Trump leads Biden, Warren & Sanders

If anyone takes the time to respond and take these trolls seriously just look at their post history before they "set it private."

They don't share your hobbies or interests
They aren't here to share info related to the forum
They just want to fight each of their own sides of the stupid political war here.

Have fun with em, but don't let your blood pressure get up.
back to deflecting and insults! weeee let me smoke up and see how retarded this is.

Dude seriously, you know they make political forums where you can circle jerk all you want right? This is a pot forum yet ALL the history of you is just...politics. Which cool maybe its a sockpuppet account, but for real?
You joined a month ago, socky McFistuptheass
You joined a month ago, socky McFistuptheass

So brave and stunning. Bro, you mean nothing to me. Use all the names and curses you want. I have a brain and can read all these articles that you post and don't seem to bother following up on. Can't say the same about your little group of followers.

It's all those Black White Supremists ruining this country I tell you.
So brave and stunning. Bro, you mean nothing to me. Use all the names and curses you want. I have a brain and can read all these articles that you post and don't seem to bother following up on. Can't say the same about your little group of followers.

It's all those Black White Supremists ruining this country I tell you.
Are you gonna cry when you get banned again, pedolover
None of that is an alternative, that is just frothing anger. Whoooo boy yall are fun to read about after a jay. I can't imagine even sharing my stash with half of you. Bet you show up at the end of harvest demanding your "cut" from all the "work" you put in.

Memes and Jokes that I didn't invent and found with a simple google search spun you up for 4 more pages of diatribe?
that's the simple truth, and if it isn't making you as angry as it's making me, then you're the fucked up one. anyone with any morals, ethics, or human compassion could never support the sick beast the republican party has become under trump....neither could they support an asshole such as trump himself.
i'm sick and ashamed that i live in a country where this fuck nut sociopathic liar could become president, and deeply offended that we've allowed this stupidity to go on this long.
the fact that any of this amuses you just shows me what a piece of useless shit you are.
oh, and i grow by myself, so my cut is 100 percent....but if i did have a partner, they'd get their 50%...straight off the top....i don't cheat my partners, that's a republican thing
that's the simple truth, and if it isn't making you as angry as it's making me, then you're the fucked up one. anyone with any morals, ethics, or human compassion could never support the sick beast the republican party has become under trump....neither could they support an asshole such as trump himself.
i'm sick and ashamed that i live in a country where this fuck nut sociopathic liar could become president, and deeply offended that we've allowed this stupidity to go on this long.
the fact that any of this amuses you just shows me what a piece of useless shit you are.
oh, and i grow by myself, so my cut is 100 percent....but if i did have a partner, they'd get their 50%...straight off the top....i don't cheat my partners, that's a republican thing

Here I am, voting to try and fix the issues in a solid blue city and watching them waste the resources and not even try. I voted for em to fix it not get worse.... Try the other guys and they are the flip of a coin.... So.... What does yelling at people just as angry about the situation as you accomplish? Tell me which one of your candidates offers a solution and a plan that is FEASIBLE AND WELL THOUGHT OUT. Hell I voted for Obama because of the same shit "Why not, give the guy a chance" but..... here we are?

I'm ashamed I live with a bunch of screaming babies who'd rather argue with each other than just freaking nut up and get to work.

You can get angry, I chose to laugh. I have enough stress.

What partner? I'm referring to the mooch that doesn't contribute a dime to the seeds, nutes, electric, water, doesn't even watch the plants. 0 time invested, 0 knowledge, 0 effort. Who feels like giving that guy 50% of the harvest?
Here I am, voting to try and fix the issues in a solid blue city and watching them waste the resources and not even try. I voted for em to fix it not get worse.... Try the other guys and they are the flip of a coin.... So.... What does yelling at people just as angry about the situation as you accomplish? Tell me which one of your candidates offers a solution and a plan that is FEASIBLE AND WELL THOUGHT OUT. Hell I voted for Obama because of the same shit "Why not, give the guy a chance" but..... here we are?

I'm ashamed I live with a bunch of screaming babies who'd rather argue with each other than just freaking nut up and get to work.

You can get angry, I chose to laugh. I have enough stress.
Trump voter against getting angry and screaming at people

oh the precious irony

these sock puppet accounts are getting shittier
if people want to support a foul, lying, thieving, ignorant, stupid, mean, shitty person for president....i guess that's their own business
people have done stupider things....but i'm fucked if i can think of any right now.

dude plenty supported clinton and bush I'm not arguing that point.
how quickly they forget- weed site and all..but why is he here in politics when there are plenty of political forums online?

I mean, I didn't forget anything, check my posts I vary from post to post and thread to thread. I actually offer something of value Not like a dirty commie.
dude plenty supported clinton and bush I'm not arguing that point.
i won't say any politician has been pure, and chaste, and has never done anything wrong. i will say all of them in my lifetime rolled together hasn't been a pimple on trumps ass...trump does more horrible shit on a daily basis than most president manage to do in their entire terms...i've heard all the shit about the bushs and clintons, and i'd take 20 years of either over one more year of trump...over one more day of trump....
i won't say any politician has been pure, and chaste, and has never done anything wrong. i will say all of them in my lifetime rolled together hasn't been a pimple on trumps ass...trump does more horrible shit on a daily basis than most president manage to do in their entire terms...i've heard all the shit about the bushs and clintons, and i'd take 20 years of either over one more year of trump...over one more day of trump....

Ok and I'll concede that. But at this point and this election, I have a choice between what and Drumphf? Tell me which is the most attractive out of your side and what they are bringing to the table more than another 4 years of this BS. 'cause I'll be honest the current way they are pitching and going about it you will just have the other 63 million redneck bible thumping rejects doing the same thing again..... and I'm kinda tired of paying for both of these morons.
And did anyone forget how much we hated Pence? THATS WHO TAKES OVER??!?!?!? We don't get to put our choice in and get a do-over.
Ok and I'll concede that. But at this point and this election, I have a choice between what and Drumphf? Tell me which is the most attractive out of your side and what they are bringing to the table more than another 4 years of this BS. 'cause I'll be honest the current way they are pitching and going about it you will just have the other 63 million redneck bible thumping rejects doing the same thing again..... and I'm kinda tired of paying for both of these morons.

'our side' that's the problem, hillbilly.

you've been engulfed in disinformation and conspiracy for so long- we're all on the same side..we're from different places but on the same side, the side of America versus Russia (the commies, remember?)