1st CFL grow flowering day 13


Active Member
Hello all, been on here reading and absorbing info off this great site for a bit now figured its about time I say something. I am new to this and am on my first grow. Like alot of people I started my seeds then realized I did not know shit and went searching the web for any info I could get. Anyway I was just wondering how my plants were doing compared to others so I figured I should post up some pics. Any advice and or tips are greatly appreciated.
Some setup Info-
Strain- Random bagseed (1st try didnt want to buy seeds and then end up killing the plants)
Soil-MG potting. (yes I know it sucks but I had already spent all my money before I learned that)
Fert- None atm was using it when I first started till I was read not to use it will the mg soil bc of nute burn and some other issues)
Lighting-6 42W cfls and 8 23Wcfls (in those clamp light things)
Temp-Day 85 Night 70
Humidity-varying from as low as 21% to as high as 50%

Thanks, Z bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
Looks nice man! Looking better then my day 14 of flowering ;)

I'll post some pictures of my plants @ day 15 tonight when the lights come on.

Looks good though

not sure about that MG soil.


Active Member
Hello all, been on here reading and absorbing info off this great site for a bit now figured its about time I say something. I am new to this and am on my first grow. Like alot of people I started my seeds then realized I did not know shit and went searching the web for any info I could get. Anyway I was just wondering how my plants were doing compared to others so I figured I should post up some pics. Any advice and or tips are greatly appreciated.
Some setup Info-
Strain- Random bagseed (1st try didnt want to buy seeds and then end up killing the plants)
Soil-MG potting. (yes I know it sucks but I had already spent all my money before I learned that)
Fert- None atm was using it when I first started till I was read not to use it will the mg soil bc of nute burn and some other issues)
Lighting-6 42W cfls and 8 23Wcfls (in those clamp light things)
Temp-Day 85 Night 70
Humidity-varying from as low as 21% to as high as 50%

Thanks, Z bongsmilie
As far as i can tell your doing good i have harvested 2 plants under cfl lights how many lights are you useing and what kind of watts


Active Member
As far as i can tell your doing good i have harvested 2 plants under cfl lights how many lights are you useing and what kind of watts
When I started them I was using 8 4' tubes but I did not like how things were headed so I changed to using 6 42W cfls and 8 23Wcfls. I have made a fixture that holds 4 42's(warm) and 4 23's(day) but I still have not finished making the reflector for it so its just sitting there atm. Hoping that once I have all of them going I will be satisfied with the lighting (10 42's and 12 23's)

As far as veggin im not sure how many days it was I just waited till the plant hit 12".

With the MG potting soil would it be worth it to attempt a repot at this stage or would I be better off leaving it be?


Well-Known Member
When I started them I was using 8 4' tubes but I did not like how things were headed so I changed to using 6 42W cfls and 8 23Wcfls. I have made a fixture that holds 4 42's(warm) and 4 23's(day) but I still have not finished making the reflector for it so its just sitting there atm. Hoping that once I have all of them going I will be satisfied with the lighting (10 42's and 12 23's)

As far as veggin im not sure how many days it was I just waited till the plant hit 12".

With the MG potting soil would it be worth it to attempt a repot at this stage or would I be better off leaving it be?

I would leave it be! Your plants are doing great!

I'm at day 17 of flowering and my plants still don't look as good as yours!

keep it up!


Active Member
Found my first issues with using a bunch of cfls around my plants. One of my girls decided she did not like the weight of her bud and wanted to take a nap (started leaning to the side a good bit) so I adjusted the light a little further away and headed to my local hardware store to get a dowel rod to support the plant. Well I got all that,and got home,and she was laying all the way to the side (top cola damn near dirt level) and the nicest looking bud on her was smack up against one of the 42's all the hairs are singed and the leaves are burnt and brittle. What can I do to minimize loss to this particular bud?

Learned my lesson...have everything you might need before you start...


Well-Known Member
Found my first issues with using a bunch of cfls around my plants. One of my girls decided she did not like the weight of her bud and wanted to take a nap (started leaning to the side a good bit) so I adjusted the light a little further away and headed to my local hardware store to get a dowel rod to support the plant. Well I got all that,and got home,and she was laying all the way to the side (top cola damn near dirt level) and the nicest looking bud on her was smack up against one of the 42's all the hairs are singed and the leaves are burnt and brittle. What can I do to minimize loss to this particular bud?

Learned my lesson...have everything you might need before you start...

Hard to know everything you need when its your first time around =[. def a learning process!

check out my grow journal in my signature. i just updated with some pics on day 18 of flowering. just wanted you to see how purdy your plants are =]

not sure about what to do with your burnt but...bet there isnt much...just
stand it back up and see how it goes...


New Member
looking awesome for 13 days flower bro... the only thing I noticed is that your stems are very slim...did you have a fan on them...just watch out for weak branches because by the looks of it ...your gonna have some nice fat ass buds....great job so far man...


Active Member
looking awesome for 13 days flower bro... the only thing I noticed is that your stems are very slim...did you have a fan on them...just watch out for weak branches because by the looks of it ...your gonna have some nice fat ass buds....great job so far man...
I have fans in their room to keep the air moving but none blowing directly at them. I am kinda worried now bc. I topped them so they have two smaller colas and the stems are weak kinda wondering if they get heavy enough and lean opposite ways will it split the top of the stems?


Active Member
On a side note I have noticed a pretty drastic slowdown in growth over the past two days is it normal for growth to come in spurts then slow or do I need to throw some nutes at em? (not using any atm bc of the evil MG soil - Have GH Floranova grow and bloom also have Floralicious plus and Koolbloom (bought them for my next grow))


New Member
im not real sure about the stems because I always grew outside where the stems were real thick due to wind ect... im 6 weeks into flower with my first indoor grow...I did notice my plant stopped growing vertically after about 2 weeks.... she hasnt grown any taller in a month...well maybe an inch or 2 so thats normal...as long as your buds are growing and getting fuller I wouldnt add any more nutes...thats where I made my mistake... my plants leave tips are curled like hell from over ferting...yeah man, for your next grow...definately have a fan oscilating and blowing on your plant... it will thicken and strengthen your stem.... you might have a problem with the weight of your buds compared to the size of your stems...maybe try tying your colas up if you notice them really bending and shit.... I was just introduced to molasses which is awesome stuff... you can pick it up at the grocery store.... it wont hurt or over fert your plant at all...it just fattens the buds up...i mix a tablespoon and 1/2 with 1 gallon of water ...i did this night before last and when i checked her the next morning I could see a huge differance in my buds...;. shits amazing...i read it increases the size of bud by 20%..... but if i were you i would definately not add any nutes bro... you also may want to oscilate a fan on her to but it my be to late.... just dont keep the fan blowing directly on her...keep it oscilating... best of luck to you bro...