ACE Ethiopian


Well-Known Member
All of the plants have been sexed after two weeks 12/12, that`s fast and nice. I've already sort all the specimens: 14 females and 10 males. I've discarded half of the males and I've kept these:

They'll be kept in 1l pots to be used for some sativa crosses.



Well-Known Member
Little tiny seed Hey Al...could you tell us how you selected the males? That's an area I need to improve upon.
I do a kind of purging. Instead selecting what male I want, what I do is to "unselect" and kill the ones I don't. There is a reason for that: the only way to really know what a male delivers is to grow his children, and anything else is speculation.

There is a "proper" way that consists in taking cuts of the males and letting them flower up to the end. After that, you can analyze the bud structure, the resin, smell, production, whatever, and make conclusions to choose the most productive, aromatic, the one with denser flower clusters, etc. This way you couldn't tell what the male will deliver in terms of THC and terpenes , but you'd get a approximation somehow.

This "proper" way needs a lot of time and resources. I don't have time for any of that. For the first step I just cull all the males I don't like (unhealthy, slow, mutant, asymmetric, etc).

Then I look for strength. Color. Smell. Branches, symmetry, health, good behavior, harmony, beauty. And, most than anything, diversity. So I usually end up with several full flowering males, and I use several of them.

The way I do it, the most important thing is to use several different ones. That's how you get diversity. And the risk of using a "bad" male dilutes when you use several. You can get bad males, but there will be some that will be the ones you want. Then in the next generation you can test and choose which seeds from which male are the best, and keep working with the selected parents.

It takes time, but breeding does.



Well-Known Member
Thanks Al,
I'm in even worse shape regarding space...tiny home dweller. I'm looking for a special pheno that's almost twice the potency of her sisters. Discovered it first grow after harvest and am now on a search. Popped about 25 I'm going to select male or males and pollinate a branch on each female. That way...once I find the pheno...I'll already have seeds for it. Any logic errors to my plan?

PS No real long term breeding. Just wanting a great clone Momma.
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Well-Known Member
Then I look for strength. Color. Smell. Branches, symmetry, health, good behavior, harmony, beauty. And, most than anything, diversity. So I usually end up with several full flowering males, and I use several of them.
I like that you use harmony and beauty as selection criteria. I also include aesthetics in selection and training. Form follows function... the plant knows way more then I do.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Al,
I'm in even worse shape regarding space...tiny home dweller. I'm looking for a special pheno that's almost twice the potency of her sisters. Discovered it first grow after harvest and am now on a search. Popped about 25 I'm going to select male or males and pollinate a branch on each female. That way...once I find the pheno...I'll already have seeds for it. Any logic errors to my plan?

PS No real long term breeding. Just wanting a great clone Momma.
If you can, take and save clones from every plant, or from all the females and the males you prefer. You can freeze the pollen, but it is better and safer to have males in veg state and flower them when you need. I'd pollinate only after selecting the preferred mom. It means a lot of time, because you have to end the cycle, including drying and curing, but saves you of having many seeds from females that weren't as good.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
Lookin at ACEs newest offerings I'm glad I didn't get suckered into their bullshit. They'll be carrying a fruity "skunk" in no time.


Well-Known Member
This is one of the males I have. I've already pollinated some sativas. Its look is nice, slender and thin. I still keep several more males to breed, all of them +3week into flower like the females.


Nice smokes


Well-Known Member
Hmmm...sounds interesting, but not familiar with either. I'm doing an indica run right now...freebie seeds. I have 2 Motarebel strains...Snake Eyes and Gorilla Jam...and a wacky weed strain called Strawberry Dog Shit.

Not sure if I'm cut out for landrace sativas. At least not in coco. I may go orgaanic soil if I do. Been thinking a lengthy mainlined to 16 colas...may help control all that stretch and height.
Motarebel's fun gear. I've run the Rebel OG, and I'm sitting on 6 more beans of it, plus a freebie 5 pack of Pineapple Orange Peel.
The Rebel was pretty good, pretty strong, large plant.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
nice job man. they look great! wondering what you mean by needing the leds? instead of hids?
Yes. The LEDs keep the stretch under control. These plants would be 2 meter high under 4 weeks of stretching when 12/12 under HID


Well-Known Member
Yes. The LEDs keep the stretch under control. These plants would be 2 meter high under 4 weeks of stretching when 12/12 under HID
Ive noticed you have been growing different sativas for awhile. Up to this point have you found any you would consider a keeper?

I went through a sativa kick for about 5 years and grew abunch of different sativa strains. I never found one worth the effort. Some were pretty good, but when you have such a long flowering time and the finicky issues and such it just wasnt worth it.


Well-Known Member
I see. thanks I didn't know that. have you tried the node 2 topping method for sativas discussed here?
I've been trying several methods to control height indoors, and after the years I believe I'm quite successful. It is a pity that there isn't pictures in the first post of that thread you posted. I usually have enough with topping and COBs, but I've used LST as well when things came out of control and in my urban terrace to avoid people seeing my plants.

Sweet smokes.


Well-Known Member
Ive noticed you have been growing different sativas for awhile. Up to this point have you found any you would consider a keeper?

I went through a sativa kick for about 5 years and grew abunch of different sativa strains. I never found one worth the effort. Some were pretty good, but when you have such a long flowering time and the finicky issues and such it just wasnt worth it.
Yes, I totally understand what you mean. I spend more time and more money than anybody growing weed, because these plants are difficult to grow and produce less in much more time. But I can say I have found more than one and two keepers that worth it.

I also grow hybrids and pure indicas for some relax. But for me, the everyday smoke is the one that keeps me full of life, not tired and dizzy.

Sweet smokes


Well-Known Member
These Ethiopians have stated clear that they need a looooot of time. They've been at 12/12 for near 8 weeks and no one has shown even symptoms of being at their mid point. Some even look like they are starting now to throw any flowers.


Let's see how much time I can stand. My tent looks like a real tropical forest now.