Aussie Growers Thread

yo homies, check out part of my make over

it's, a double laundry basin, complete with twin 12v fan system fur me lil babiesS1050012.JPG

the computer fan draws less than 0.1 amp and is no problem for a gel battery
the extra air movement fan really cranks up, at 2.1 amps and could use a small 12v fan speed controller
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Ac/Dc people

get educated

this what music sposed to sound like

actual people playing instruments,

no fruity loops, Abelton or logic pro

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'Dunno where you are mate, but that's WARM!

I'm looking at 10/15/14 for the next few days. No wonder I have a problem getting things to grow successfully at my place.....:(

'Got the wood heater cranking right now (as well as the radio) & cooking-up a storm of jam, hot sauce, bread, lasagne etc...etc...
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It looks like good weather on the bom page but shes miserable out. Shes rough on the plants thats for sure.
If i wasn a lazy bastard i would of gave me open fire a clean an kicked it in the guts. Sounds like ya got it sorted though man good hot feed an chill out with the fire going....

Fuk it seem the missus is making curry snags ill get the fire going
Few of me plants out side are gettin smashed by something riddled with holes. Been giving them a good soak with neem oil the only things that seem to be still kickin are the earwigs. Went out few nights ago an there woulda been 20plus around one plant.
'Dunno where you are mate, but that's WARM!

I'm looking at 10/15/14 for the next few days. No wonder I have a problem getting things to grow successfully at my place.....:(

'Got the wood heater cranking right now (as well as the radio) & cooking-up a storm of jam, hot sauce, bread, lasagne etc...etc...
Thats freezing lol, i like 30 degree weather