What do you guys think? I have close to 700 sq foot in space. The orca film is about 400% more expensive
Yeah at that cost one may as well frame in a wall with 2x3 studs on 24" centers and hang some cheap 3/8 drywall on it.Orca is def a better product, but not 400% better
If you had to frame all 4 walls (about 105 feet) it would might be around $400 - $500 if you went budget mode (I am high, @diggs99 what do you think?) I found that 54 inch x 100 foot rolls of Orca run about 200 ish. Thats only 54 inches wide so yeah, it might actually not be much savings at all with the Orca.
Will the white paint be as effective tho
I might do that then. Because I am framing walls already wanted to use the grow film to make sure it was more reflective