The Impeachment Of Donald Trump

atifa is your family.

Chubby lil'hipsters with no sac materials.

That's the whole idea, though they are mostly skinny and some don't have sacs but vaginas. They are brave people though. I've been there when the Trump equivalent of brown shirts ("Proud Boys") started rampaging at the riots they flew in to Portland to start over the past few years. "atifa" (sic) (lol) were the people who stood up to them. Skinny kids dressed in black going up against roid raging para-military monsters dressed in armor and carrying clubs and shields. The whole point is not to engage in serious bouts of martial arts with them. The point is to give Portland's government the excuse to order the streets cleared. It works. It's also forcing Portland's mayor to find ways to legally deny facisists from holding their rallies here.

So, yeah, we don't even try to match them in muscle. Outsmarting them is better.
If they actually had anything it would be a no brainer. Just like the russian colusion thing. Dems loved comey till he turned on Hillary.
And Republicans loved him until Trump told them to not to.
They loved Mueller till he exonerated trump and took that circus to investigation based on a false dossier made up from a funded smear campaign by fusion GPS.
Mueller got pulled in when Trump screwed up and fired Comey and bragged to the Russians in the Oval Office that he fixed it.
It's all a load of horse shit that is being cooked up by the msnbc trump haters. This entire ukranian fiasco was based completely off hearsay and presumptions.
No it was based on Trump breaking the law and asking for a foreign nation to manufacture dirt one of his upcoming opponents.
That's why adam schiff the mastermind behind this entire circus told Jake tapper he wasnt sure if they was gonna push forth articles of impeachment.
So how did Adam Schiff trick Trump into illegally telling his minions to withhold the whistle blower complaint 2 weeks longer than he was legally allowed?

Trump screwed up his troll by not getting this in on time, triggering the impeachment inquiry.
Dont you know for a second had they proven anything it would be unquestionable.
They have all they need. Now it is all about when the Republicans are going to start cleaning up their own house.
You libs know nothing other than to call people who support border protections racist but in the same breath live behind gates communities.
Troll by calling everyone 'libs' and then bring up racism.....

The people pushing the militarization of our southern border are the racists, and use horrific events to sell their agenda.

This election will be won in 6 states. Dems have a snow ball chance in hell of beating 2020
The biggest problem is you dems in blue states dont get that. And now Bloomberg just to split the blue party right down the middle lol. Man what a shit show. I love winning
You are correct the Democrats do have a snow balls chance. I look at Bloomberg as a troll on Trump then entirety of the next months, dumping billions into showing America how incompetent he has been. Those 6 states will be where Russia wages their war on our country.

You have never said, are you ok with our President inviting foreign countries to attack our citizens?

Don't you realize that the whole reason Rudy is Trump's attorney is so that he can claim "privileged" and thereby legally withhold answers? Rudy will be locked up and disbarred eventually.
I think Rudy will still have the fifth though, right up until Trump pardons him, then he loses that right too.
Headline readers.
So informed
Especially bad when they just read the headlines on Foreign propaganda made to look like new websites.

You love the poison kuul-aid soooo much.

How many times are you going to get duped until you finally remove your head from your 6?

Some fresh air will make you 'less' angry sweetie
Nice to meet you welcome to the forum.
When you dumb whacked out left radicals impeach him, send him up to CAnada. he can re build our economy after this idiot Trudeau has wrecked everything in the name of global fascism.
By starting trade wars with the United States and trashing all of your allies? I guess by burning down your economy, it makes building it easier.

I can see it now:



But yet he hates trump and calls him a racist for enforcing our immigration laws and borders but canada has the toughest immigration laws in the world. All.the liberals said they was moving to canada but canada was like naw I dont think so
How many babies have they ripped out of their moms arms only to ship them out to be adopted to some nice white christian family for the audacity of coming to our land to build a better life? How many 1000's of kids have the Canadians misplaced in the last few years?

What are you talking about?

What are "underage children".

When you get into "overage children" what is the age limit?
You seem to be from Canada, if you are not aware, it is worth understanding how Russia is attacking democracies around the world online spreading disinformation to get the worst candidates elected.
All the African Americans that support trump.must be rasist also. Smh
You don't have to be racist to fall for Trump's racist trolling lies.
Haha....obsessed with the taste of Russian dressing....or Joy Behar's nasty giblets. Dummy!

How about who cares? Been happening forever especially in places where our govt is involved.

You never answered the original question tho. WTF is an "under aged child"?

Its clear you draw the line at a very young age before you indulge.

Sick lil'fuks
You really should learn how invasive what the Russians are doing to our electorate is. The disinformation has been going on forever, because it has always been effective, which is why racist and evangelicals trolled so hard when social media sites (like this one) started up back around 2006.

The way digital targeting works is that all of the data from around the internet is put into statistical programs to tease out the ways to trick people into buying what is going to be sold to them. The Russians then take that data, and apply it to the voting data from Trump to attack our citizens down to the districts that they live and vote in with disinformation and propaganda to trick them into voting the way that the Russians/Trump wants them to.

If you don't take this seriously, you are at best a useful idiot for the Russians attacking our population.

And in response to all your pediphile deflecting, Once I could no longer tell how old people are south of 25, it was too young regardless. Lock up any adult molesting anyone under 17 like the law states is a good rule of thumb IMO.

Are you fine with Trump inviting Russians to attack our citizens with their lies?
You really should learn how invasive what the Russians are doing to our electorate is. The disinformation has been going on forever, because it has always been effective, which is why racist and evangelicals trolled so hard when social media sites (like this one) started up back around 2006.

The way digital targeting works is that all of the data from around the internet is put into statistical programs to tease out the ways to trick people into buying what is going to be sold to them. The Russians then take that data, and apply it to the voting data from Trump to attack our citizens down to the districts that they live and vote in with disinformation and propaganda to trick them into voting the way that the Russians/Trump wants them to.

If you don't take this seriously, you are at best a useful idiot for the Russians attacking our population.

And in response to all your pediphile deflecting, Once I could no longer tell how old people are south of 25, it was too young regardless. Lock up any adult molesting anyone under 17 like the law states is a good rule of thumb IMO.

Are you fine with Trump inviting Russians to attack our citizens with their lies?
"The way digital targeting works is that all of the data from around the internet is put into statistical programs to tease out the ways to trick people into buying what is going to be sold to them. The Russians then take that data, and apply it to the voting data from Trump to attack our citizens down to the districts that they live and vote in with disinformation and propaganda to trick them into voting the way that the Russians/Trump wants them to."
I love that can say this with a straight face.

You mean this never happened during the last 4-5 presidencies...until now?

You anti-Trump hystericals are so funny...and desperate.

This must be a BOT. Even pussy millennials aren't this st00pid
"The way digital targeting works is that all of the data from around the internet is put into statistical programs to tease out the ways to trick people into buying what is going to be sold to them. The Russians then take that data, and apply it to the voting data from Trump to attack our citizens down to the districts that they live and vote in with disinformation and propaganda to trick them into voting the way that the Russians/Trump wants them to."
I love that can say this with a straight face.

You mean this never happened during the last 4-5 presidencies...until now?

You anti-Trump hystericals are so funny...and desperate.

This must be a BOT. Even pussy millennials aren't this st00pid
It looks like you're an American pretending to be a Canadian. Whatever country you're in you are an asshole, a traitor to Canada, the USA and NATO. Who else has thousands of nuclear weapons pointed at us you fucking idiot? Get a grip on reality and STFU
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"The way digital targeting works is that all of the data from around the internet is put into statistical programs to tease out the ways to trick people into buying what is going to be sold to them. The Russians then take that data, and apply it to the voting data from Trump to attack our citizens down to the districts that they live and vote in with disinformation and propaganda to trick them into voting the way that the Russians/Trump wants them to."
I love that can say this with a straight face.

You mean this never happened during the last 4-5 presidencies...until now?

You anti-Trump hystericals are so funny...and desperate.

This must be a BOT. Even pussy millennials aren't this st00pid
How many Presidents have their been since 2012?
Screen Shot 2019-11-26 at 8.40.00 AM.png

Notice the blue highlighted date at the top, 2012. Businesses were just starting to understand the full impact of how to use this type of data analysis to pinpoint their customers.

Then in 2013, what happens? Edward Snowden smuggled our Nations most important secrets to Russia.
Screen Shot 2019-11-26 at 8.43.25 AM.png
Funny enough it looks like China said no thank you to pissing off the United States of America, unlike Putin.

By 2014 Russia then sends agents into America to find our weaknesses as a society to use against us. That can be found in several reports including the bi-partisan Senate report:

Around this time all of the fake media 'News' sites pop up like OANN. These are just like RT, 80% or so of their 'reporting' is perfectly true. But they omit key facts that destroy their narrative and if they are one of the sites that try to not flat out manufacture stories will link/refrence to stories that are willing. All while the comment sections is a mass of trolls to push the full narrative the Russians/Trump/Saudi/Hate trolls want to sell.

Then you get the next tier of shitheads that come to site like these and spam links to this garbage while trying to piss everyone off with sock puppet accounts so that everything turns into click bait of misinformation.
The rats are jumping the burning ship...

Michigan Democratic Rep. Brenda Lawrence, a prominent supporter of Kamala Harris who has previously supported the impeachment inquiry into President Trump, abruptly announced Sunday that she no longer saw any "value" in the process and called for her fellow Democrats to throw their support behind a symbolic censure resolution.
The rats are jumping the burning ship...

Michigan Democratic Rep. Brenda Lawrence, a prominent supporter of Kamala Harris who has previously supported the impeachment inquiry into President Trump, abruptly announced Sunday that she no longer saw any "value" in the process and called for her fellow Democrats to throw their support behind a symbolic censure resolution.
Oh we’re so worried

Oh no

Woe is us
The rats are jumping the burning ship...

Michigan Democratic Rep. Brenda Lawrence, a prominent supporter of Kamala Harris who has previously supported the impeachment inquiry into President Trump, abruptly announced Sunday that she no longer saw any "value" in the process and called for her fellow Democrats to throw their support behind a symbolic censure resolution.

I love the fun house mirrors you have to look through to believe anything you post. Where did you hear she said that?
And Republicans loved him until Trump told them to not to.

View attachment 4427058
Mueller got pulled in when Trump screwed up and fired Comey and bragged to the Russians in the Oval Office that he fixed it.

No it was based on Trump breaking the law and asking for a foreign nation to manufacture dirt one of his upcoming opponents.

So how did Adam Schiff trick Trump into illegally telling his minions to withhold the whistle blower complaint 2 weeks longer than he was legally allowed?

Trump screwed up his troll by not getting this in on time, triggering the impeachment inquiry.

They have all they need. Now it is all about when the Republicans are going to start cleaning up their own house.

Troll by calling everyone 'libs' and then bring up racism.....

The people pushing the militarization of our southern border are the racists, and use horrific events to sell their agenda.

You are correct the Democrats do have a snow balls chance. I look at Bloomberg as a troll on Trump then entirety of the next months, dumping billions into showing America how incompetent he has been. Those 6 states will be where Russia wages their war on our country.

You have never said, are you ok with our President inviting foreign countries to attack our citizens?

I think Rudy will still have the fifth though, right up until Trump pardons him, then he loses that right too.

Especially bad when they just read the headlines on Foreign propaganda made to look like new websites.

Nice to meet you welcome to the forum.

By starting trade wars with the United States and trashing all of your allies? I guess by burning down your economy, it makes building it easier.

I can see it now:



When will you fucking flakes figure out you don't know everything. lmao soon you will see who the corrupt, dividing, radical party is.
Then what will ya start? start the revolution so we can thin out you whack jobs.
When will you fucking flakes figure out you don't know everything. lmao soon you will see who the corrupt, dividing, radical party is.
Then what will ya start? start the revolution so we can thin out you whack jobs.

Yeah, Republicans, we are already there guy. They have been using the Racist and Evangelical platforms as a way to keep power for a long time.
When will you fucking flakes figure out you don't know everything. lmao soon you will see who the corrupt, dividing, radical party is.
Then what will ya start? start the revolution so we can thin out you whack jobs.
For real if you are an American, are you ok with Trump's campaign giving the Russians our citizens voting data? This is how they are able to so effectively attack us.