Booming economy. Winning!


Well-Known Member
So the point of your post was what, better to stay below the poverty level AND uneducated??
Not at all. This was sarcasm.

I would like to see everyone get a good job, educate themselves with schooling or trade, make enough money to take care of their families. Pay their bills and have money left over to save or spend on the things they want.

Take out student loans if needed, pay them back.. Don't rely on welfare and be better than that.

In my opinion welfare makes people dependant on a government that will do exactly as you said, keep them living in poverty and uneducated. Voting for politicians for freebies. Get up everyday, work hard, pay your bills, support your family. Live a good life.


Well-Known Member

  • Change in non-farm payrolls: +266,000 vs. +180,000 expected and +156,000 in October
  • Unemployment rate: 3.5% vs. 3.6% expected and 3.6% in October
  • Average hourly earnings month over month: +0.2% vs. +0.3% expected and +0.4% in October
  • Average hourly earnings year over year: +3.1% vs. +3.0% expected and +3.2% in October


Well-Known Member
You really are dumber than a post. Maybe you think tRUmp will bring about the new era of puppies and rainbows but for the non delusional we see the truth of his incompetence that is your orange god.
I could care less who is president as long as they do good for US citizens.


Well-Known Member
Not at all. This was sarcasm.

I would like to see everyone get a good job, educate themselves with schooling or trade, make enough money to take care of their families. Pay their bills and have money left over to save or spend on the things they want.

Take out student loans if needed, pay them back.. Don't rely on welfare and be better than that.

In my opinion welfare makes people dependant on a government that will do exactly as you said, keep them living in poverty and uneducated. Voting for politicians for freebies. Get up everyday, work hard, pay your bills, support your family. Live a good life.
You make me laugh.


Well-Known Member
No because logic at your age isn't based on truth just emotions. But hey knock yourself out.
That's all i base my opinions on.. Fact.. Numbers dont lie. My returns are doing well. My business is doing well. My savings are doing well. My family is doing well. I don't let emotions cloud my judgement. Those are liberals that do that.

christopher jordan

Well-Known Member
You must be smelling Rush limbahs 2 assholes. Little known fact he has two assholes and all you right wing conspiracy theorists in his back pocket. lol


Well-Known Member
You must be smelling Rush limbahs 2 assholes. Little known fact he has two assholes and all you right wing conspiracy theorists in his back pocket. lol
Never watched or listened to a thing he said. No right or left. Middle.. Common sense. I want what's good for me and good for the USA. And when I say USA, I talk about the majority that get up everyday to work, support themselves, and contribute. Not lifelong welfare recipients, illigals, and freeloaders.


Well-Known Member
Could give a fuck about how many people show up, what shape he is in. Build the fucking wall. A country without borders is not a country. Or even better than a wall, deport them. Cut off everything. All healthcare, all schooling, all food vouchers, and housing credits. Lock anyone up who goes against the laws of our land and makes sanctuary cities.


Well-Known Member

Republicans eliminate pensions, he's on his own.

Too bad. They're all going to be millionaires anyway, right?
I'm on my own, wouldn't it be nice if we all were? You get what you give. I don't sit back and wait for a check because I'm lazy. I go to work and make money. Never needed help, never asked for help, never wanted help. What would be nice if they eliminate social security together. Give me every dollar back that I've paid. Im sure I would be better off than waiting for retirement after the government hands it out to freeloaders.


Well-Known Member
Not at all. This was sarcasm.

I would like to see everyone get a good job, educate themselves with schooling or trade, make enough money to take care of their families. Pay their bills and have money left over to save or spend on the things they want.

Take out student loans if needed, pay them back.. Don't rely on welfare and be better than that.

In my opinion welfare makes people dependant on a government that will do exactly as you said, keep them living in poverty and uneducated. Voting for politicians for freebies. Get up everyday, work hard, pay your bills, support your family. Live a good life.
Sounds great but 5 years later the damage of commerce starts to show up.

A new report from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that the number of Americans with diabetes continues to rise, with over 12% of the adult population estimated to have the disease, and more than a third of those aged 20 and over in the US now thought to have prediabetes.

Then healthcare has their way with your wallet.
Enjoy your your good health, while you have it.