The Impeachment Of Donald Trump

You clowns are failing to realize that Rudy as trump's attorney had every right to ask questions that needed ml to be asked.
I don't know what "right" you are talking about or why it matters when it's the President's impeachable actions that are being documented through this investigation. What G did doesn't matter as much as Trump's actions that are what Congressional investigators will ferret out through these ongoing investigations.

Let the music play on.

Your wails over the lawful investigation into Trump's impeachable actions is just a nice counter-point to the main melody, so keep it up.
I don't know what "right" you are talking about or why it matters when it's the President's impeachable actions that are being documented through this investigation. What G did doesn't matter as much as Trump's actions that are what Congressional investigators will ferret out through these ongoing investigations.

Let the music play on.

Your wails over the lawful investigation into Trump's impeachable actions is just a nice counter-point to the main melody, so keep it up.
If they actually had anything it would be a no brainer. Just like the russian colusion thing. Dems loved comey till he turned on Hillary. They loved Mueller till he exonerated trump and took that circus to investigation based on a false dossier made up from a funded smear campaign by fusion GPS.
It's all a load of horse shit that is being cooked up by the msnbc trump haters. This entire ukranian fiasco was based completely off hearsay and presumptions. That's why adam schiff the mastermind behind this entire circus told Jake tapper he wasnt sure if they was gonna push forth articles of impeachment. Dont you know for a second had they proven anything it would be unquestionable. You libs know nothing other than to call people who support border protections racist but in the same breath live behind gates communities.
If they actually had anything it would be a no brainer. Just like the russian colusion thing. Dems loved comey till he turned on Hillary. They loved Mueller till he exonerated trump and took that circus to investigation based on a false dossier made up from a funded smear campaign by fusion GPS.
It's all a load of horse shit that is being cooked up by the msnbc trump haters. This entire ukranian fiasco was based completely off hearsay and presumptions. That's why adam schiff the mastermind behind this entire circus told Jake tapper he wasnt sure if they was gonna push forth articles of impeachment. Dont you know for a second had they proven anything it would be unquestionable. You libs know nothing other than to call people who support border protections racist but in the same breath live behind gates communities.
I thought Hillery was the Mastermind?
This election will be won in 6 states. Dems have a snow ball chance in hell of beating 2020
The biggest problem is you dems in blue states dont get that. And now Bloomberg just to split the blue party right down the middle lol. Man what a shit show. I love winning
If they actually had anything it would be a no brainer. Just like the russian colusion thing. Dems loved comey till he turned on Hillary. They loved Mueller till he exonerated trump and took that circus to investigation based on a false dossier made up from a funded smear campaign by fusion GPS.
It's all a load of horse shit that is being cooked up by the msnbc trump haters. This entire ukranian fiasco was based completely off hearsay and presumptions. That's why adam schiff the mastermind behind this entire circus told Jake tapper he wasnt sure if they was gonna push forth articles of impeachment. Dont you know for a second had they proven anything it would be unquestionable. You libs know nothing other than to call people who support border protections racist but in the same breath live behind gates communities.
Didn’t mueller specifically say “does not exonerate” though?


Dumb racist
I thought Hillery was the Mastermind?
Federal judge says former White House counsel Don McGahn must speak to House: 'Presidents are not kings'

Washington (CNN)A federal judge decided Monday that President Donald Trump's former White House counsel Don McGahn must testify to the House of Representatives in its impeachment probe.

"However busy or essential a presidential aide might be, and whatever their proximity to sensitive domestic and national-security projects, the President does not have the power to excuse him or her from taking an action that the law requires," Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson wrote.
"Stated simply, the primary takeaway from the past 250 years of recorded American history is that Presidents are not kings," Jackson said.
The ruling is a blow to Trump and White House efforts to block parts of the impeachment inquiry. It could encourage resistant witnesses from the administration to testify and could bolster any case House Democrats make to impeach the President for obstructing its proceedings or obstructing justice.

The Justice Department plans to appeal the ruling in the McGahn case, a department spokeswoman said. An attorney for McGahn said the former White House counsel would testify, unless the case is paused for appeals.
"Don McGahn will comply with Judge Jackson's decision unless it is stayed pending appeal," McGahn's private attorney, William Burck, said Monday following the ruling.
In this case, McGahn is represented by the Justice Department.
The House Judiciary Committee has been trying to force McGahn to testify since April about the President's attempts to obstruct the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 US presidential election. The committee says it still has an urgent need to hear from the key witnesses from special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation.
Brown criticized the Justice Department's broad claims of immunity.
"To make the point as plain as possible ... with respect to senior-level presidential aides, absolute immunity from compelled congressional process simply does not exist," Jackson wrote.
"Indeed," she added, "absolute testimonial immunity for senior-level White House aides appears to be a fiction that has been fastidiously maintained over time through the force of sheer repetition in (Office of Legal Counsel) opinions, and through accommodations that have permitted its proponents to avoid having the proposition tested in the crucible of litigation."
Executive privilege
The ruling stops short of saying White House officials must answer all questions they're asked before Congress. Instead, the ruling focuses on whether an official like McGahn must appear for testimony once subpoenaed.
"If a duly authorized committee of Congress issues a valid legislative subpoena to a current or former senior-level presidential aide, the law requires the aide to appear as directed, and assert executive privilege as appropriate," the judge wrote in the 120-page opinion Monday.
If McGahn were to appear for testimony, he still may be able to refuse to answer questions, citing executive privilege. She referred to a case involving President George W. Bush's White House counsel Harriet Miers.
"Accordingly, just as with Harriet Miers before him, Donald McGahn 'must appear before the Committee to provide testimony, and invoke executive privilege where appropriate,'" Jackson wrote.
Jackson notes in her opinion Monday that even the President himself may not be immune from testimony.
"Even with respect to the underlying contention that the President himself is entitled to absolute testimonial immunity, Miers found binding Supreme Court cases that compelled the opposite conclusion," Jackson wrote.
This story is breaking and will be updated.
Some Rudy headlines:
House intel has Trump recordings by Giuliani associate: report
Lev Parnas, an indicted associate of President Donald Trump's attorney Rudy Giuliani, has provided the House Intelligence Committee with secret recordings of ...
Business Insider14 hours ago

Giuliani-Pompeo contacts before Yovanovitch ouster are seen in newly released State Dept. documents

Giuliani associate Parnas wants to testify that Nunes aides hid Ukraine meetings on Biden dirt from Schiff

Oligarch: Giuliani Offered to Help With Legal Problems, if I Helped Pressure Ukraine

Nunes Defiant as Giuliani Associate Connects Him With Biden Dirt

Rudy Giuliani Sought Role in Ukraine Bank Case While He Dug for Dirt

Rudy Giuliani’s son makes $95,000 working as sports liaison for the White House
Headline readers.
So informed
Here something else for you to ignore. Who interfered in the 2016 election, Russia or Ukraine?
The real question is are you an American patriot or Trump traitor? Though from your posts you appear to be a moron.
Staff, including Mick Mulvaney, scrambled to justify the hold on nearly $400 million in aid in exchange for investigations.

f the many defenses Donald Trump’s allies have tried to make stick concerning his attempt to extort Ukraine, one most oft-repeated is that the hold on nearly $400 million in military aid in exchange for investigations doesn’t matter because the aid was ultimately released. One problem there is that the aid was conveniently only released the day after Representative Adam Schiff sent a letter regarding the existence of the whistle-blower complaint, suggesting it might’ve remained in limbo if no one had raised a stink. Another problem? Internal emails show that the White House scrambled to come up with a justification for freezing the money just days after the White House Counsel’s Office was told that an anonymous CIA official had filed a complaint with the agency’s general counsel concerning the president’s July 25 phone call, suggesting people on the inside knew they were fucked.

The Washington Post reports that a confidential White House review of Trump’s decision to put a hold on aid to Ukraine “has turned up hundreds of documents that reveal extensive efforts to generate an after-the-fact justification for the decision and a debate over whether the delay was legal.” In early August, for example, email exchanges show acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney asking acting Office of Management and Budget director Russell Vought to provide an update on the legal rationale for holding up the aid and how much longer it could be delayed. (The month prior, the president had decided to freeze the money “without an assessment of the reasoning or legal justification,” because when you’re pressuring another country to do your personal bidding, you don’t typically ask, Hey, this is cool legally-speaking, right?) Emails show Vought and OMB staffers insisting the hold was legal, while officials at the State Department and National Security Council believed otherwise. According to the justification from the OMB lawyers, withholding the aid was legal so long as they referred to it as a “temporary” hold, according to people familiar with the matter.

Mulvaney’s request for information came days after the White House Counsel’s Office was put on notice that an anonymous CIA official had made a complaint to the agency’s general counsel about Trump’s July 25 call to [Volodymyr] Zelensky during which he requested Ukraine investigate former vice president Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden, as well as an unfounded theory that Ukraine interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. This official would later file a whistle-blower complaint with the intelligence community’s inspector general, which ignited the impeachment push when its existence became public.

The emails revealed by White House lawyers include some in which Mulvaney urges Vought to immediately focus on Ukraine’s aid package, making clear it was a top priority for the administration.... Mulvaney is a critical player in the Ukraine saga, as he has acknowledged that he asked the OMB to block the release of congressionally approved aid to Ukraine—at the president’s request—in early or mid-July 2019.

While the White House has stonewalled Congress’s requests for information and for witnesses to testify, Mark Sandy, a career OMB official, told lawmakers that the delayed aid was highly unusual and that he’d never before seen senior political OMB officials seize control of a portfolio in such a manner.

In a statement, OMB spokeswoman Rachel K. Semmel insisted—even now, after all we know!—that “there was a legal consensus at every step of the way that the money could be withheld to conduct the policy review,” and that the emails do not at all reveal panicked staffers trying to justify Trump’s actions after the fact. “OMB works closely with agencies on executing the budget. Routine practices and procedures were followed, not scrambling,” she said. The White House press office and Counsel’s Office did not respond to the Post’s requests for comment; Robert Driscoll, Mulvaney’s lawyer, declined to comment. For his part, Mulvaney famously told reporters that of course Trump wanted a quid pro quo deal with Ukraine, and that such things happen in this administration all the time, before attempting to walk back everything he said.
You love the poison kuul-aid soooo much.

How many times are you going to get duped until you finally remove your head from your 6?

Some fresh air will make you 'less' angry sweetie
When you dumb whacked out left radicals impeach him, send him up to CAnada. he can re build our economy after this idiot Trudeau has wrecked everything in the name of global fascism.
What I thought. It dont exist. More propaganda pushed by the left wing mafia and never trumpers to degrade the man trying to put his country first.
Watching Warren and rachel.maddow how in the hell anyone can side with them is beyond me
Here's The List Of Women Who Accused Donald Trump Of Sexual Misconduct
When you dumb whacked out left radicals impeach him, send him up to CAnada. he can re build our economy after this idiot Trudeau has wrecked everything in the name of global fascism.
But yet he hates trump and calls him a racist for enforcing our immigration laws and borders but canada has the toughest immigration laws in the world. All.the liberals said they was moving to canada but canada was like naw I dont think so