Self sufficient grow room


Well-Known Member
Yeah in the US it's all net metering. The power company gets to make money off your infrastructure lol. Pretty gay if you ask me. I plan to setup solar on my 40x60 grow building but all the power generated will be used in real time so no need to worry about getting screwed. Now later down the road when I am retired and no longer growing, long after the solar has paid for itself, even with cell output degraded to say 50% I will still make a LOT more power than I would use in my home so I would get that net metering check to help pay for other bills :)
I'm.lucky at the return I'm getting it's locked in until 2029 so another 10 years to enjoy

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
Thats not so bad. Im a little worried the price is guna drop out if laws change when we have our referendum late next year. How 'illegal' is black market weed over there? Is is a tax thing or licensing or misuse of drugs act?
Thats tough to answer. Now that everyone can legally grow 4 plants at home and you can carry up to an oz, cops cant tell if your weeds legal or not. So getting charged with possession is pretty much a thing of the past. The police have been more focused on busting dispensaries than anything else. I havent heard of any grow ops being busted in a long time.


Active Member
Thats tough to answer. Now that everyone can legally grow 4 plants at home and you can carry up to an oz, cops cant tell if your weeds legal or not. So getting charged with possession is pretty much a thing of the past. The police have been more focused on busting dispensaries than anything else. I havent heard of any grow ops being busted in a long time.
Of cause it can be done. People live on solar now. Some business's are even 100% Solar.
Have to be banks of COB LED's .....NFT or Coco ? My thoughts are NFT could produce micro turbine power x say 6 fully it is possible that the whole NFT could heat & support itself sort centrifical perpetual motion...your thoughts please

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
So inexpensive to go Solar. 0% Government loans to 10k here in Aus to have it done. Pays for itself even if ur not earning the feed back the grid tariff. Power walls are the future though.