Favorite rolling paper?

zig zag orange have always worked for me.... and easy to find. If rolling for friends they like the juicy flavored ones.
Raw is my brand. My brother loves pure hemp and my homegirl likes elements
Not only due they roll good they stick with a good lick. They are also cheaper than most ZZag's at $6/pack of 300. I used orange ZZag previously but have been using these since I found them at the smoke shop. I prefer rolling over using a pipe. On top of this it supports relief efforts in poor countries.
There was a pack of Raw left in the river house. I had been using them for a month or so when the previous owner took them when she was getting a load of her stuff. So I went by the headshop to pick some up. I'm used to paying a buck for 32 Zig Zags that are big enough to half, so about a penny and a half a joint. The Raw were two bucks, and too small to half, so I ended up buying the 500 pack for 10 bucks. Still two cents a joint. Happy with the papers if not the price.
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