Micro Cultivation in Canada - And I mean micro

Harry Bonanza

Well-Known Member
Hello Growers. Just curious to see if anyone has recently gone through the application process for micro cultivation in Canada. Even more specifically outdoor.


Well-Known Member
My friend a canna thrive talked to me about it. Its a 250 page doccumentation. That takes a few month to read and fill up. Basically. You pay double for your licence to grow if you get some agency to fillout the form. They do a back ground check.. Nothing to fancy. You have to select a team. And you cannot grow everything you like. Only what has been selected from canadian nursuries and that is a diffrent liscense. Their are license for Growing in intent to sale to a processor. Growing for a nursery (bredding cloning program and testing all dry priduct must be destroyed after xxx amount of weeks and the proccessing liscence.. They all need a minimjm of employee and the cose add to abouth 1700$ per personne working for you including you. And then you choose recreational or medical. The diffrence will be in taxes you'll pay on profit and the price of liscence and renewal and that tottal to about 25k for yhe liscence and you had yoyr employee and cost if hadling by a third personne.. Just read the whole thing if you wantbto save 25k or pay the extra and save the hassle.. Yiu must fin a location or a building get it aprove. You must have a team a a safe for storing. You don't have to have a million camera but i beliveve there must be a few. I'm planning on doing nursery in a few years once i have a land and a house. And i'll hired some friends juste for the paper work and have them come in once in a while. I belueve their must be someone supervising the site at all time day and night. So for night time i think camera movement sensor and alarm activated to devices to a third persone is fine. The liscence are abouth 25k 1700$ per person working. Renewed every year. Space is limited to a optimal 600 kilo a years about. But good luck on that if your are 6... And taxes taken from profit are anywhere from 1% to 3% depending on medical or recreational use. I'm gking nursery so i can provide wider genetic to the economie. Genetic is where thevsysteme lack. Because of laws.


Well-Known Member
Growing outdour indoors same shit.. They look at location. You may have to ask the municipality you live in before doing so. A permission from them could come at an extra cost... Governement check your application base on all critera met. Its very easy to get. It just long and costly. Acording to my friends it is well worth the effort... Yhey were talking about making team of qualified people to help kick start new comner in the games. Like bud tending and all to ease up on the overwelming starting processe. But once you fly.. You fly. Also the permits is repayed really fast. Within less then 1/3 of crop permit and all cost related to furst growth is payed for rest is profit with more or les 1-2% taxes

Harry Bonanza

Well-Known Member
Growing outdour indoors same shit.. They look at location. You may have to ask the municipality you live in before doing so. A permission from them could come at an extra cost... Governement check your application base on all critera met. Its very easy to get. It just long and costly. Acording to my friends it is well worth the effort... Yhey were talking about making team of qualified people to help kick start new comner in the games. Like bud tending and all to ease up on the overwelming starting processe. But once you fly.. You fly. Also the permits is repayed really fast. Within less then 1/3 of crop permit and all cost related to furst growth is payed for rest is profit with more or les 1-2% taxes
That’s a lot of great info thanks so much. My biggest question was answered. Nowhere had I seen actual costs for licensing so I wasn’t sure if there was a need for investors or partners. I say outdoor because I think I have land and small building so actual setup costs will be minimal. So much more to talk about but I have to run. Thanks again!! ✌


Well-Known Member
My friend a canna thrive talked to me about it. Its a 250 page doccumentation. That takes a few month to read and fill up. Basically. You pay double for your licence to grow if you get some agency to fillout the form. They do a back ground check.. Nothing to fancy. You have to select a team. And you cannot grow everything you like. Only what has been selected from canadian nursuries and that is a diffrent liscense. Their are license for Growing in intent to sale to a processor. Growing for a nursery (bredding cloning program and testing all dry priduct must be destroyed after xxx amount of weeks and the proccessing liscence.. They all need a minimjm of employee and the cose add to abouth 1700$ per personne working for you including you. And then you choose recreational or medical. The diffrence will be in taxes you'll pay on profit and the price of liscence and renewal and that tottal to about 25k for yhe liscence and you had yoyr employee and cost if hadling by a third personne.. Just read the whole thing if you wantbto save 25k or pay the extra and save the hassle.. Yiu must fin a location or a building get it aprove. You must have a team a a safe for storing. You don't have to have a million camera but i beliveve there must be a few. I'm planning on doing nursery in a few years once i have a land and a house. And i'll hired some friends juste for the paper work and have them come in once in a while. I belueve their must be someone supervising the site at all time day and night. So for night time i think camera movement sensor and alarm activated to devices to a third persone is fine. The liscence are abouth 25k 1700$ per person working. Renewed every year. Space is limited to a optimal 600 kilo a years about. But good luck on that if your are 6... And taxes taken from profit are anywhere from 1% to 3% depending on medical or recreational use. I'm gking nursery so i can provide wider genetic to the economie. Genetic is where thevsysteme lack. Because of laws.
Unless something has changed in the last few months, you can source your genetics from anywhere for the micro licenses. I read it on the heath canada website. Youcan use any genetics that are on site before day 1 of operations.
After that you must source “legal” genetics.
Funny stuff considering that coos are writing tickets for ‘illicit cannabis’ and wasting taxpayers $$ in courts


Well-Known Member
Unless something has changed in the last few months, you can source your genetics from anywhere for the micro licenses. I read it on the heath canada website. Youcan use any genetics that are on site before day 1 of operations.
After that you must source “legal” genetics.
Funny stuff considering that coos are writing tickets for ‘illicit cannabis’ and wasting taxpayers $$ in courts
Yes. Thats what i mean. You must have your genetic on opening otherwise after this you have to use inbank genetic. So to make this more clear. The reason why the market is limited is because the inbank henegic is very limited and you cannot had more genetic later. If its not in bank its not. So base your market result on thise fact. It will be a limiting factor if price value and how fast it sell on the tablette. Also. You must or should get a genetic id of each kind to garanteed its always that same kind. I don't think you are allower to keep mother plant and clone from them unless you have the nursery liscese. So so have to really look deep. If you dont have a nursery lkscense then you cannot start with your own mother plants..

Harry Bonanza

Well-Known Member
Yes. Thats what i mean. You must have your genetic on opening otherwise after this you have to use inbank genetic. So to make this more clear. The reason why the market is limited is because the inbank henegic is very limited and you cannot had more genetic later. If its not in bank its not. So base your market result on thise fact. It will be a limiting factor if price value and how fast it sell on the tablette. Also. You must or should get a genetic id of each kind to garanteed its always that same kind. I don't think you are allower to keep mother plant and clone from them unless you have the nursery liscese. So so have to really look deep. If you dont have a nursery lkscense then you cannot start with your own mother plants..
That is basically what brought me to this site. I’m on a mission to preserve pure strain genetics so maybe nursery is where it’s at for me. Question is...what stops me from buying 5000 seeds today and labeling them whatever I want. Therefore having every strain known human kind at present time if I really wanted, at least according to HC

Bobby Long Buds

Well-Known Member
I don’t want to cause an argument but most of this info is just wrong. Just read the health Canada guidelines.

You don’t need a team or anyone else.

You can take any genetics you like from anywhere upon startup. Health Canada calls them “grey market”

Micro production allows you to keep mother plants. Not just nursery.

The info is all in the guidelines. I think nursery would be tough go with black market seeds so readily available to anyone from nearly any country.


Well-Known Member
That is basically what brought me to this site. I’m on a mission to preserve pure strain genetics so maybe nursery is where it’s at for me. Question is...what stops me from buying 5000 seeds today and labeling them whatever I want. Therefore having every strain known human kind at present time if I really wanted, at least according to HC
That where you skipped a part. There is a thing called philo testing and other genetic id print that allows your to share genetic on a data base. So. What you don't know is genetic are worth lot more many then a bag a seed. So the grower. (as a nursery you are not a grower for production) you provide plant to producer. With the genetic testin (rougly 300$ a plant) you are assure that the genetic and all other strain related to it will show. If its not in the data base it is considered a new strain but you'll have a lot of info to what parents might be. . So has a nursery its your duty to have these genetic recorded and it becomes your property other may have it.
But as a nursery you can also have a breeding program to create your own cross and stabilize it for seed selling or keep mother for clone only strain. The fun part us that when you sale your clone to a production line it come with a confidentiality contract of nidivulgation of infirnation that is worth up to 100 000$. So the producer will not turn around a give a simple of the strain and give the name.. It might give it under a fake name. But its better not to. And to make sure he gets what ge pays for. He xan test us clone and have an exact dna print of the clone and compare. If you didn't give him the same king he oayed for he'll know and you'll know.. And i kn w thus because i have fruends that sales these licence and yhey have given my no names genetic in the past. So yes you can test your plant for sexing 1week into seedling for 50$ and have a complete reading for more predicative testing. And have a terpene profile and all that's stuff. This way you know what you are breedind.


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying that im all correct. Yes you can go gray narket. But yest you beed a team you beed a master grower and a security and a safe for stocking if you want to sell for governement...


Well-Known Member
I just spent 10h reading what my friend had yo kearn by heart. You cannot have the grow up unsurpervise. There must be someone there 24/7


Well-Known Member
The minimum annual regulatory fee is $23,000 1. The following licences are held with respect to a site: micro-cultivation, a micro-processing, and sale for medical purposes licence. The minimum annual regulatory fee is $2,500.17 oct. 2018

Here us the cost without middle man and without the you 1600$ per personne to operate.


Well-Known Member
I don’t want to cause an argument but most of this info is just wrong. Just read the health Canada guidelines.

You don’t need a team or anyone else.

You can take any genetics you like from anywhere upon startup. Health Canada calls them “grey market”

Micro production allows you to keep mother plants. Not just nursery.

The info is all in the guidelines. I think nursery would be tough go with black market seeds so readily available to anyone from nearly any country.
Nextime you want to call me bullshit make sure i'm not pretty damn near the truth.. I can get that liscence for free if i wanted to. So yes i'm partly more then right.. . Like i saud you need mire then one liscense. You can get uiu shit anywhere but not really after you open the door thats it you can only resuply thru a nursery. Unless you have a nursery lisence then you cannot buy ir have new strain unless its been bought from a legit nursery.. The reason market us filked with crap is because people with money that have no clue about cannabis industries have pave the way to shit weed.


Well-Known Member
So far from that article none of what i said is a lie and wrong.. So i'd double check you 200 page application.... And you'll realize that the gray market is controlled and that you need a small team to operate


Well-Known Member
My friend gave me a big speech 6 mobths before they were anouncing micro licencing. They even wanted me to start doing group if class to get some team to help new liscence older start there team. Like. Rent a team and start up.. Thrust me you canot be alone. If so, eone lends you tge money and he gets a cut from you lrofit he must pi ay the 1600$ security fee. 200 metre square canot be run alone. Its to much work for one persone be real..

Bobby Long Buds

Well-Known Member
My friend gave me a big speech 6 mobths before they were anouncing micro licencing. They even wanted me to start doing group if class to get some team to help new liscence older start there team. Like. Rent a team and start up.. Thrust me you canot be alone. If so, eone lends you tge money and he gets a cut from you lrofit he must pi ay the 1600$ security fee. 200 metre square canot be run alone. Its to much work for one persone be real..
That is the maximum size allowed. So yes that may be too much for 1 person but that’s the “maximum”. Maybe you know more then I do I’m not sure on anything except what I read.
