Extreme stress testing

I highly disagree about moving forward on an breeding project with a PM infested plant. I believe it may be or act systemic. I understand science doesn't support my position at this point but 2 decades working with the plant proves otherwise.
If you are blessed with the space breeding for Pm resistance its just a numbers game. Drop a pm covered plant in the middle of you selection run and see what varial is left standing.Of coarse have copys of your keepers backed up for a Pm free run.
I highly disagree about moving forward on an breeding project with a PM infested plant. I believe it may be or act systemic. I understand science doesn't support my position at this point but 2 decades working with the plant proves otherwise.
If you are blessed with the space breeding for Pm resistance its just a numbers game. Drop a pm covered plant in the middle of you selection run and see what varial is left standing.Of coarse have copys of your keepers backed up for a Pm free run.
I agree it’s risky but I can’t see how else I can select for powdery mildew resistance. I should probably clarify that the abuse I’m inflicting on the clones is sort of a parallel project to what I plan to do with my seeds.
Powdery mildew is likely systemic but some plants handle it better than others, so I want to select for the seeds that perform the best under that type of pressure.
As to what I’m doing with my clones, my theory is that I can force them to be more resilient in a way that doesn’t involve genetics. In other words, I think you can make the plants tougher with stress, similarly to the way a human gets stronger through weight lifting or whatever. If the plants have withstood drought and cold and powdery mildew, they’re just gonna be tougher than the ones that haven’t, is my thinking.
The powdery mildew treatments I have tried (baking soda, milk, etc.) are effective but also stress the plants. I assume powdery mildew is always going to be a problem for me, so I want plants that can withstand the fungus and the treatment.
Anyway, long story short, I’ve had issues with powdery mildew and drought stress and branches breaking from rain. I am just looking for a way to select for plants that can overcome those challenges. I’m an outdoor guy who doesn’t particularly care about producing gorgeous nugs.
Basically all the weed I harvested this year was premature due to rain, etc., and it still gets me high. I’m more interested in low maintenance than high THC, if that makes sense.
Looks like you won the time lottery, and I don't even know where to buy tickets.

LOL, that’s funny but time savings is a major reason I’m stress testing. I’ve got a full time job that often has me traveling, so I can’t always pamper my outdoor plants. I need them to be really tough so I don’t have to spend a lot of time on them!
LOL, that’s funny but time savings is a major reason I’m stress testing. I’ve got a full time job that often has me traveling, so I can’t always pamper my outdoor plants. I need them to be really tough so I don’t have to spend a lot of time on them!
I spend very little time per plant with my grows. I do my weed work at night, and it involves long walks to and from. Most of my patches are what I call Darwin Dope. Those get minimal care. My goal is to make a strain that will thrive on neglect. So far that hasn't worked out. One year drought will kill a few late in flower, then the next the endless rain will cause everything to rot.

But the strains {and plants} that do the best are noted and put higher on the to grow list. I make seeds with all my females that are healthy and look good since I don't have the infrastructure to hold clones. I tend to add 4-5 new crosses every year, so who ever inherits my seed collection is going to have a lot of work in front of them.
I spend very little time per plant with my grows. I do my weed work at night, and it involves long walks to and from. Most of my patches are what I call Darwin Dope. Those get minimal care. My goal is to make a strain that will thrive on neglect. So far that hasn't worked out. One year drought will kill a few late in flower, then the next the endless rain will cause everything to rot.

But the strains {and plants} that do the best are noted and put higher on the to grow list. I make seeds with all my females that are healthy and look good since I don't have the infrastructure to hold clones. I tend to add 4-5 new crosses every year, so who ever inherits my seed collection is going to have a lot of work in front of them.
That sounds fascinating. I’m assuming you’re in a state that has yet to legalize. I could see that really stress-testing the plants if they are left alone for prolonged periods. I think we’re probably on parallel if not overlapping tracks in terms of breeding goals — another way of looking at it is every one of your plants that dies is a step toward your goal of having a strain that will thrive on neglect. You’re just eliminating the fussier genes, LOL
That sounds fascinating. I’m assuming you’re in a state that has yet to legalize. I could see that really stress-testing the plants if they are left alone for prolonged periods. I think we’re probably on parallel if not overlapping tracks in terms of breeding goals — another way of looking at it is every one of your plants that dies is a step toward your goal of having a strain that will thrive on neglect. You’re just eliminating the fussier genes, LOL
Yea, I'm in NW Florida. I think the local law will look the other way if you lay low. And very few folks know I grow or smoke.

I stopped growing and smoking for 11 years a while back, and I lost all my old strains when a mini fridge in a shed tripped a breaker, and I didn't notice it for a few months.. I was able to get some local seeds, but other than that one cross, most of my other strains were gifted to me from friends in Oregon. They are fire, but they are used to long light hours, and my summer days max out at 14 hours 7 minutes. So what happens is everything blooms in summer when we have our rainy season. They are full of big sticky buds, and rot like hell. I'm crossing them with some of my more sativa strains to back up start of flower, and to make the flowers less dense. The male I used this year was a Jack Herer X Shit/Skunk {skunk leaner}. The Jack Shunks were real stoney, but long and lean, and slow as hell. Made seeds with #11 and #12 Random Bud X Triple Purple Dojo. Calling the new strains Triple Jack 11 and 12. {there was also a #13, but termites killed it before the seeds were mature} Hope to do a seed test on them all soon.
Yea, I'm in NW Florida. I think the local law will look the other way if you lay low. And very few folks know I grow or smoke.

I stopped growing and smoking for 11 years a while back, and I lost all my old strains when a mini fridge in a shed tripped a breaker, and I didn't notice it for a few months.. I was able to get some local seeds, but other than that one cross, most of my other strains were gifted to me from friends in Oregon. They are fire, but they are used to long light hours, and my summer days max out at 14 hours 7 minutes. So what happens is everything blooms in summer when we have our rainy season. They are full of big sticky buds, and rot like hell. I'm crossing them with some of my more sativa strains to back up start of flower, and to make the flowers less dense. The male I used this year was a Jack Herer X Shit/Skunk {skunk leaner}. The Jack Shunks were real stoney, but long and lean, and slow as hell. Made seeds with #11 and #12 Random Bud X Triple Purple Dojo. Calling the new strains Triple Jack 11 and 12. {there was also a #13, but termites killed it before the seeds were mature} Hope to do a seed test on them all soon.
That’s crazy — I never thought about Florida being that much closer to the equator to make a huge difference, but then I’ve only been there once for 3 days in winter. Totally different pressures, it sounds like. If anything, I want mine to flower earlier, LOL. But yeah, the bud rot must be insane, just based off of humidity even...
I just hear the theme song to Conan in my head when I read this thread
"To Crush Your Enemies, To See Them Driven Before You, and to Hear the Lamentation of Their Women"
May the worthy survive!
LOL, I’ve always loved that quote. I heard somewhere it actually came from Genghis Khan. Those puppies are still surviving, by the way, even tho they haven’t been watered and they’re out in the cold every night. Marijuana is a tough fucking plant.
It’s weird to think about considering how much people seem to pamper them and fret about slight leaf discolorations. That’s not a criticism, I understand people are aiming for optimal quality and some need to make a living from it. But the plant itself is extremely resilient.
I’m curious whether I can keep these in veg semi-outdoors (garage) through the whole winter, barely watering them and just basically neglecting them. I’ll check back in to this thread if they die or survive...
People do this in nursery and breeding programs to select variatal suited for difrent environment. Powdery mildew high wind stress, even hermi traits. By fucking with the light.. Now imagine doing this on hundred and thousands of plant.. When you go far into it. You can go all the way to philo testing gen a genetuc id reading select a varietal or outliner and then you test all this. Sometime it may lack of something. And it will be use in a breeding program to be enhence.. Certain genetic are great overall and have a issues in a certain departement and your technic is how its done... Been done for years and years..
People do this in nursery and breeding programs to select variatal suited for difrent environment. Powdery mildew high wind stress, even hermi traits. By fucking with the light.. Now imagine doing this on hundred and thousands of plant.. When you go far into it. You can go all the way to philo testing gen a genetuc id reading select a varietal or outliner and then you test all this. Sometime it may lack of something. And it will be use in a breeding program to be enhence.. Certain genetic are great overall and have a issues in a certain departement and your technic is how its done... Been done for years and years..
Yea I’m gonna be doing this with seed on a certain level, then really go to town once I have enough seed. I got a decent amount of seed this autumn but not enough to go full-bore stress testing. I’ve learned from my mistakes, tho, and believe I will probably end up with a ton of seed next year that I can really stress test. I think cold tolerance is one thing I really want to focus on, as well as resilience to powdery mildew and botrytis. The THC level of the final product is less relevant to me because if it’s lower then I’ll just smoke more and if it’s higher I’ll just smoke less, LOL. I’m not a connoisseur, just want plants that are easy to grow in this area...
Yea I’m gonna be doing this with seed on a certain level, then really go to town once I have enough seed. I got a decent amount of seed this autumn but not enough to go full-bore stress testing. I’ve learned from my mistakes, tho, and believe I will probably end up with a ton of seed next year that I can really stress test. I think cold tolerance is one thing I really want to focus on, as well as resilience to powdery mildew and botrytis. The THC level of the final product is less relevant to me because if it’s lower then I’ll just smoke more and if it’s higher I’ll just smoke less, LOL. I’m not a connoisseur, just want plants that are easy to grow in this area...
That what nurseries do. Test for specifique area. I'm planinh to start my nursery in the next few years. And i'll be sending seed to friends that lives on the pacifique coast and atalnatique coast. I'll sent some way up north where temps drop really fast. So i'll have a wide variety of same genetique selected for specifique invironment. Mold is a big issue here in canada with rainy end of season. Onless you have a quick flowering you can really be in a mess. And first frost can pop anytime..
That what nurseries do. Test for specifique area. I'm planinh to start my nursery in the next few years. And i'll be sending seed to friends that lives on the pacifique coast and atalnatique coast. I'll sent some way up north where temps drop really fast. So i'll have a wide variety of same genetique selected for specifique invironment. Mold is a big issue here in canada with rainy end of season. Onless you have a quick flowering you can really be in a mess. And first frost can pop anytime..
Yea cool, nice to know other people are into this stuff! I have this crazy idea of breeding a perennial marijuana bush. I figure a late-flowering sativa that is done flowering in December could reveg when the days get longer in January? It’s literally a pipe dream but it would be awesome if it came to be, even if it involves a greenhouse...
Any updates on these ladies?
Sorry, I have been sort of checked out during Christmas and haven’t checked forum. They’re actually doing OK! Basically recovered from the smashing, growing new leaves and branches despite low temperatures and infrequent watering. Marijuana is a tough plant. I will be way less worried about spring frosts this year. I left the momma that I got the clones from outside and she didn’t die until we got a hard frost at 25 F. I wouldn’t be surprised if I could keep plants alive year-round in a greenhouse, even without heating.
Sorry, I have been sort of checked out during Christmas and haven’t checked forum. They’re actually doing OK! Basically recovered from the smashing, growing new leaves and branches despite low temperatures and infrequent watering. Marijuana is a tough plant. I will be way less worried about spring frosts this year. I left the momma that I got the clones from outside and she didn’t die until we got a hard frost at 25 F. I wouldn’t be surprised if I could keep plants alive year-round in a greenhouse, even without heating.
lol, I have a male plant left outside this winter, it went down as low in the high tens....it looks pathetic, but still alive. If its still alive by spring, its gonna be my prize male.
lol, I have a male plant left outside this winter, it went down as low in the high tens....it looks pathetic, but still alive. If its still alive by spring, its gonna be my prize male.
So it didn’t go into senescence and die after flowering? That would make me more optimistic about my dream of creating perennial marijuana...
So it didn’t go into senescence and die after flowering? That would make me more optimistic about my dream of creating perennial marijuana...
The flowers that didnt bloom are now dead (I'm assuming they are or dormant maybe). Still has plenty of green leaves. I think it looks pathetic because I havent feed it for a while aside from the occasional shower(rain). I did pruned some branches that are dead but for the most part the plant is still alive.