BUGS, I know you love your aerocloner, but they are unstable for our line of cloning. They will root, but the times will vary. You should give RW one more chance...
before you shitcan those moms do a practice round...
Here is what I am going to do step by step. If you follow these instructions there is no way you can fail, but u cant take any shortcuts.
Tools NEEDED!!!:
Salad Spinner $5, Digital Scale $25, spray bottle $1, thermostat outlet $40, 4"duct fan or 3-4"axial fan $25, flourescent light source (two 2' tubes $25), two rubbermaid bins
Set a fan to exhaust air when temps hit 85-89F
That way it stays nice and warm in there from the light but won't go over 90F (temp NEEDS to be over 80F!!).
Wet your RW cubes til they are 4x their dry weight. If your RW cubes weigh 5g dry on the digital scale they should weigh 20g wet w/o the clone in.
Place clones in box 2 inches from light.
That is all the easy part. The part where people start making the mistake is when they rewater the cubes. That is why I do it with a spray bottle.
You never want the cube to be more wet than when it started at 20 grams. Therefore u should know how many sprays it takes get about 10 grams of water into the cube (figure between 5-10g of water will be left in the cube. My bottle pumps out a gram per spray, so i know ten sprays is 10g of water.
Pending on how much your fan is on will depend on how often u should water.
I usually have to every day, I pick each one up individually to check. if they feel like they still have a little water in them I only give them 0-5 sprays, if they feel pretty dry I give them 10, and if they feel like they are bone dry I give em 15 then recheck every 12-24 hrs. To water them I just open the tip of the spray bottle up so it shoots in a stream, then i aim for the spot the stem enters and the water will spread itself out.
Here is the easiest way to make a clone box I have found. These are 32gal, and they could be a little smaller
Here is the inside of the top tub.
I hope this helps someone, by the time I need to use this stuff I will have forgot how to do it so this will help me in the future.