hermie question.


Well-Known Member
For me I think it depends on WHEN it adds those male flowers. The one tranny that I have was about 3 weeks into flower, I decided I was good for a quick trip to see relatives, came back home and there were male flowers all OVER the place. This plant I've kept to see what comes of it (since it had already knocked up all the other girls), and the "buds", if you can call them that are so fucking sad it's funny.

However! I've seen people with plants that hermed out way late in flowering, and they've got these nice, fat, thick buds. Who'd wanna kill that? I put my hermie in a portable, breathable closet (fabric sided) and I think that's kept it from further pollinating everyone. We'll see just how seedy they are when I harvest.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the interesting feedback. mine just barely started to flower and it has both male and female flowers. if i leave it next to another male i have will both the male and the hermie polinate the hermie? in other words will the hermie polinate itself while being polinated by the male as well?

also. these are two of my favorite strains? if the above is true can i expect seeds of both types of strain in one?


Well-Known Member
thanks for the interesting feedback. mine just barely started to flower and it has both male and female flowers. if i leave it next to another male i have will both the male and the hermie polinate the hermie? in other words will the hermie polinate itself while being polinated by the male as well?

also. these are two of my favorite strains? if the above is true can i expect seeds of both types of strain in one?
to answer your first question yes. I think you'd get two different strains. one from the seeds where the hermie pollinated itself and another from the seeds where the male pollinated the hermie.


Well-Known Member
Now if the hermie pollinated the other, keep the seeds from that other. They will be good fem seeds. Self pollinated plants' seeds are a bit more sketchy.

You can also pluck the nanners and balls everyday and hope for the best.


Well-Known Member
Now if the hermie pollinated the other, keep the seeds from that other. They will be good fem seeds. Self pollinated plants' seeds are a bit more sketchy.

You can also pluck the nanners and balls everyday and hope for the best.
if i pluck tha ballz off everyday what exactly will happen. will the buds be normal female bud size?


Well-Known Member
if i pluck tha ballz off everyday what exactly will happen. will the buds be normal female bud size?
Not sure if they will be less then normal. But once they start to seed, quality goes down. Now if they go hermie 2 weeks from harvest or less, I personally, wouldn't bother to do anything. Takes 4-5 weeks for seeds to mature. Other may (probably) disagree.


Well-Known Member
If you pluck the male flowers off, it will grow more. And more. And more and more AND MORE AND MORE AND MORE AND MORE AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

BBB, I think you're right about the seeds, around a month or so.


Well-Known Member
If you pluck the male flowers off, it will grow more. And more. And more and more AND MORE AND MORE AND MORE AND MORE AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

BBB, I think you're right about the seeds, around a month or so.
will i even be able to pluck the balls off as the plant grows and time goes on or is it not even worth it?


Well-Known Member
i grew out 3 hermies to date, 2 were the same strain, i grew a super silver haze it hermied at 8 weeks of flower, i had clones going as well i killed all the clones but one. In the same room i was also growing White widow. After i noticed the ssh went hermie i let them go 2 more weeks and chopped i ended up with 9 ssh seeds out of 2 oz and 30 in my pollinated ww out of 2 and 1/2 oz. I grew the clone from the ssh and polinated one more ww. still havnt grown the seeds. I also grew a hermie that started making male flowers at 3 weeks, ( cali orange bud ) i tried to pluck, to them just growing more and more like seamaiden stated above. yield was reduced on all plants especially the hermie, buds were nice and dense though but got about 45 seeds from 1 and 1/2 oz of cali orange, and around 30 seeds each in the ww around 2 oz each, i threw all those seeds out except 15 of the polinated ww's. I dont think i will ever grow a hermie out again.


Well-Known Member
i grew out 3 hermies to date, 2 were the same strain, i grew a super silver haze it hermied at 8 weeks of flower, i had clones going as well i killed all the clones but one. In the same room i was also growing White widow. After i noticed the ssh went hermie i let them go 2 more weeks and chopped i ended up with 9 ssh seeds out of 2 oz and 30 in my pollinated ww out of 2 and 1/2 oz. I grew the clone from the ssh and polinated one more ww. still havnt grown the seeds. I also grew a hermie that started making male flowers at 3 weeks, ( cali orange bud ) i tried to pluck, to them just growing more and more like seamaiden stated above. yield was reduced on all plants especially the hermie, buds were nice and dense though but got about 45 seeds from 1 and 1/2 oz of cali orange, and around 30 seeds each in the ww around 2 oz each, i threw all those seeds out except 15 of the polinated ww's. I dont think i will ever grow a hermie out again.
yeah thats all bad! i think im going to keep this one excluded from the group and just let it grow. just for the sake of learning what it looks like you learned the hard way. its a beautiful plant in general anyway. why not grow it right? and good luck in the future. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
yeah thats all bad! i think im going to keep this one excluded from the group and just let it grow. just for the sake of learning what it looks like you learned the hard way. its a beautiful plant in general anyway. why not grow it right? and good luck in the future. :bigjoint:
oops! Sorry. I thought it was your only plant. Scratch my last advice.


Well-Known Member
haha. alright. i think i got it.

p.s. hey BBB! you think you could read my latest thread about water and see if you can answer my question?


Well-Known Member
i grew out 3 hermies to date, 2 were the same strain, i grew a super silver haze it hermied at 8 weeks of flower, i had clones going as well i killed all the clones but one. In the same room i was also growing White widow. After i noticed the ssh went hermie i let them go 2 more weeks and chopped i ended up with 9 ssh seeds out of 2 oz and 30 in my pollinated ww out of 2 and 1/2 oz. I grew the clone from the ssh and polinated one more ww. still havnt grown the seeds.
Fucking EIGHT WEEKS into flower??? Son of a BITCH!
I also grew a hermie that started making male flowers at 3 weeks, ( cali orange bud ) i tried to pluck, to them just growing more and more like seamaiden stated above. yield was reduced on all plants especially the hermie, buds were nice and dense though but got about 45 seeds from 1 and 1/2 oz of cali orange, and around 30 seeds each in the ww around 2 oz each, i threw all those seeds out except 15 of the polinated ww's. I dont think i will ever grow a hermie out again.
Should I put up some "fuckin' hermie" pix? :lol: Sad. Just. Very. Very. Sad.