Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

too larry

Well-Known Member
Long line of strong thunderstorms coming up out of the Gulf this morning. There was a twister touched down in Graceville, where Cousin Sally lives. But they are late sleepers and didn't find out about it until we texted them to make sure they were alright. We started the day at 73F, but that fell sharply as soon as the storms were past. At 1530 it's cloudy, 52F with 89% humidity. Forecast low of 34F with 0% chance of rain tonight, tomorrow or tomorrow night. 10 day high low of 71/30F with 3 days of possible rain.


Well-Known Member
Temp is 39°F at 1930. It feels like 33° and it has been wet and drizzly all day. Tomorrow we are expecting lows in the upper 20s and then some sun. Thursday we're looking at a full day of sun with a high of 31°. Wow.

Length of day down to 9 hours and 27 minutes and it is pitch dark by 5pm.

too larry

Well-Known Member
Temp is 39°F at 1930. It feels like 33° and it has been wet and drizzly all day. Tomorrow we are expecting lows in the upper 20s and then some sun. Thursday we're looking at a full day of sun with a high of 31°. Wow.

Length of day down to 9 hours and 27 minutes and it is pitch dark by 5pm.
When I was doing research for my books, it always amazed me how much daylight was lost and gained at the higher lats. Going from Iceland to St Johns in the spring, each day is 8-10 minutes longer than the one before.

too larry

Well-Known Member
We went from 29 to 55F today. Lots of sun and not much wind. At 1640 it's sunny, 50F with 42% humidity. Forecast low of 35F with 0% chance of rain tonight, 0% tomorrow and 20% tomorrow night. 10 day high low of 72/35F with 3 days of possible rain.

too larry

Well-Known Member
49c here today wind is straight from hell burnt the living shit out of all my potted plants i think saten himself has arrived for a session been the 4th day of 40+
I hear there is a good chance of more record highs for you guys this week. Mulch, mulch, mulch.

too larry

Well-Known Member
A really nice day today. We had our office party today. It was warm enough we could have used the cookshed. Lots of sun, mild temps and not too much wind. We went from 33 to 63F. At 1600 it's sunny, 59F with 45% humidity. Forecast low of 48F with 10% chance of rain tonight, 80% tomorrow and 100% tomorrow night. 10 day high low of 74/48F with 4 days of possible rain. Looks like the cold is done for a while. But tomorrow night is supposed to be a frog strainer.

too larry

Well-Known Member
I raced the rain this morning. I got the underground greenhouse finished before it started. {I put all the sprouts under glass, but left the trays with no sprouts out to get watered} We went from 48 to 60F. At 2100 it's raining, 55F with 95% humidity. Forecast low of 53F with 100% chance of rain tonight, 100% tomorrow and 60% tomorrow night. 10 day high low of 74/45F with 5 days of possible rain.


Well-Known Member
Merry Christmas! I'm back in Kentucky for the holidays. It is 32°F here this morning and the sun is just now burning through the morning fog, though still 82% humidity. Looking for a high of 62° this afternoon.


Well-Known Member
Merry Christmas. We have a nice one shaping up down here. Headed over to Dothan Al to spend the day with friends. 70 for a high and a low of 48 with lots of sunshine. Safe travels to everyone on the road.


Well-Known Member
Good Kentucky Sunday, all. It is raining this morning and will be all day. It is 55°F just now climbing into the low 60s this afternoon.

too larry

Well-Known Member
Hope every one had a good Christmas. I was off all week. Got some work done in the garden in the early part of the week. Been in the 70's most of the week. Had rain for a couple days, then sun through the middle part, now the clouds are back. At 1325 it's mostly cloudy, 77F with 69% humidity. Forecast high low of 78/60F with 30% chance of rain today, 80% tonight and 10% tomorrow. 10 day high low of 78/36F with 3 days of possible rain.