The Impeachment Of Donald Trump


Well-Known Member
Breaking via WaPo: The prosecutor handpicked by Barr to scrutinize how U.S. agencies investigated Trump's 2016 campaign said he could not offer evidence to the DOJ inspector general to support the right-wing theory that the case was a setup by U.S. intel.

Watching these morons trying to commit treason reminds me of watching the three stooges.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
At least NATO members still respect Dear Leader.
ahh, his feelings got hurt....fucking whining pussy. what a fucking blowhard bully asshole, he can dish shit all fucking day, but can't take a fucking thing.
did he really expect other world leaders to take his lame ass seriously? he's the big, slobbering, retarded kid running around the room breaking shit while the grown ups are trying to get shit done, and he expects ANYONE to take him seriously? what a fucking snowflake

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Trump’s epitaph :

"The world thinks you are an incompetent, ignorant, dumb, deranged buffoon — and they are right....and you prove it to them every day." - George Conway ( Husband of Cryptkeeper Kellyanne )

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How in the fuck are Kellyanne and George even married with their opposing job positions? How can they stand each other? There is something super strange and completely bizarre about that relationship. I imagine into serious S and M beatings. Couple is sick and twisted . I love Trump please Beat me problem Kellyanne.


Well-Known Member
Agree polar opposites... even species i think.
But the “ blonde banshee “ never fails to stoke the fire. George must drink 3 carafes of jet black coffee just to look at her ....
god ....
its like sleeping with the chick from the Ring:spew: