Booming economy. Winning!

Can't do much for her. She has chosen her life path. She has kids, I don't wanna raise them. I've already raised mine.
What we can do is teach our children, in school if we have to, to keep their legs together so they not spitting out their first child at 15. We need to teach them that they can not count on an easy life if they do that. Or get em on birth control. We need to educate them of the consequences of their actions, and protect them from their own stupidity.
Were you married?
Were you married?
Was I married when my first was born?
Yes. But, just barely ... LoL. Mom was wide with child when we made our vows. But, doesn't matter. Whether I was married or not, I accepted responsibility for my get. And raised her to be a fine adult that I am proud of.

Have you gathered enough personal info on me yet to attack?
Unfortunately, that a pretty narrow view...

What would have happened to your children, if by chance something tragic were to have happened to you and your wife while they were young...Have society cut them loose to go dig in a dump for scraps to survive? Would it have been societies job to help? or are we cavemen?

People have to be realistic...Life throws curve balls..Just because some of us have been lucky doesnt mean that those who have a rough break should suddenedly have to fight to survive
Was I married when my first was born?
Yes. But, just barely ... LoL. Mom was wide with child when we made our vows. But, doesn't matter. Whether I was married or not, I accepted responsibility for my get. And raised her to be a fine adult that I am proud of.

Have you gathered enough personal info on me yet to attack?
I was curious because you would have perspective, what would happen if you passed away to them? A lot of families can't really overcome a loss like that.

Your kids will earn enough (on average) to well pay for any public assistance they would use as children when they are adults. Helping our people before they need it (when it is most expensive to do something) is more cost efficient and humane than waiting until they are so broke they become wards of the state.

There are so many reasons people with children (and without) may need help from time to time, and no good reason to not spend the relatively low price to do it.
Can't do much for her. She has chosen her life path. She has kids, I don't wanna raise them. I've already raised mine.
What we can do is teach our children, in school if we have to, to keep their legs together so they not spitting out their first child at 15. We need to teach them that they can not count on an easy life if they do that. Or get em on birth control. We need to educate them of the consequences of their actions, and protect them from their own stupidity.
not founded in reality
Says the guy whose generation saw nothing but unprecedented growth and yet managed to pay for nothing, racking up the countries debt while destroying the environment, leaving the debt and cleanup to their children/grandchildren.

Lol, consequences!!
I just think about what the true cost of all the trees cut down for industry and plastic/chemicals we have to eventually pay to clean up is being subsidized by future generations.
whose generation saw nothing but unprecedented growth
Yea, we didn't do as well as we should have.
But, the good news is that ... unprecedented growth is happening again.
So, even though we have more trees now than 100 years ago, go ahead and stop cutting them down. The fires in Cali will get worse, and houses will not be built .... yea, that's an improvement.

We can go all-in AOC.

But, when we have to stop using fossil fuels ... and you can't burn wood, how you gonna stay warm?

But, the good news is that ... unprecedented growth is happening again.
Yea, we didn't do as well as we should have.
But, the good news is that ... unprecedented growth is happening again.
So, even though we have more trees now than 100 years ago, go ahead and stop cutting them down. The fires in Cali will get worse, and houses will not be built .... yea, that's an improvement.

We can go all-in AOC.

But, when we have to stop using fossil fuels ... and you can't burn wood, how you gonna stay warm?

But, the good news is that ... unprecedented growth is happening again.
not founded in reality
Can't do much for her. She has chosen her life path. She has kids, I don't wanna raise them. I've already raised mine.
What we can do is teach our children, in school if we have to, to keep their legs together so they not spitting out their first child at 15. We need to teach them that they can not count on an easy life if they do that. Or get em on birth control. We need to educate them of the consequences of their actions, and protect them from their own stupidity.
Good thing your nazi ass supports the “ban birth control” party
Yea, we didn't do as well as we should have.
But, the good news is that ... unprecedented growth is happening again.
So, even though we have more trees now than 100 years ago, go ahead and stop cutting them down. The fires in Cali will get worse, and houses will not be built .... yea, that's an improvement.

We can go all-in AOC.

But, when we have to stop using fossil fuels ... and you can't burn wood, how you gonna stay warm?

But, the good news is that ... unprecedented growth is happening again.
1.9% growth is not unprecedented

Obama had better growth than that
I just think about what the true cost of all the trees cut down for industry and plastic/chemicals we have to eventually pay to clean up is being subsidized by future generations.
Future generations always have to pay past bills. The generations of today will pay if we adopt socialism here, they'll pay for all the free stuff they'll give me.
I (and you) are still paying for World War 2. All those troops in Germany ... not cheap and a result of WW2. All the trillions and trillions of subsidies and rebuilding we did in Europe, Japan, China ... still happening, still a result of WW2.
Future generations always have to pay past bills. The generations of today will pay if we adopt socialism here, they'll pay for all the free stuff they'll give me.
I (and you) are still paying for World War 2. All those troops in Germany ... not cheap and a result of WW2. All the trillions and trillions of subsidies and rebuilding we did in Europe, Japan, China ... still happening, still a result of WW2.
Hey trashbucket

Why do you think 1.9% growth is unprecedented?

If your answer is that it isn’t and that you’re a lying nazi sock puppet account, just say nothing
Future generations always have to pay past bills. The generations of today will pay if we adopt socialism here, they'll pay for all the free stuff they'll give me.
I (and you) are still paying for World War 2. All those troops in Germany ... not cheap and a result of WW2. All the trillions and trillions of subsidies and rebuilding we did in Europe, Japan, China ... still happening, still a result of WW2.
That $2.3 T "tax cut" given to the 1% wealthiest in this country was all borrowed money. You complain about socialism but forget that the wealthy ARE socialist welfare queens in this country. The boost from Trump's tax cut for the 1% wealthiest is already fizzling out. It was a wasted opportunity for most of the people of this country. If Trump's tax cut had been applied to existing student debt ($1.3T), the benefit would have benefited more than half the households in this country with 1 T left to use on tuition for the upcoming generation college students.
with 1 T left to use on tuition for the upcoming generation college students.
I am not willingly going to pay for someone's degree in Early Childhood Development (baby sitting), or Medieval Art Appreciation.
That $2.3 T "tax cut" given to the 1% wealthiest in this country was all borrowed money.
That's a good point, and true; but so what.
The pres gave back some of the money that the gov't confiscated. The people he gave it back to used it the way they wanted to, me included. That is freedom. That is individuals acting to their own best interests. That is capitalism.
That is the United States of America.
And, the way things are going ... that is the way it will be for a long, long time.
I am not willingly going to pay for someone's degree in Early Childhood Development (baby sitting), or Medieval Art Appreciation.

That's a good point, and true; but so what.
The pres gave back some of the money that the gov't confiscated. The people he gave it back to used it the way they wanted to, me included. That is freedom. That is individuals acting to their own best interests. That is capitalism.
That is the United States of America.
And, the way things are going ... that is the way it will be for a long, long time.
The government borrowed $2.3 T to give to the wealthy. That's a fact. That action is about corruption, not capitalism.
I am not willingly going to pay for someone's degree in Early Childhood Development (baby sitting), or Medieval Art Appreciation.

That's a good point, and true; but so what.
The pres gave back some of the money that the gov't confiscated. The people he gave it back to used it the way they wanted to, me included. That is freedom. That is individuals acting to their own best interests. That is capitalism.
That is the United States of America.
And, the way things are going ... that is the way it will be for a long, long time.
it would be stupid to fund college for people, because then they would earn and pay taxes on about one million more dollars in their lifetimes, which would more than offset the funding of their college

you don’t think good and shit, do you?

low iq nazi