Indoor flowering night temp's


Active Member
I'm growing indoor weed in soil. I'm three and a half weeks of flowering I still got six more weeks what is the coldest temps my bud plant can handle at night? What is the temps supposed to be at night for flowering and how cold can it get that it can handle? Please need advice. Ty
I'm growing indoor weed in soil. I'm three and a half weeks of flowering I still got six more weeks what is the coldest temps my bud plant can handle at night? What is the temps supposed to be at night for flowering and how cold can it get that it can handle? Please need advice. Ty
I find growths slow if temps go below 15 degree celcius
I'm dealing with temps im the mid 60's right now. And I'm seeing its taking longer for my seedlings to break ground. Hopefully once they do the cool temps won't hinder growth too much.
I'm growing indoor weed in soil. I'm three and a half weeks of flowering I still got six more weeks what is the coldest temps my bud plant can handle at night? What is the temps supposed to be at night for flowering and how cold can it get that it can handle? Please need advice. Ty
64f and below at night causes slow down. Below 55f and it's slow motion and not ideal. You want 65f at minimum at night really but 68f is where I prefer my lowest to hit. Remember lower temp creates more humidity also which is alot of guys issues that get mold, it's during there night cycle that the humidity rises into mold levels. I have a Govee temp/humidity moniter WiFi connected to phone so I can keep an eye on whats up during night cycle, I recommend getting something similar to monitor whats going on.