... › 2018/02/16 › russia-raises-minimum-wa...
You could of done a better job.

Global Unemployment Has Reached Lowest Level in a Decade › archive › global-unemployment-has-reached-l...

Feb 13, 2019 - Slightly more than 172 million people globally were unemployed in 2018. That is about 2 million less than the previous year. The International Labor Organization expects the global unemployment rate of five percent to remain essentially unchanged over the next few years.

It's only USA you need Three of those jobs to buy water filters to remove the results of fracking.

The bill that passed its third and final reading in the State Duma on Friday is set to raise the minimum wage to 11,163 rubles ($198) by May 1, 2018. The Duma's Twitter account said Russia's lowest-earning income bracket would earn 43 percent more after the changes than what they earned last year.Feb 16, 2018
Russia Raises Minimum Wage 43% Ahead of Presidential ... › 2018/02/16 › russia-raises-minimum-wa...
i don't know if it's good or bad to see that we're not the only country whose citizens are so easily manipulated with a few dollars. the price of liberty is a lot higher, how many trumptards are willing to pay it? trump himself wasn't. he had "bone spurs"....
i'm an old man, i've spent more time in self examination than you've spent masturbating....i'm perfectly happy with who i am, and how i behave. if you aren't, i don't give a flying fuck at a rolling rat's asshole.
i told you the truth, if you don't like the truth, again, rolling rat's asshole.

i've told you my opinion on what the alternatives are, get rid of the evil motherfucker, or we'll do it for you....and where exactly have i been quoting "talking heads" ? i don't watch ANY news programs, ever. i read...i know, it's hard, but it's worth the effort...i get to look at facts without some dumb motherfuckers trying to tell me what to think....then i get to think about what i've just read, from multiple sources, and try to make some little bit of sense out of it if i can.
and what i read makes me the way i am. stupid little shit heels like you and that's my trike, and kgbtool believe this unabashed propaganda, then try to convince someone like me that i'm wrong? you'd have a better chance of moving the sun....
I started listening to the morning Joe podcast everyday but now I’m wondering if I should after reading Avery interesting article in the Huff post about the Wine Cave and corruption in the Democratic Party.
It was a most excellent and enjoyable Democratic debate the other night and the Wine Cave was a pivotal Moment.
sounds like someones been reading esquire. do you really believe the shit you say? hes a rapist cause he said grab em by the pussy? pretty sure everyone and there mom has said worse then that. grow the fuck up. Hes DESTROYING YOU FUCKING PLEBS. millions off food stamps,The unemployment rate for African Americans in May fell to 5.9 percent, which is the lowest rate on record. Asian and Hispanic-American unemployment rates have reached record lows this year ,Under President Trump, job openings outnumber the unemployed for the first time on record ,In recent months, workers have seen their largest nominal year over year wage growth in nearly a decade ,Manufacturing added 284,000 jobs in 2018 ,The NFIB’s Small Business Optimism Index broke a 35-year record in August ,President Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act into law, ushering in the largest package of tax cuts and reforms in American history ,More than 6 million workers received tax cut bonuses and benefits ,More than 100 utility companies have announced lower rates and i could literally go on and on with more accomplishments hes made in literally a few years! heres the link to the whitehouse website . read some real facts

I dont know where half you fucks get your facts from. What i wrote above are considered fact. Not opinion or fucking delusion like the russia and Ukraine BS . You literally have Biden on camera saying " fire the prosecutor in the next 7 hours and get the billion dollars or Dont fire the prosecutor,Dont get the billion dollars" and you have democrats and every news organization but fox ignoring this like its all good but then you have people like Adam Schiff literally reading a FAKE MADE UP transcript to the american people not knowing trump was gonna make him look like a fool and liar releasing the real transcript days later and everyone eats it up like it was literally what was said. do some fucking basic ass research people. if you dont know what im talking about, that just shows you havent been following shit.
Have you actually listened to the Access Hollywood tape? What he is describing by 'moving on her very a bitch..I couldn't get there' is essentially attempted rape.

As for all your stats on how great Trump is, that is how it works when you have an economy handed off to a president that is not in a full meltdown.

If Trump wouldn't have messed with it with all his chest thumping trade wars, he would have an even better economy.

And your calling Russia a delusion is bullshit, every intelligence agency has come out and explained very thoroughly that they are indeed attacking us. And if you are saying Schiff made up the transcript he read (and said he was adding in what the context was), I am pretty sure most of the Republicans did the exact same thing when they read bits of it. I know for a fact that Jim Jordan did several times.

You are just following Trump/Russia propaganda if you are an American and not another foreign/Trump troll
Well there is some pretty big problems when your presidential candidates were Killary Clinton and Donald Trump . Yeah president Trump isn't perfect , but he is a fucking saint compared to that crazy old bitch .
I am white,
I do love fucking guns,
in a shitty trailer ...... I banged your fucking mom.
If you pussies hate America , guns , and white people so much, get the fuck out
I started listening to the morning Joe podcast everyday but now I’m wondering if I should after reading Avery interesting article in the Huff post about the Wine Cave and corruption in the Democratic Party.
It was a most excellent and enjoyable Democratic debate the other night and the Wine Cave was a pivotal Moment.
it's kind of sad that they had to write a whole article to explain to people why some politicians don't want to take corrupt donations...the article should have been about why some politicians do take corrupt donations...but it has become so prevalent, so expected...and in some cases, so accepted.....
i'm an old man, i've spent more time in self examination than you've spent masturbating....i'm perfectly happy with who i am, and how i behave. if you aren't, i don't give a flying fuck at a rolling rat's asshole.
i told you the truth, if you don't like the truth, again, rolling rat's asshole.

i've told you my opinion on what the alternatives are, get rid of the evil motherfucker, or we'll do it for you....and where exactly have i been quoting "talking heads" ? i don't watch ANY news programs, ever. i read...i know, it's hard, but it's worth the effort...i get to look at facts without some dumb motherfuckers trying to tell me what to think....then i get to think about what i've just read, from multiple sources, and try to make some little bit of sense out of it if i can.
and what i read makes me the way i am. stupid little shit heels like you and that's my trike, and kgbtool believe this unabashed propaganda, then try to convince someone like me that i'm wrong? you'd have a better chance of moving the sun....

that's fucking hilarious as you have no idea my age or ethnicity yet continue with personal attacks. if anyone is involved in self masturbatory congratulations it appears to be your side and everyone circle jerking in the politics forum for the last 3 years.
in a broader sense, this is just the natural political tidal system working. i've seen it my whole life. the republicans are greedy fucks who don't care about people, they get into power and some people make money, but most people get fucked over. after those people get tired of getting fucked over, they vote the republicans out, and the democrats in. the democrats for the most part are more socially aware, but they suck at fiscal management. they tax the shit out of businesses, while ignoring the top 1 percent who should be paying a lot more. business starts to slow down, and people start to make less money, which is when the republicans start to look better and better.....rinse and repeat....this is just the first time the republicans have been led by a clone of benito mussolini mixed with john wayne gacy...and throw in a good slug ofcharles ponzi...
so what's going to happen? he won't get tried in this impeachment, he will run and fail in 2020, and then his ass will fry in federal courts for the next 4 years, along with his whole cabinet. and the whole time, he'll get to watch on the news as every thing he "accomplished" is undone

More socially aware screeches the bitter angry old man who's mad no one wants to listen at screeching.
Well there is some pretty big problems when your presidential candidates were Killary Clinton and Donald Trump . Yeah president Trump isn't perfect , but he is a fucking saint compared to that crazy old bitch .
I am white,
I do love fucking guns,
in a shitty trailer ...... I banged your fucking mom.
If you pussies hate America , guns , and white people so much, get the fuck out
Sure if you ignore the multi year disinformation campaign aimed to discredit Clinton who the Russians knew were going to be running for president in 2016. You got suckered.
Well there is some pretty big problems when your presidential candidates were Killary Clinton and Donald Trump . Yeah president Trump isn't perfect , but he is a fucking saint compared to that crazy old bitch .
I am white,
I do love fucking guns,
in a shitty trailer ...... I banged your fucking mom.
If you pussies hate America , guns , and white people so much, get the fuck out
Our founding fathers weren't ignorant, racist, inbred, dictator loving, trailer trash, nice try though.
sounds like someones been reading esquire. do you really believe the shit you say? hes a rapist cause he said grab em by the pussy? pretty sure everyone and there mom has said worse then that. grow the fuck up. Hes DESTROYING YOU FUCKING PLEBS. millions off food stamps,The unemployment rate for African Americans in May fell to 5.9 percent, which is the lowest rate on record. Asian and Hispanic-American unemployment rates have reached record lows this year ,Under President Trump, job openings outnumber the unemployed for the first time on record ,In recent months, workers have seen their largest nominal year over year wage growth in nearly a decade ,Manufacturing added 284,000 jobs in 2018 ,The NFIB’s Small Business Optimism Index broke a 35-year record in August ,President Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act into law, ushering in the largest package of tax cuts and reforms in American history ,More than 6 million workers received tax cut bonuses and benefits ,More than 100 utility companies have announced lower rates and i could literally go on and on with more accomplishments hes made in literally a few years! heres the link to the whitehouse website . read some real facts

I dont know where half you fucks get your facts from. What i wrote above are considered fact. Not opinion or fucking delusion like the russia and Ukraine BS . You literally have Biden on camera saying " fire the prosecutor in the next 7 hours and get the billion dollars or Dont fire the prosecutor,Dont get the billion dollars" and you have democrats and every news organization but fox ignoring this like its all good but then you have people like Adam Schiff literally reading a FAKE MADE UP transcript to the american people not knowing trump was gonna make him look like a fool and liar releasing the real transcript days later and everyone eats it up like it was literally what was said. do some fucking basic ass research people. if you dont know what im talking about, that just shows you havent been following shit.

No one will read or respond to this but the logical people who already agree. Well written and stated.
No one will read or respond to this but the logical people who already agree. Well written and stated.
Sure if you ignore the multi year disinformation campaign aimed to discredit Clinton who the Russians knew were going to be running for president in 2016. You got suckered.
Are you serious dude? Have you ever looked at the list of dead people associated with the Clintons ? Or the cause of death ? The Clintons had less than a million dollars when ole Bill took office . How much they got now? Damn dude u need better weed .
Are you serious dude? Have you ever looked at the list of dead people associated with the Clintons ? Or the cause of death ? The Clintons had less than a million dollars when ole Bill took office . How much they got now? Damn dude u need better weed .
You mean people die, wow I bet that stat will eventually be like 100%.
Our founding fathers weren't ignorant, racist, inbred, dictator loving, trailer trash, nice try though.
How do you know that ? Was you there? Did you fight that war ? Have you fought any war? You have no fucking clue what they was like now do you ?