I GOTTA LOSE THE AIR PUMPS! HOW?! Plus my awesome mini DWC :)

Again. Get off MY thread and start your own bashing my name if you would please. Thanks.
Yep I'm outa here. Easy to see your not here to help people but rather just to further your own agenda. Not interested in facts only BS bro science and try to make a name off it.

Go ahead and...

And I will go away with my inconvenient facts.
Worst case scenario just build a soundbox for the air pumps. inch thick MDF box with a removable lid lined with sound dampening foam, put pumps in, run your power and air lines, fill remaining space with shredded sound dampening foam, put lid on. i built one to house my exhaust fan and between that and the true variac controller i use i literally cant hear even the softest "woosh" out of it.
Worst case scenario just build a soundbox for the air pumps. inch thick MDF box with a removable lid lined with sound dampening foam, put pumps in, run your power and air lines, fill remaining space with shredded sound dampening foam, put lid on. i built one to house my exhaust fan and between that and the true variac controller i use i literally cant hear even the softest "woosh" out of it.
That box is gonna get hot reeeaaal quickly and thus the air being pumped to the stones as well. That's important to keep in mind.
Again. Get off MY thread and start your own bashing my name if you would please. Thanks.
'MY thread'?
Are we in kindergarten?
Do you own the forum?
This topic was started almost 2 years ago and evolved. And yes, people will say things that you not like.
If you can not stand that people do't agree with you, don't get on a forum.
2" is absolutely plenty... No need for 3" and I can't even come close to understanding the reason for 3" in a 4 site system. The pump should be about 10x the site volume of water per hr. That is plenty of turnover and 2" pipe will handle more than double that no problem. So if you have 4 5gal sites that's about 16 gal and a 200gph pump is more than enought once you factor in head pressure.

Not sure why you wanna waste money overkilling something for absolutely no benefit
Once you get a blockage from roots being pulled into your returns you'll understand why using larger pipe is not overkill.
Once you get a blockage from roots being pulled into your returns you'll understand why using larger pipe is not overkill.
If that happens you are doing it wrong, there are also strainers that you can put in each bucket. Should be keeping an eye on your roots and trim if needed also your in the wrong size buckets if that's happening and should either veg shorter or upsize. I mean if your roots plug your system that's just being careless and if your building a system around being incompetent then something is wrong.

I get what your saying but I'm just being real. Why stop at 3" and not go 5" then?
If that happens you are doing it wrong, there are also strainers that you can put in each bucket. Should be keeping an eye on your roots and trim if needed also your in the wrong size buckets if that's happening and should either veg shorter or upsize. I mean if your roots plug your system that's just being careless and if your building a system around being incompetent then something is wrong.

I get what your saying but I'm just being real. Why stop at 3" and not go 5" then?
Doing it wrong?...lol.
Ok, where do I begin here. Strainers in each bucket are a bad idea, they just plug up faster. Been there done that. I guess you could keep lifting the plant out and trim roots as needed but if your using cages or netting for plant support that becomes a real PITA and breaking off colas is counter productive. Its much easier to just use larger pipe and save yourself alot of hassle. But you welcome to find out the hard way ;)
Doing it wrong?...lol.
Ok, where do I begin here. Strainers in each bucket are a bad idea, they just plug up faster. Been there done that. I guess you could keep lifting the plant out and trim roots as needed but if your using cages or netting for plant support that becomes a real PITA and breaking off colas is counter productive. Its much easier to just use larger pipe and save yourself alot of hassle. But you welcome to find out the hard way ;)
Or build a properly sized system with properly sized reservoirs? And not have the issue in the first place? IDK just a thought. What your trying to do is build a system with a bandaid. Why not build it to meet your needs?

I get what you are saying and there is nothing wrong with going bigger. But there is an unnecessary added cost and its really a flawed way to look at designing the system. Now if you already have a system and dont wanna buy another but grow bigger plants and just swap the return line, I get that. I just don't get building a system from scratch with a band aid.
Or build a properly sized system with properly sized reservoirs? And not have the issue in the first place? IDK just a thought. What your trying to do is build a system with a bandaid. Why not build it to meet your needs?

I get what you are saying and there is nothing wrong with going bigger. But there is an unnecessary added cost and its really a flawed way to look at designing the system. Now if you already have a system and dont wanna buy another but grow bigger plants and just swap the return line, I get that. I just don't get building a system from scratch with a band aid.
I dont think you are getting what Im saying. It doesnt really matter what size your plant sites are, come harvest the roots will fill the container unless your using a 55gal barrel or your doing a no veg straight to bloom technique. So please tell me what a properly sized system is for someone working with 8' of headroom?
Fact: water temp has nothing to do with pythium... More bro science BS.

Are you saying that the amount of D.O. in water has nothing to do with the ability of pythium to thrive? If that is the case then just about everybody out there is doing it wrong, this is big news man. I for one am glad that I came by and read this thread because here I was for 20 years thinking that chilling water, air-pumps, water-falls etc were only for the purpose of battling root rot and now I know they are for the noise.
Are you saying that the amount of D.O. in water has nothing to do with the ability of pythium to thrive? If that is the case then just about everybody out there is doing it wrong, this is big news man. I for one am glad that I came by and read this thread because here I was for 20 years thinking that chilling water, air-pumps, water-falls etc were only for the purpose of battling root rot and now I know they are for the noise.
Dude that all regurgitated bro science... DO is an issue when it cannot be replenished at the rate its being lost not at the temps we use is it an issue. You telling me the difference of 0.6 ish ppm O2 will bring pythium? you kidding me? They And pythium actually does well in cold water also depending on the type. Next you are gonna talk about anaerobic conditions? There is not one type of pythium man stop the bro science and they all thrive in varying condition. Plants are vulnerable to pythium when they are unhealthy plain and simple... not water temps... not DO specific. New roots are most vulnerable.

So yes 20 years of wasted thinking... hard to swallow so i take it no matter what i say you will stick to it... why can't people read actual studies and relevant info not just google search grow weed easy and shit?

I dont think you are getting what Im saying. It doesnt really matter what size your plant sites are, come harvest the roots will fill the container unless your using a 55gal barrel or your doing a no veg straight to bloom technique. So please tell me what a properly sized system is for someone working with 8' of headroom?
Depends on how big you are growing them... I'm not going to argue just to argue... No matter what you are gonna keep your opinion so don't really give a shit grow how ya like its not my problem you build a garbage system and use bandaids. Have at it.
Ok i'm done in this thread you guys all stick around with the wigi boards, voodoo, curses and magic potions. Not posting in here again
Lol, bro-science, I swear to god the people who use that are such wankers. It’s not hard to swallow that experience trumps all. People have done well by keeping the temps in check for decades and increasing DO. Perhaps it’s just that the root rot also believes in “bro-science.” But you aren’t done with this thread loser, you are the type who can’t stand not getting in one last word, prove me wrong.
Depends on how big you are growing them... I'm not going to argue just to argue... No matter what you are gonna keep your opinion so don't really give a shit grow how ya like its not my problem you build a garbage system and use bandaids. Have at it.
Lol...thats the answer I was expecting.
Most people build their system to suit their space which is pretty logical if you ask me. There really is no right or wrong way, if it works, it works. Some just work better and by better I mean require less work...like needing to trim roots to prevent a flood.
Lol, bro-science, I swear to god the people who use that are such wankers. It’s not hard to swallow that experience trumps all. People have done well by keeping the temps in check for decades and increasing DO. Perhaps it’s just that the root rot also believes in “bro-science.” But you aren’t done with this thread loser, you are the type who can’t stand not getting in one last word, prove me wrong.
We're all incompetent growers with flawed, garbage systems according to him...
I don't know why I keep reading this thread.. I guess I kinda enjoy the spit fights. But I will admit, I really don't know what a proper size system is.. Hell I don't even know what a proper system is.. I'm not an ambitious grower.. I limit my self to two or three modified Waterfarms, twice a year... Two 110 day grows, from seed...
If 5-6 gals an hour circulation, from a remote reservoir, doesn't qualify as RDWC, then i'm doing it all wrong.. But, oh, it feels so right.. i'm still calling it rdwc, even though i'm measuring with a different stick.. I use an air pump to pump water, but no electric water pumps, or air stones.. 1.33 gpw last grow, think i can do 1.5.. Only use FNB to feed.